
List of Defects

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1]
/usr/bin/dracut:1280:42: warning[SC2154]: acpi_override is referenced but not assigned.
# 1278|   mkdir -p "$initdir"
# 1279|   
# 1280|-> if [[ $early_microcode == yes ]] || { [[ $acpi_override == yes ]] && [[ -d $acpi_table_dir ]]; }; then
# 1281|       readonly early_cpio_dir="${DRACUT_TMPDIR}/earlycpio"
# 1282|       mkdir "$early_cpio_dir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def2]
/usr/bin/dracut:1280:76: warning[SC2154]: acpi_table_dir is referenced but not assigned.
# 1278|   mkdir -p "$initdir"
# 1279|   
# 1280|-> if [[ $early_microcode == yes ]] || { [[ $acpi_override == yes ]] && [[ -d $acpi_table_dir ]]; }; then
# 1281|       readonly early_cpio_dir="${DRACUT_TMPDIR}/earlycpio"
# 1282|       mkdir "$early_cpio_dir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def3]
/usr/bin/dracut:1336:39: warning[SC2154]: srcmods is referenced but not assigned.
# 1334|   fi
# 1335|   
# 1336|-> if [[ $no_kernel != yes ]] && ! [[ -d $srcmods ]]; then
# 1337|       dfatal "Cannot find module directory $srcmods"
# 1338|       dfatal "and --no-kernel was not specified"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def4]
/usr/bin/dracut:1427:41: warning[SC2154]: dbus is referenced but not assigned.
# 1425|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbus" "/usr/share/dbus-1"
# 1426|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusconfdir" "/etc/dbus-1"
# 1427|-> set_global_var "dbus" "dbusinterfaces" "${dbus}/interfaces"
# 1428|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusinterfacesconfdir" "${dbusconfdir}/interfaces"
# 1429|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusservices" "${dbus}/services"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def5]
/usr/bin/dracut:1428:48: warning[SC2154]: dbusconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 1426|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusconfdir" "/etc/dbus-1"
# 1427|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusinterfaces" "${dbus}/interfaces"
# 1428|-> set_global_var "dbus" "dbusinterfacesconfdir" "${dbusconfdir}/interfaces"
# 1429|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusservices" "${dbus}/services"
# 1430|   set_global_var "dbus" "dbusservicesconfdir" "${dbusconfdir}/services"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def6]
/usr/bin/dracut:1441:39: warning[SC2154]: udevdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 1439|   set_global_var "udev" "udevdir" "/lib/udev:/lib/udev/ata_id" "/usr/lib/udev:/usr/lib/udev/ata_id"
# 1440|   set_global_var "udev" "udevconfdir" "/etc/udev"
# 1441|-> set_global_var "udev" "udevrulesdir" "${udevdir}/rules.d"
# 1442|   set_global_var "udev" "udevrulesconfdir" "${udevconfdir}/rules.d"
# 1443|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def7]
/usr/bin/dracut:1442:43: warning[SC2154]: udevconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 1440|   set_global_var "udev" "udevconfdir" "/etc/udev"
# 1441|   set_global_var "udev" "udevrulesdir" "${udevdir}/rules.d"
# 1442|-> set_global_var "udev" "udevrulesconfdir" "${udevconfdir}/rules.d"
# 1443|   
# 1444|   # systemd global variables

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def8]
/usr/bin/dracut:1456:51: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 1454|   set_global_var "systemd" "systemdcatalog" "${systemdutildir}/catalog"
# 1455|   set_global_var "systemd" "systemdnetwork" "${systemdutildir}/network"
# 1456|-> set_global_var "systemd" "systemdnetworkconfdir" "${systemdutilconfdir}/network"
# 1457|   set_global_var "systemd" "systemdntpunits" "${systemdutildir}/ntp-units.d"
# 1458|   set_global_var "systemd" "systemdntpunitsconfdir" "${systemdutilconfdir}/ntp-units.d"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def9]
/usr/bin/dracut:1536:41: warning[SC2154]: systemdprefix is referenced but not assigned.
# 1534|   
# 1535|           if ! [[ -s $uefi_stub ]]; then
# 1536|->             uefi_stub="$dracutsysrootdir${systemdprefix}/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linux${EFI_MACHINE_TYPE_NAME}.efi.stub"
# 1537|           fi
# 1538|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def10]
/usr/bin/dracut:1886:15: warning[SC2154]: hookdirs is referenced but not assigned.
# 1884|       mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d"
# 1885|       mkdir -m 0755 "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
# 1886|->     for _d in $hookdirs; do
# 1887|           # shellcheck disable=SC2174
# 1888|           mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}/lib/dracut/hooks/$_d"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def11]
/usr/bin/dracut:2030:55: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 2028|               {
# 2029|                   printf "%s\n" "systemdutildir=\"$systemdutildir\""
# 2030|->                 printf "%s\n" "systemdsystemunitdir=\"$systemdsystemunitdir\""
# 2031|                   printf "%s\n" "systemdsystemconfdir=\"$systemdsystemconfdir\""
# 2032|               } > "${initdir}"/etc/conf.d/systemd.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def12]
/usr/bin/dracut:2031:55: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
# 2029|                   printf "%s\n" "systemdutildir=\"$systemdutildir\""
# 2030|                   printf "%s\n" "systemdsystemunitdir=\"$systemdsystemunitdir\""
# 2031|->                 printf "%s\n" "systemdsystemconfdir=\"$systemdsystemconfdir\""
# 2032|               } > "${initdir}"/etc/conf.d/systemd.conf
# 2033|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def13]
/usr/bin/dracut:2454:6: warning[SC2154]: maxloglvl is referenced but not assigned.
# 2452|   fi
# 2453|   
# 2454|-> if ((maxloglvl >= 5)) && ((verbosity_mod_l >= 0)); then
# 2455|       if [[ $allowlocal ]]; then
# 2456|           "$dracutbasedir/lsinitrd.sh" "${DRACUT_TMPDIR}/initramfs.img" | ddebug

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def14]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-functions.sh:57:18: warning[SC2154]: libdirs is referenced but not assigned.
#   55|   
#   56|       if [[ $1 == *.so* ]]; then
#   57|->         for l in $libdirs; do
#   58|               _path="${l}${_delim}${1}"
#   59|               if { $DRACUT_LDD "${dracutsysrootdir}${_path}" &> /dev/null; }; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def15]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-functions.sh:368:11: warning[SC2154]: use_fstab is referenced but not assigned.
#  366|       _find_mpt="$1"
#  367|   
#  368|->     if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then
#  369|           [[ -d $_find_mpt/. ]]
#  370|           findmnt -e -v -n -o 'MAJ:MIN,SOURCE' --target "$_find_mpt" | {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def16]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-functions.sh:725:41: warning[SC2154]: kernel is referenced but not assigned.
#  723|       local _config_opt="$1"
#  724|       local _config_file
#  725|->     [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/boot/config-$kernel ]] \
#  726|           && _config_file="/boot/config-$kernel"
#  727|       [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/lib/modules/$kernel/config ]] \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def17]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:61:10: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|   fi
#   60|   
#   61|-> srcmods="$dracutsysrootdir/lib/modules/$kernel/"
#   62|   
#   63|   [[ $drivers_dir ]] && {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def18]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:108:25: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned (did you mean '_moddir'?).
#  106|   # issues a standardized warning message
#  107|   require_binaries() {
#  108|->     local _module_name="${moddir##*/}"
#  109|       local _ret=0
#  110|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def19]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:157:8: warning[SC2154]: no_kernel is referenced but not assigned.
#  155|   
#  156|       # Ignore kernel module requirement for no-kernel build
#  157|->     [[ $no_kernel == yes ]] && return 0
#  158|   
#  159|       if [[ $1 == "-m" ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def20]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:178:24: warning[SC2154]: modules_loaded is referenced but not assigned.
#  176|   
#  177|   dracut_module_included() {
#  178|->     [[ " $mods_to_load $modules_loaded " == *\ $*\ * ]]
#  179|   }
#  180|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def21]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:387:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_mode is referenced but not assigned.
#  385|   # given modules.
#  386|   optional_hostonly() {
#  387|->     if [[ $hostonly_mode == "strict" ]]; then
#  388|           printf -- "%s" "$hostonly"
#  389|       else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def22]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:438:18: warning[SC2154]: udevdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  436|       for _prog in $(sed -nr 's/.*PROGRAM==?"([^ "]+).*/\1/p' "$1"); do
#  437|           _bin=""
#  438|->         if [[ -x ${udevdir}/$_prog ]]; then
#  439|               _bin="${udevdir}"/$_prog
#  440|           elif [[ ${_prog/\$env\{/} == "$_prog" ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def23]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:878:8: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#  876|   
#  877|       [[ -z $_moddir ]] && _moddir=$(dracut_module_path "$1")
#  878|->     [ "${#host_fs_types[@]}" -le 0 ] && return 1
#  879|   
#  880|       # If we are already scheduled to be loaded, no need to check again.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def24]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh:889:13: warning[SC2154]: omit_dracutmodules is referenced but not assigned.
#  887|       [[ $2 ]] || mods_checked_as_dep+=" $_mod "
#  888|   
#  889|->     if [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then
#  890|           return 1
#  891|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def25]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-initramfs-restore:78:29: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   76|   fi
#   77|   
#   78|-> if [ -e /etc/selinux/config -a -x /usr/sbin/setfiles ]; then
#   79|       . /etc/selinux/config
#   80|       [ -n "${SELINUXTYPE}" ] && /usr/sbin/setfiles -v -r /run/initramfs /etc/selinux/"${SELINUXTYPE}"/contexts/files/file_contexts /run/initramfs > /dev/null

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-758): [#def26]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-version.sh:1:1: error[SC2148]: Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a shebang or a 'shell' directive.
#    1|-> DRACUT_VERSION=060-1.fc41

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def27]
/usr/lib/dracut/dracut-version.sh:1:1: warning[SC2034]: DRACUT_VERSION appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
#    1|-> DRACUT_VERSION=060-1.fc41

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def28]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00bash/module-setup.sh:30:11: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|   
#   29|       # Prefer bash as default shell if no other shell is preferred.
#   30|->     [[ -L $initdir/bin/sh ]] || ln -sf bash "${initdir}/bin/sh"
#   31|   
#   32|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def29]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:9:23: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|       [[ $mount_needs ]] && return 1
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed
#    9|->     require_binaries "$systemdutildir"/systemd || return 1
#   10|       # Return 255 to only include the module, if another module requires it.
#   11|       return 255

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def30]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:28:11: warning[SC2154]: prefix is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|       local _mods
#   27|   
#   28|->     if [[ $prefix == /run/* ]]; then
#   29|           dfatal 'systemd does not work with a prefix, which contains "/run"!!'
#   30|           exit 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def31]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:51:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   49|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator \
#   50|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-gpt-auto-generator \
#   51|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/debug-shell.service \
#   52|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cryptsetup.target \
#   53|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cryptsetup-pre.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def32]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:131:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  129|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/system.slice \
#  130|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/-.slice \
#  131|->         "$tmpfilesdir"/systemd.conf \
#  132|           journalctl systemctl \
#  133|           echo swapoff \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def33]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:147:19: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  145|       modules_load_get() {
#  146|           local _line i
#  147|->         for i in "$dracutsysrootdir$1"/*.conf; do
#  148|               [[ -f $i ]] || continue
#  149|               while read -r _line || [ -n "$_line" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def34]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:172:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  170|               /etc/systemd/system.conf \
#  171|               /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/*.conf \
#  172|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/modprobe@.service \
#  173|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/modprobe@.service.d/*.conf" \
#  174|               /etc/hosts \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def35]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00systemd/module-setup.sh:190:17: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  188|       fi
#  189|   
#  190|->     if ! [[ -e "$initdir/etc/machine-id" ]]; then
#  191|           : > "$initdir/etc/machine-id"
#  192|           chmod 444 "$initdir/etc/machine-id"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def36]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00warpclock/module-setup.sh:10:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#    8|       # hwclock does not exist on S390(x), bail out silently then
#    9|       local _arch=${DRACUT_ARCH:-$(uname -m)}
#   10|->     [ "$_arch" = "s390" -o "$_arch" = "s390x" ] && return 1
#   11|   
#   12|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def37]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/00warpclock/module-setup.sh:31:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|   install() {
#   30|   
#   31|->     inst_hook pre-trigger 00 "$moddir/warpclock.sh"
#   32|   
#   33|       inst_multiple -o \

/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:92:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   90|   
#   91|   fips_load_crypto() {
#   92|->     local _k
#   93|       local _v
#   94|       local _module

/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:93:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   91|   fips_load_crypto() {
#   92|       local _k
#   93|->     local _v
#   94|       local _module
#   95|       local _found

/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:94:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   92|       local _k
#   93|       local _v
#   94|->     local _module
#   95|       local _found
#   96|   

/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:95:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   93|       local _v
#   94|       local _module
#   95|->     local _found
#   96|   
#   97|       read -d '' -r FIPSMODULES < /etc/fipsmodules

/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:97:10: warning[SC3045]: In POSIX sh, read -d is undefined.
#   95|       local _found
#   96|   
#   97|->     read -d '' -r FIPSMODULES < /etc/fipsmodules
#   98|   
#   99|       fips_info "Loading and integrity checking all crypto modules"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def43]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/fips.sh:107:39: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  105|                   _found=0
#  106|                   while read -r _k _ _v || [ -n "$_k" ]; do
#  107|->                     [ "$_k" != "name" -a "$_k" != "driver" ] && continue
#  108|                       [ "$_v" != "$_module" ] && continue
#  109|                       _found=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def44]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/module-setup.sh:16:15: warning[SC2154]: srcmods is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   installkernel() {
#   15|       local _fipsmodules _mod _bootfstype
#   16|->     if [[ -f "${srcmods}/modules.fips" ]]; then
#   17|           read -d '' -r _fipsmodules < "${srcmods}/modules.fips"
#   18|       else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def45]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/module-setup.sh:43:23: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|   
#   42|       # shellcheck disable=SC2174
#   43|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}/etc/modprobe.d"
#   44|   
#   45|       for _mod in $_fipsmodules; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def46]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/module-setup.sh:53:30: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_default_device is referenced but not assigned.
#   51|   
#   52|       # with hostonly_default_device fs module for /boot is not installed by default
#   53|->     if [[ $hostonly ]] && [[ $hostonly_default_device == "no" ]]; then
#   54|           _bootfstype=$(find_mp_fstype /boot)
#   55|           if [[ -n $_bootfstype ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def47]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01fips/module-setup.sh:65:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   63|   # called by dracut
#   64|   install() {
#   65|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 00 "$moddir/fips-boot.sh"
#   66|       inst_hook pre-pivot 01 "$moddir/fips-noboot.sh"
#   67|       inst_hook pre-udev 01 "$moddir/fips-load-crypto.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def48]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ac-power/module-setup.sh:24:17: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   22|   install() {
#   23|   
#   24|->     inst_rules "$moddir/99-initrd-power-targets.rules"
#   25|       inst systemd-ac-power
#   26|       inst_simple "$moddir/initrd-on-ac-power.target" "$systemdsystemunitdir/initrd-on-ac-power.target"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def49]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ac-power/module-setup.sh:26:54: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   24|       inst_rules "$moddir/99-initrd-power-targets.rules"
#   25|       inst systemd-ac-power
#   26|->     inst_simple "$moddir/initrd-on-ac-power.target" "$systemdsystemunitdir/initrd-on-ac-power.target"
#   27|       inst_simple "$moddir/initrd-on-battery-power.target" "$systemdsystemunitdir/initrd-on-battery-power.target"
#   28|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def50]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ask-password/module-setup.sh:31:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|   
#   30|       inst_multiple -o \
#   31|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-ask-password-console.path \
#   32|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-ask-password-console.service \
#   33|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-ask-password-wall.path \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def51]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ask-password/module-setup.sh:39:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|   
#   38|       # Enable the systemd type service unit for systemd-ask-password.
#   39|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-ask-password-console.service
#   40|   
#   41|       # Install systemd-ask-password plymouth units if plymouth is enabled.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def52]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           coredumpctl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-coredump \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def53]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:34:10: warning[SC2154]: sysctld is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|       inst_dir /var/lib/systemd/coredump
#   33|       inst_multiple -o \
#   34|->         "$sysctld"/50-coredump.conf \
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/coredump.conf \
#   36|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-coredump \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def54]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:37:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/coredump.conf \
#   36|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-coredump \
#   37|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-coredump.socket \
#   38|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-coredump@.service \
#   39|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sockets.target.wants/systemd-coredump.socket \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def55]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:40:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-coredump@.service \
#   39|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sockets.target.wants/systemd-coredump.socket \
#   40|->         "$sysusers"/systemd-coredump.conf \
#   41|           coredumpctl
#   42|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def56]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:46:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   44|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   45|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   46|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/coredump.conf \
#   47|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/coredump.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   48|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-coredump.socket \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def57]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:47:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   45|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   46|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/coredump.conf \
#   47|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir/coredump.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   48|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-coredump.socket \
#   49|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-coredump.socket.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def58]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-coredump/module-setup.sh:53:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   51|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-coredump@.service.d/*.conf" \
#   52|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/sockets.target.wants/systemd-coredump.socket \
#   53|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-coredump.conf
#   54|       fi
#   55|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def59]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-creds/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|           "/usr/lib/credstore/*" \
#   35|           "/usr/lib/credstore.encrypted/*" \
#   36|->         "$tmpfilesdir/credstore.conf" \
#   37|           systemd-creds
#   38|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def60]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           hostnamectl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-hostnamed \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def61]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:32:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|   install() {
#   31|   
#   32|->     inst_simple "$moddir/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf" "$sysusers/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf"
#   33|       inst_simple "$moddir/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf" "$dbussystem/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf"
#   34|       inst_simple "$moddir/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-hostnamed.service.d/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def62]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:32:57: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|   install() {
#   31|   
#   32|->     inst_simple "$moddir/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf" "$sysusers/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf"
#   33|       inst_simple "$moddir/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf" "$dbussystem/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf"
#   34|       inst_simple "$moddir/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-hostnamed.service.d/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def63]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:33:66: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|   
#   32|       inst_simple "$moddir/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf" "$sysusers/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf"
#   33|->     inst_simple "$moddir/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf" "$dbussystem/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf"
#   34|       inst_simple "$moddir/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-hostnamed.service.d/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf"
#   35|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def64]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:34:60: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|       inst_simple "$moddir/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf" "$sysusers/systemd-hostname-dracut.conf"
#   33|       inst_simple "$moddir/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf" "$dbussystem/org.freedesktop.hostname1_dracut.conf"
#   34|->     inst_simple "$moddir/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-hostnamed.service.d/99-systemd-networkd-dracut.conf"
#   35|   
#   36|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def65]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:38:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       inst_multiple -o \
#   37|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.hostname1.conf \
#   38|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.hostname1.service \
#   39|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-hostnamed \
#   40|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-hostnamed.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def66]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-hostnamed/module-setup.sh:49:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   47|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   48|               /etc/hostname \
#   49|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-hostnamed.service \
#   50|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-hostnamed.service.d/*.conf"
#   51|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def67]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-initrd/module-setup.sh:22:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|   install() {
#   21|       inst_multiple -o \
#   22|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd.target \
#   23|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd-fs.target \
#   24|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd-root-device.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def68]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-initrd/module-setup.sh:33:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd-parse-etc.service
#   32|   
#   33|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" set-default initrd.target
#   34|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def69]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-integritysetup/module-setup.sh:10:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-integritysetup \
#   11|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-integritysetup-generator \
#   12|           || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def70]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-integritysetup/module-setup.sh:39:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-integritysetup \
#   38|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-integritysetup-generator \
#   39|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/integritysetup-pre.target \
#   40|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/integritysetup.target \
#   41|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/integritysetup.target

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def71]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-integritysetup/module-setup.sh:47:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   45|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   46|               /etc/integritytab \
#   47|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/integritysetup.target \
#   48|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/integritysetup.target.wants/*.target" \
#   49|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/integritysetup-pre.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def72]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           journalctl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-journald \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def73]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:30:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|   install() {
#   29|   
#   30|->     inst_simple "$moddir/initrd.conf" "$systemdutildir/journald.conf.d/initrd.conf"
#   31|   
#   32|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def74]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|           "$systemdutildir/journald.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-journald \
#   36|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-journald.service \
#   37|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-journald.socket \
#   38|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-journald@.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def75]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:48:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   46|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sockets.target.wants/systemd-journald.socket \
#   47|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-journald.service \
#   48|->         "$sysusers"/systemd-journal.conf \
#   49|           journalctl
#   50|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def76]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:61:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   60|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   61|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/journald.conf \
#   62|               "$systemdutilconfdir/journald.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   63|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-journald.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def77]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:63:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   61|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/journald.conf \
#   62|               "$systemdutilconfdir/journald.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   63|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-journald.service \
#   64|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-journald.service.d/*.conf" \
#   65|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-journal-catalog-update.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def78]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-journald/module-setup.sh:67:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   65|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-journal-catalog-update.service \
#   66|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-journal-catalog-update.service.d/*.conf" \
#   67|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-journal.conf
#   68|       fi
#   69|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def79]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ldconfig/module-setup.sh:33:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|           /etc/ld.so.conf \
#   32|           "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   33|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/ldconfig.service \
#   34|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/ldconfig.service.d/*.conf" \
#   35|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/ldconfig.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def80]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-ldconfig/module-setup.sh:45:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   44|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   45|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/ldconfig.service \
#   46|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/ldconfig.service.d/*.conf"
#   47|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def81]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:9:23: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed
#    9|->     require_binaries "$systemdutildir"/systemd-modules-load || return 1
#   10|   
#   11|       # Return 255 to only include the module, if another module requires it.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def82]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:28:10: warning[SC2154]: modulesload is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|   
#   27|       inst_multiple -o \
#   28|->         "$modulesload/*.conf" \
#   29|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-modules-load \
#   30|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-modules-load.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def83]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:30:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|           "$modulesload/*.conf" \
#   29|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-modules-load \
#   30|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-modules-load.service \
#   31|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-modules-load.service
#   32|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def84]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:34:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|   
#   33|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)
#   34|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-modules-load.service
#   35|   
#   36|       # Install the hosts local user configurations if enabled.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def85]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:39:14: warning[SC2154]: modulesloadconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   38|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   39|->             "$modulesloadconfdir/*.conf" \
#   40|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-modules-load.service \
#   41|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-modules-load.service.d/*.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def86]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-modules-load/module-setup.sh:40:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   39|               "$modulesloadconfdir/*.conf" \
#   40|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-modules-load.service \
#   41|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-modules-load.service.d/*.conf"
#   42|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def87]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed
#   10|       require_binaries ip networkctl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-networkd \
#   12|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-network-generator \
#   13|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-networkd-wait-online \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def88]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:35:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|->         "$tmpfilesdir"/systemd-network.conf \
#   36|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.network1.conf \
#   37|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.network1.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def89]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|           "$tmpfilesdir"/systemd-network.conf \
#   36|->         "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.network1.conf \
#   37|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.network1.service \
#   38|           "$systemdutildir"/networkd.conf \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def90]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:37:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           "$tmpfilesdir"/systemd-network.conf \
#   36|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.network1.conf \
#   37|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.network1.service \
#   38|           "$systemdutildir"/networkd.conf \
#   39|           "$systemdutildir/networkd.conf.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def91]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:43:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdnetwork is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-network-generator \
#   42|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-networkd-wait-online \
#   43|->         "$systemdnetwork"/80-6rd-tunnel.network \
#   44|           "$systemdnetwork"/80-container-host0.network \
#   45|           "$systemdnetwork"/80-container-vb.network \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def92]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:52:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   50|           "$systemdnetwork"/98-default-mac-none.link \
#   51|           "$systemdnetwork"/99-default.link \
#   52|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-networkd.service \
#   53|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-networkd.socket \
#   54|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-network-generator.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def93]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:58:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   56|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-networkd-wait-online@.service \
#   57|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-network-generator.service \
#   58|->         "$sysusers"/systemd-network.conf \
#   59|           networkctl ip
#   60|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def94]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:67:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   65|           systemd-network-generator.service \
#   66|           systemd-networkd-wait-online.service; do
#   67|->         $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable "$i"
#   68|       done
#   69|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def95]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:73:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   71|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   72|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   73|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/networkd.conf \
#   74|               "$systemdutilconfdir/networkd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   75|               "$systemdnetworkconfdir/*" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def96]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:75:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdnetworkconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   73|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/networkd.conf \
#   74|               "$systemdutilconfdir/networkd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   75|->             "$systemdnetworkconfdir/*" \
#   76|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-networkd.service \
#   77|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-networkd.service.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def97]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:76:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   74|               "$systemdutilconfdir/networkd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   75|               "$systemdnetworkconfdir/*" \
#   76|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-networkd.service \
#   77|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-networkd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   78|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-networkd.socket \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def98]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-networkd/module-setup.sh:86:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   84|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-networkd-wait-online@.service \
#   85|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-networkd-wait-online@.service.d/*.conf" \
#   86|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-network.conf
#   87|       fi
#   88|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def99]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pcrphase/module-setup.sh:9:23: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed.
#    9|->     require_binaries "$systemdutildir"/systemd-pcrextend || return 1
#   10|   
#   11|       # Return 255 to only include the module, if another module requires it.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def100]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pcrphase/module-setup.sh:31:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \
#   30|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-pcrextend \
#   31|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service \
#   32|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   33|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd.target.wants/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def101]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pcrphase/module-setup.sh:38:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   37|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   38|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service \
#   39|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   40|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/initrd.target.wants/systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def102]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           portablectl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-portabled \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def103]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:48:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   46|           "/var/lib/portables/*.raw" \
#   47|           "/usr/lib/portables/*.raw" \
#   48|->         "$tmpfilesdir/portables.conf" \
#   49|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.portable1.conf \
#   50|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.portable1.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def104]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:49:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   47|           "/usr/lib/portables/*.raw" \
#   48|           "$tmpfilesdir/portables.conf" \
#   49|->         "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.portable1.conf \
#   50|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.portable1.service \
#   51|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-portabled \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def105]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:50:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   48|           "$tmpfilesdir/portables.conf" \
#   49|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.portable1.conf \
#   50|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.portable1.service \
#   51|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-portabled \
#   52|           "$systemdutildir/portable/profile/default/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def106]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:56:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   54|           "$systemdutildir/portable/profile/strict/*.conf" \
#   55|           "$systemdutildir/portable/profile/trusted/*.conf" \
#   56|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-portabled.service \
#   57|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-portabled.service.d/*.conf" \
#   58|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus-org.freedesktop.portable1.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def107]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:62:12: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   60|   
#   61|       # The existence of this file is required
#   62|->     touch "$initdir"/etc/resolv.conf
#   63|   
#   64|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def108]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:72:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   70|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   71|               "/etc/portables/*.raw" \
#   72|->             "$systemdutilconfdir/system.attached/*" \
#   73|               "$systemdutilconfdir/system.attached/*/*" \
#   74|               "$systemdutilconfdir/portable/profile/default/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def109]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-portabled/module-setup.sh:78:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   76|               "$systemdutilconfdir/portable/profile/strict/*.conf" \
#   77|               "$systemdutilconfdir/portable/profile/trusted/*.conf" \
#   78|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-portabled.service \
#   79|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-portabled.service.d/*.conf"
#   80|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def110]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:9:23: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed.
#    9|->     require_binaries "$systemdutildir"/systemd-pstore || return 1
#   10|   
#   11|       # Return 255 to only include the module, if another module requires it.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def111]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_dir /var/lib/systemd/pstore
#   35|       inst_multiple -o \
#   36|->         "$tmpfilesdir/systemd-pstore.conf" \
#   37|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-pstore \
#   38|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-pstore.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def112]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:38:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|           "$tmpfilesdir/systemd-pstore.conf" \
#   37|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-pstore \
#   38|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-pstore.service \
#   39|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-pstore.service.d/*.conf"
#   40|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def113]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:42:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|   
#   41|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)
#   42|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-pstore.service
#   43|   
#   44|       # Install the hosts local user configurations if enabled.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def114]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:47:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   45|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   46|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   47|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/pstore.conf \
#   48|               "$systemdutilconfdir/pstore.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   49|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-pstore.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def115]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-pstore/module-setup.sh:49:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   47|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/pstore.conf \
#   48|               "$systemdutilconfdir/pstore.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   49|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-pstore.service \
#   50|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-pstore.service.d/*.conf"
#   51|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def116]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-repart/module-setup.sh:28:10: warning[SC2154]: libdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|   
#   27|       inst_multiple -o \
#   28|->         "$libdir/repart.d/*.conf" \
#   29|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-repart.service \
#   30|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd-root-fs.target.wants/systemd-repart.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def117]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-repart/module-setup.sh:29:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   27|       inst_multiple -o \
#   28|           "$libdir/repart.d/*.conf" \
#   29|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-repart.service \
#   30|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/initrd-root-fs.target.wants/systemd-repart.service \
#   31|           systemd-repart

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def118]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-repart/module-setup.sh:37:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   36|               "/etc/repart.d/*.conf" \
#   37|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-repart.service \
#   38|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-repart.service.d/*.conf"
#   39|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def119]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           resolvectl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-resolved \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def120]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:32:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|   install() {
#   31|   
#   32|->     inst_simple "$moddir/resolved-tmpfile-dracut.conf" "$tmpfilesdir/resolved-tmpfile-dracut.conf"
#   33|   
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def121]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:32:57: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|   install() {
#   31|   
#   32|->     inst_simple "$moddir/resolved-tmpfile-dracut.conf" "$tmpfilesdir/resolved-tmpfile-dracut.conf"
#   33|   
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def122]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:35:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|->         "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.resolve1.conf \
#   36|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.resolve1.service \
#   37|           "$systemdutildir"/resolv.conf \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def123]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.resolve1.conf \
#   36|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.resolve1.service \
#   37|           "$systemdutildir"/resolv.conf \
#   38|           "$systemdutildir"/resolved.conf \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def124]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:41:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|           "$systemdutildir/resolved.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   40|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-resolved \
#   41|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-resolved.service \
#   42|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-resolved.service.d/*.conf" \
#   43|           "$sysusers"/systemd-resolve.conf \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def125]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:43:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-resolved.service \
#   42|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-resolved.service.d/*.conf" \
#   43|->         "$sysusers"/systemd-resolve.conf \
#   44|           resolvectl
#   45|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def126]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:47:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   45|   
#   46|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)
#   47|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-resolved.service
#   48|   
#   49|       # Install the hosts local user configurations if enabled.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def127]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:52:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   50|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   51|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   52|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/resolved.conf \
#   53|               "$systemdutilconfdir/resolved.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   54|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-resolved.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def128]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:54:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   52|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/resolved.conf \
#   53|               "$systemdutilconfdir/resolved.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   54|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-resolved.service \
#   55|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-resolved.service.d/*.conf" \
#   56|               "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-resolve.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def129]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-resolved/module-setup.sh:56:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   54|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-resolved.service \
#   55|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-resolved.service.d/*.conf" \
#   56|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-resolve.conf
#   57|       fi
#   58|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def130]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:9:23: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed
#    9|->     require_binaries "$systemdutildir"/systemd-sysctl || return 1
#   10|   
#   11|       # Return 255 to only include the module, if another module requires it.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def131]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:30:10: warning[SC2154]: sysctld is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|   
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \
#   30|->         "$sysctld/*.conf" \
#   31|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-sysctl.service \
#   32|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-sysctl.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def132]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:31:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \
#   30|           "$sysctld/*.conf" \
#   31|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-sysctl.service \
#   32|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-sysctl.service \
#   33|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-sysctl

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def133]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:39:14: warning[SC2154]: sysctlconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   38|               /etc/sysctl.conf \
#   39|->             "$sysctlconfdir/*.conf" \
#   40|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-sysctl.service \
#   41|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-sysctl.service.d/*.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def134]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:40:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|               /etc/sysctl.conf \
#   39|               "$sysctlconfdir/*.conf" \
#   40|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-sysctl.service \
#   41|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-sysctl.service.d/*.conf"
#   42|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def135]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysctl/module-setup.sh:45:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|   
#   44|       # Enable the systemd type service unit for sysctl.
#   45|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-sysctl.service
#   46|   
#   47|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def136]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysext/module-setup.sh:32:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|           "/usr/lib/extensions/*" \
#   31|           "/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.*" \
#   32|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-sysext.service \
#   33|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-sysext.service.d/*.conf" \
#   34|           systemd-sysext

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def137]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysext/module-setup.sh:37:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|   
#   36|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)
#   37|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable systemd-sysext.service
#   38|   
#   39|       # Install the hosts local user configurations if enabled.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def138]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysext/module-setup.sh:43:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   42|               "/etc/extensions/*" \
#   43|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-sysext.service \
#   44|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-sysext.service.d/*.conf"
#   45|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def139]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysusers/module-setup.sh:27:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|   install() {
#   26|   
#   27|->     inst_simple "$moddir/sysusers-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-sysusers.service.d/sysusers-dracut.conf"
#   28|   
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def140]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysusers/module-setup.sh:27:49: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|   install() {
#   26|   
#   27|->     inst_simple "$moddir/sysusers-dracut.conf" "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-sysusers.service.d/sysusers-dracut.conf"
#   28|   
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def141]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysusers/module-setup.sh:30:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|   
#   29|       inst_multiple -o \
#   30|->         "$sysusers"/basic.conf \
#   31|           "$sysusers"/systemd.conf \
#   32|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-sysusers.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def142]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysusers/module-setup.sh:39:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   38|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   39|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/basic.conf \
#   40|               "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd.conf \
#   41|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-sysusers.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def143]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-sysusers/module-setup.sh:41:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|               "$sysusersconfdir"/basic.conf \
#   40|               "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd.conf \
#   41|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-sysusers.service \
#   42|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-sysusers.service.d/*.conf"
#   43|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def144]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timedated/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           timedatectl \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timedated \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def145]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timedated/module-setup.sh:33:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|   
#   32|       inst_multiple -o \
#   33|->         "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.timedate1.conf \
#   34|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timedate1.service \
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timedated \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def146]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timedated/module-setup.sh:34:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|       inst_multiple -o \
#   33|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.timedate1.conf \
#   34|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timedate1.service \
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timedated \
#   36|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-timedated.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def147]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timedated/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timedate1.service \
#   35|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timedated \
#   36|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-timedated.service \
#   37|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service \
#   38|           timedatectl

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def148]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timedated/module-setup.sh:43:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   42|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   43|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-timedated.service \
#   44|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-timedated.service.d/*.conf"
#   45|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def149]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:10:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timesyncd \
#   11|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-time-wait-sync \
#   12|           || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def150]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|   
#   35|       inst_multiple -o \
#   36|->         "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.conf \
#   37|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.service \
#   38|           "$systemdntpunits/*.list" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def151]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:37:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|       inst_multiple -o \
#   36|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.conf \
#   37|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.service \
#   38|           "$systemdntpunits/*.list" \
#   39|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timesyncd \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def152]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:38:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdntpunits is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|           "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.conf \
#   37|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.timesync1.service \
#   38|->         "$systemdntpunits/*.list" \
#   39|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-timesyncd \
#   40|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-time-wait-sync \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def153]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:42:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-time-wait-sync \
#   41|           "$systemdutildir/timesyncd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   42|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-timesyncd.service \
#   43|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-timesyncd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   44|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-time-wait-sync.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def154]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:46:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   44|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-time-wait-sync.service \
#   45|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-time-wait-sync.service.d/*.conf" \
#   46|->         "$sysusers"/systemd-timesync.conf
#   47|   
#   48|       # Enable systemd type unit(s)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def155]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:52:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   50|           systemd-timesyncd.service \
#   51|           systemd-time-wait-sync.service; do
#   52|->         $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable "$i"
#   53|       done
#   54|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def156]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:58:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdntpunitsconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   56|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   57|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   58|->             "$systemdntpunitsconfdir/*.list" \
#   59|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/timesyncd.conf \
#   60|               "$systemdutilconfdir/timesyncd.conf.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def157]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:59:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   57|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   58|               "$systemdntpunitsconfdir/*.list" \
#   59|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/timesyncd.conf \
#   60|               "$systemdutilconfdir/timesyncd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   61|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-timesyncd.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def158]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:61:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/timesyncd.conf \
#   60|               "$systemdutilconfdir/timesyncd.conf.d/*.conf" \
#   61|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-timesyncd.service \
#   62|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-timesyncd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   63|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-time-wait-sync.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def159]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-timesyncd/module-setup.sh:65:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   63|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-time-wait-sync.service \
#   64|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-time-wait-sync.service.d/*.conf" \
#   65|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/systemd-timesync.conf
#   66|       fi
#   67|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def160]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-tmpfiles/module-setup.sh:37:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           /usr/lib/group \
#   36|           /usr/lib/passwd \
#   37|->         "$tmpfilesdir/etc.conf" \
#   38|           "$tmpfilesdir/static-nodes-permissions.conf" \
#   39|           "$tmpfilesdir/systemd-tmp.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def161]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-tmpfiles/module-setup.sh:42:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|           "$tmpfilesdir/systemd.conf" \
#   41|           "$tmpfilesdir/var.conf" \
#   42|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service \
#   43|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service.d/*.conf" \
#   44|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def162]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-tmpfiles/module-setup.sh:60:14: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   58|               /etc/group \
#   59|               /etc/passwd \
#   60|->             "$tmpfilesconfdir/*.conf" \
#   61|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service \
#   62|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def163]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-tmpfiles/module-setup.sh:61:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|               /etc/passwd \
#   60|               "$tmpfilesconfdir/*.conf" \
#   61|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service \
#   62|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service.d/*.conf" \
#   63|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def164]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:11:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|           udevadm \
#   11|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-udevd \
#   12|           || return 1
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def165]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:33:10: warning[SC2154]: udevdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|   
#   32|       inst_multiple -o \
#   33|->         "$udevdir"/hwdb.bin \
#   34|           "$udevdir"/udev.conf \
#   35|           "$udevdir"/ata_id \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def166]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:43:10: warning[SC2154]: udevrulesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|           "$udevdir"/scsi_id \
#   42|           "$udevdir"/v4l_id \
#   43|->         "$udevrulesdir"/50-udev-default.rules \
#   44|           "$udevrulesdir"/60-autosuspend.rules \
#   45|           "$udevrulesdir"/60-block.rules \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def167]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:71:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   69|           "$udevrulesdir"/99-systemd.rules \
#   70|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-udevd \
#   71|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-udevd.service \
#   72|           "$systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-udevd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   73|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-udev-trigger.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def168]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:88:14: warning[SC2154]: udevconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   86|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   87|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   88|->             "$udevconfdir"/hwdb.bin \
#   89|               "$udevconfdir"/udev.conf \
#   90|               "$udevrulesconfdir/*.rules" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def169]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:90:14: warning[SC2154]: udevrulesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   88|               "$udevconfdir"/hwdb.bin \
#   89|               "$udevconfdir"/udev.conf \
#   90|->             "$udevrulesconfdir/*.rules" \
#   91|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/hwdb/hwdb.bin \
#   92|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-udevd.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def170]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:91:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdutilconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   89|               "$udevconfdir"/udev.conf \
#   90|               "$udevrulesconfdir/*.rules" \
#   91|->             "$systemdutilconfdir"/hwdb/hwdb.bin \
#   92|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-udevd.service \
#   93|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-udevd.service.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def171]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-udevd/module-setup.sh:92:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   90|               "$udevrulesconfdir/*.rules" \
#   91|               "$systemdutilconfdir"/hwdb/hwdb.bin \
#   92|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-udevd.service \
#   93|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/systemd-udevd.service.d/*.conf" \
#   94|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/systemd-udev-trigger.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def172]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-veritysetup/module-setup.sh:10:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|       # If the binary(s) requirements are not fulfilled the module can't be installed.
#    9|       require_binaries \
#   10|->         "$systemdutildir"/systemd-veritysetup \
#   11|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-veritysetup-generator \
#   12|           || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def173]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-veritysetup/module-setup.sh:35:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|           "$systemdutildir"/systemd-veritysetup \
#   34|           "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-veritysetup-generator \
#   35|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/remote-veritysetup.target \
#   36|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/veritysetup-pre.target \
#   37|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/veritysetup.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def174]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/01systemd-veritysetup/module-setup.sh:45:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   44|               /etc/veritytab \
#   45|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/veritysetup.target \
#   46|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/veritysetup.target.wants/*.target" \
#   47|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/veritysetup-pre.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def175]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/02caps/caps.sh:15:41: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   13|       for i in $CAPS_MODULES; do modprobe "$i" 2>&1 > /dev/null | vinfo; done
#   14|   
#   15|->     if [ "$CAPS_MODULES_DISABLED" = "1" -a -e /proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled ]; then
#   16|           info "Disabling module loading."
#   17|           echo "$CAPS_MODULES_DISABLED" > /proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def176]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/02caps/caps.sh:20:39: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   18|       fi
#   19|   
#   20|->     if [ "$CAPS_KEXEC_DISABLED" = "1" -a -e /proc/sys/kernel/kexec_disabled ]; then
#   21|           info "Disabling kexec."
#   22|           echo "$CAPS_KEXEC_DISABLED" > /proc/sys/kernel/kexec_disabled

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def177]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/02caps/module-setup.sh:18:33: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   16|   install() {
#   17|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   18|->         inst_hook pre-pivot 00 "$moddir/caps.sh"
#   19|           inst "$(find_binary capsh 2> /dev/null)" /usr/sbin/capsh
#   20|           # capsh wants bash and we need bash also

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def178]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/03modsign/module-setup.sh:15:19: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|       # if no keys are present
#   14|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   15|->         x=$(echo "$dracutsysrootdir"/lib/modules/keys/*)
#   16|           [[ ${x} == "$dracutsysrootdir/lib/modules/keys/*" ]] && return 255
#   17|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def179]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/03modsign/module-setup.sh:32:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|       inst_binary keyctl
#   31|   
#   32|->     inst_hook pre-trigger 01 "$moddir/load-modsign-keys.sh"
#   33|   
#   34|       for x in "$dracutsysrootdir"/lib/modules/keys/*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def180]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/04watchdog-modules/module-setup.sh:38:17: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|               IFS=,
#   37|               echo "${!_drivers[*]}"
#   38|->         )\"" > "${initdir}"/etc/cmdline.d/00-watchdog.conf
#   39|       fi
#   40|       return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def181]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/04watchdog/module-setup.sh:19:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   17|       # In that case, systemd will manage watchdog kick
#   18|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   19|->         inst_hook cmdline 00 "$moddir/watchdog.sh"
#   20|           inst_hook cmdline 50 "$moddir/watchdog.sh"
#   21|           inst_hook pre-trigger 00 "$moddir/watchdog.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def182]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:31:15: warning[SC2154]: dbus is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|   
#   30|       # Create dbus related directories.
#   31|->     inst_dir "$dbus"
#   32|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   33|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def183]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:32:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusinterfaces is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|       # Create dbus related directories.
#   31|       inst_dir "$dbus"
#   32|->     inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   33|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   34|       inst_dir "$dbussession"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def184]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:33:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|       inst_dir "$dbus"
#   32|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   33|->     inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   34|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def185]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:34:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussession is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   33|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   34|->     inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def186]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:35:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   34|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   35|->     inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def187]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:36:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   36|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def188]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:37:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   37|->     inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def189]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:38:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusinterfacesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   38|->     inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def190]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:39:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusservicesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   39|->     inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def191]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:40:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussessionconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   40|->     inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def192]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:41:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   41|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"
#   43|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def193]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:42:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservicesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   42|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"
#   43|   
#   44|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def194]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:50:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   48|           "$dbusservicesconfdir"/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service \
#   49|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service \
#   50|->         "$sysusers"/dbus.conf \
#   51|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker.catalog \
#   52|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker-launch.catalog \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def195]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:51:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdcatalog is referenced but not assigned.
#   49|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service \
#   50|           "$sysusers"/dbus.conf \
#   51|->         "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker.catalog \
#   52|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker-launch.catalog \
#   53|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus-broker.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def196]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:53:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   51|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker.catalog \
#   52|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker-launch.catalog \
#   53|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus-broker.service \
#   54|           "$systemduser"/dbus-broker.service \
#   55|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus.socket \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def197]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:54:10: warning[SC2154]: systemduser is referenced but not assigned.
#   52|           "$systemdcatalog"/dbus-broker-launch.catalog \
#   53|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus-broker.service \
#   54|->         "$systemduser"/dbus-broker.service \
#   55|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus.socket \
#   56|           "$systemduser"/dbus.socket \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def198]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:69:10: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   67|           Before=shutdown.target
#   68|           /^\[Socket\]/aRemoveOnStop=yes' \
#   69|->         "$initdir$systemdsystemunitdir/dbus.socket"
#   70|   
#   71|       $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable dbus-broker.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def199]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:78:14: warning[SC2154]: sysusersconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   76|               "$dbusconfdir"/session.conf \
#   77|               "$dbusconfdir"/system.conf \
#   78|->             "$sysusersconfdir"/dbus.conf \
#   79|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket \
#   80|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket.d/*.conf \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def200]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-broker/module-setup.sh:79:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   77|               "$dbusconfdir"/system.conf \
#   78|               "$sysusersconfdir"/dbus.conf \
#   79|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket \
#   80|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket.d/*.conf \
#   81|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus-broker.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def201]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:35:15: warning[SC2154]: dbus is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   
#   34|       # Create dbus related directories.
#   35|->     inst_dir "$dbus"
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def202]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:36:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusinterfaces is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       # Create dbus related directories.
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbus"
#   36|->     inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbussession"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def203]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:37:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|       inst_dir "$dbus"
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   37|->     inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def204]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:38:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussession is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfaces"
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   38|->     inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def205]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:39:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       inst_dir "$dbusservices"
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   39|->     inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def206]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:40:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|       inst_dir "$dbussession"
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   40|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def207]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:41:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|       inst_dir "$dbussystem"
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   41|->     inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   43|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def208]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:42:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusinterfacesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservices"
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   42|->     inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   43|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   44|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def209]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:43:15: warning[SC2154]: dbusservicesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   41|       inst_dir "$dbusconfdir"
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   43|->     inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   44|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   45|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def210]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:44:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussessionconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   42|       inst_dir "$dbusinterfacesconfdir"
#   43|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   44|->     inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   45|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   46|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def211]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:45:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|       inst_dir "$dbusservicesconfdir"
#   44|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   45|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   46|       inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"
#   47|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def212]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:46:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservicesconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   44|       inst_dir "$dbussessionconfdir"
#   45|       inst_dir "$dbussystemconfdir"
#   46|->     inst_dir "$dbussystemservicesconfdir"
#   47|   
#   48|       inst_multiple -o \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def213]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:53:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   51|           "$dbusservicesconfdir"/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service \
#   52|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service \
#   53|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus.service \
#   54|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus.socket \
#   55|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/dbus.target.wants \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def214]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:64:10: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   62|           Conflicts=shutdown.target\
#   63|           Before=shutdown.target' \
#   64|->         "$initdir$systemdsystemunitdir/dbus.service"
#   65|   
#   66|       # Adjusting dependencies for initramfs in the dbus socket unit.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def215]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:76:33: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   74|   
#   75|       # Adding the user and group for dbus
#   76|->     grep '^\(d\|message\)bus:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/passwd >> "$initdir/etc/passwd"
#   77|       grep '^\(d\|message\)bus:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/group >> "$initdir/etc/group"
#   78|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def216]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06dbus-daemon/module-setup.sh:83:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   81|           inst_multiple -H -o \
#   82|               "$dbusconfdir"/system.conf \
#   83|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket \
#   84|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.socket.d/*.conf \
#   85|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/dbus.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def217]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06rngd/module-setup.sh:35:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   install() {
#   34|       inst rngd
#   35|->     inst_simple "${moddir}/rngd.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}/rngd.service"
#   36|       # make sure dependent libs are installed too
#   37|       inst_libdir_file opensc-pkcs11.so

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def218]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06rngd/module-setup.sh:35:43: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   install() {
#   34|       inst rngd
#   35|->     inst_simple "${moddir}/rngd.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}/rngd.service"
#   36|       # make sure dependent libs are installed too
#   37|       inst_libdir_file opensc-pkcs11.so

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def219]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/06rngd/module-setup.sh:39:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       inst_libdir_file opensc-pkcs11.so
#   38|   
#   39|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants sysinit.target rngd.service
#   40|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def220]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/console_init.sh:5:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   [ -n "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ] && exit 0
#    4|   
#    5|-> if [ -x "$systemdutildir"/systemd-vconsole-setup ]; then
#    6|       "$systemdutildir"/systemd-vconsole-setup "$@"
#    7|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def221]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/console_init.sh:15:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   13|   
#   14|   set_keyboard() {
#   15|->     local param
#   16|   
#   17|       [ "${UNICODE}" = 1 ] && param=-u || param=-a

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def222]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/console_init.sh:22:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   20|   
#   21|   set_terminal() {
#   22|->     local dev="$1"
#   23|   
#   24|       if [ "${UNICODE}" = 1 ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def223]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/console_init.sh:34:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   32|   
#   33|   set_keymap() {
#   34|->     local utf_switch
#   35|   
#   36|       if [ -z "${KEYMAP}" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def224]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/console_init.sh:61:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   59|   
#   60|   dev_open() {
#   61|->     local dev="$1"
#   62|   
#   63|       exec 6< "${dev}" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def225]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/module-setup.sh:25:16: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   23|           unset KEYMAP
#   24|           # shellcheck disable=SC1090
#   25|->         [[ -f "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/vconsole.conf ]] && . "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/vconsole.conf
#   26|       fi
#   27|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def226]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/module-setup.sh:126:19: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  124|   
#  125|           if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  126|->             inst "${moddir}"/console_init.sh /lib/udev/console_init
#  127|               inst_rules "${moddir}"/10-console.rules
#  128|               inst_hook cmdline 20 "${moddir}/parse-i18n.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def227]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/module-setup.sh:134:25: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  132|               inst_dir /usr/share
#  133|               for _src in "${KBDSUBDIRS[@]}"; do
#  134|->                 [ ! -e "${initdir}/usr/share/${_src}" ] && ln -s "${kbddir}/${_src}" "${initdir}/usr/share/${_src}"
#  135|               done
#  136|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def228]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/module-setup.sh:291:38: warning[SC2154]: i18n_install_all is referenced but not assigned.
#  289|           fi
#  290|   
#  291|->         if [[ ${hostonly} ]] && ! [[ ${i18n_install_all} == "yes" ]]; then
#  292|               install_local_i18n || install_all_kbd
#  293|           else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def229]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/parse-i18n.sh:4:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    2|   
#    3|   inst_key_val() {
#    4|->     local _value
#    5|       local _file
#    6|       local _default

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def230]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/parse-i18n.sh:5:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    3|   inst_key_val() {
#    4|       local _value
#    5|->     local _file
#    6|       local _default
#    7|       _file="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def231]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/10i18n/parse-i18n.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|       local _value
#    5|       local _file
#    6|->     local _default
#    7|       _file="$1"
#    8|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def232]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/30convertfs/convertfs.sh:24:27: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   22|   done
#   23|   
#   24|-> if [ ! -L "$ROOT"/var/run -a -e "$ROOT"/var/run ]; then
#   25|       echo "Converting /var/run to symlink"
#   26|       mv -f "$ROOT"/var/run "$ROOT"/var/run.runmove~

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def233]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/30convertfs/convertfs.sh:30:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   28|   fi
#   29|   
#   30|-> if [ ! -L "$ROOT"/var/lock -a -e "$ROOT"/var/lock ]; then
#   31|       echo "Converting /var/lock to symlink"
#   32|       mv -f "$ROOT"/var/lock "$ROOT"/var/lock.lockmove~

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def234]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/30convertfs/convertfs.sh:99:6: warning[SC2154]: ret is referenced but not assigned.
#   97|   }
#   98|   
#   99|-> trap 'ret=$?; [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && cleanup;exit $ret;' EXIT
#  100|   trap 'exit 1;' SIGINT
#  101|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def235]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/30convertfs/module-setup.sh:17:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   install() {
#   16|       inst_multiple bash find ldconfig mv rm cp ln
#   17|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 99 "$moddir/do-convertfs.sh"
#   18|       inst_script "$moddir/convertfs.sh" /usr/bin/convertfs
#   19|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def236]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/cm-lib.sh:7:19: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    5|   cm_generate_connections() {
#    6|       if getargbool 0 rd.neednet; then
#    7|->         mkdir -p "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished
#    8|           echo '[ -f /tmp/cm.done ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/cm.sh
#    9|           mkdir -p /run/connman/initrd

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def237]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/module-setup.sh:28:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|       inst_multiple ip sed grep
#   27|   
#   28|->     inst_script "$moddir/netroot.sh" "/sbin/netroot"
#   29|       inst connmand
#   30|       inst connmanctl

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def238]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/module-setup.sh:32:11: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   30|       inst connmanctl
#   31|       inst connmand-wait-online
#   32|->     inst "$dbussystem"/connman.conf
#   33|       [[ $hostonly ]] && [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/connman/main.conf ]] && inst /etc/connman/main.conf
#   34|       inst_dir /usr/lib/connman/plugins

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def239]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/module-setup.sh:33:30: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|       inst connmand-wait-online
#   32|       inst "$dbussystem"/connman.conf
#   33|->     [[ $hostonly ]] && [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/connman/main.conf ]] && inst /etc/connman/main.conf
#   34|       inst_dir /usr/lib/connman/plugins
#   35|       inst_dir /var/lib/connman

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def240]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/module-setup.sh:39:46: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       inst_hook cmdline 99 "$moddir/cm-config.sh"
#   38|   
#   39|->     inst_simple "$moddir"/cm-initrd.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cm-initrd.service
#   40|       inst_simple "$moddir"/cm-wait-online-initrd.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cm-wait-online-initrd.service
#   41|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def241]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/module-setup.sh:42:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   40|       inst_simple "$moddir"/cm-wait-online-initrd.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cm-wait-online-initrd.service
#   41|   
#   42|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable cm-initrd.service
#   43|   
#   44|       inst_hook initqueue/settled 99 "$moddir/cm-run.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def242]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35connman/netroot.sh:54:19: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   52|           fi
#   53|   
#   54|->         rm -f -- "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/dhcp.sh
#   55|   
#   56|           # Set netroot to new_root_path, so cmdline parsers don't call

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def243]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:36:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_multiple -o /usr/{lib,libexec}/nm-daemon-helper
#   35|       inst_multiple -o teamd dhclient
#   36|->     inst_hook cmdline 99 "$moddir/nm-config.sh"
#   37|       if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   38|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def244]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:39:15: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|       if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   38|   
#   39|->         inst "$dbussystem"/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf
#   40|           inst_multiple nmcli nm-online
#   41|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def245]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:45:14: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|           inst_multiple -o \
#   44|               "$dbussystem"/teamd.conf \
#   45|->             "$dbussystemconfdir"/teamd.conf
#   46|   
#   47|           # Install a configuration snippet to prevent the automatic creation of

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def246]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:51:50: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   49|           inst_simple "$moddir"/initrd-no-auto-default.conf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/
#   50|   
#   51|->         inst_simple "$moddir"/nm-initrd.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/nm-initrd.service
#   52|           inst_simple "$moddir"/nm-wait-online-initrd.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/nm-wait-online-initrd.service
#   53|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def247]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:56:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdnetwork is referenced but not assigned.
#   54|           # Adding default link and (if exists) 98-default-mac-none.link
#   55|           inst_multiple -o \
#   56|->             "${systemdnetwork}/99-default.link" \
#   57|               "${systemdnetwork}/98-default-mac-none.link"
#   58|           [[ $hostonly ]] && inst_multiple -H -o "${systemdnetworkconfdir}/*.link"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def248]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:58:49: warning[SC2154]: systemdnetworkconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   56|               "${systemdnetwork}/99-default.link" \
#   57|               "${systemdnetwork}/98-default-mac-none.link"
#   58|->         [[ $hostonly ]] && inst_multiple -H -o "${systemdnetworkconfdir}/*.link"
#   59|   
#   60|           $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable nm-initrd.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def249]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/module-setup.sh:60:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   58|           [[ $hostonly ]] && inst_multiple -H -o "${systemdnetworkconfdir}/*.link"
#   59|   
#   60|->         $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable nm-initrd.service
#   61|       fi
#   62|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def250]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/nm-lib.sh:23:23: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|               /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*; do
#   22|               [ -f "$i" ] || continue
#   23|->             mkdir -p "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished
#   24|               echo '[ -f /tmp/nm.done ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/nm.sh
#   25|               mkdir -p /run/NetworkManager/initrd

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def251]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/dhcp-root.sh:29:52: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   27|       [ -z "$root" ] && root="dhcp"
#   28|       # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   29|->     echo '[ -d $NEWROOT/proc -o -e /dev/root ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/dhcp.sh
#   30|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def252]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/ifname-genrules.sh:14:30: warning[SC2154]: ifname_mac is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|           parse_ifname_opts "$p"
#   13|   
#   14|->         if [ -f /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_mac" ]; then
#   15|               read -r oldif < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_mac"
#   16|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def253]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/ifname-genrules.sh:17:30: warning[SC2154]: ifname_if is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|               read -r oldif < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_mac"
#   16|           fi
#   17|->         if [ -f /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_if" ]; then
#   18|               read -r oldmac < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_if"
#   19|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def254]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/ifname-genrules.sh:20:26: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   18|               read -r oldmac < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_if"
#   19|           fi
#   20|->         if [ -n "$oldif" -a -n "$oldmac" -a "$oldif" = "$ifname_if" -a "$oldmac" = "$ifname_mac" ]; then
#   21|               # skip same ifname= declaration
#   22|               continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def255]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/ifname-genrules.sh:20:42: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   18|               read -r oldmac < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_if"
#   19|           fi
#   20|->         if [ -n "$oldif" -a -n "$oldmac" -a "$oldif" = "$ifname_if" -a "$oldmac" = "$ifname_mac" ]; then
#   21|               # skip same ifname= declaration
#   22|               continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def256]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/ifname-genrules.sh:20:69: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   18|               read -r oldmac < /tmp/ifname-"$ifname_if"
#   19|           fi
#   20|->         if [ -n "$oldif" -a -n "$oldmac" -a "$oldif" = "$ifname_if" -a "$oldmac" = "$ifname_mac" ]; then
#   21|               # skip same ifname= declaration
#   22|               continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def257]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/module-setup.sh:41:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|   # called by dracut
#   40|   install() {
#   41|->     inst_script "$moddir/netroot.sh" "/sbin/netroot"
#   42|       inst_simple "$moddir/net-lib.sh" "/lib/net-lib.sh"
#   43|       inst_hook pre-udev 50 "$moddir/ifname-genrules.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def258]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:19:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   17|   
#   18|   get_ip() {
#   19|->     local iface="$1" ip=""
#   20|       ip=$(ip -f inet addr show "$iface")
#   21|       ip=${ip%%/*}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def259]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:39:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   37|   
#   38|   iface_for_mac() {
#   39|->     local interface=""
#   40|       local mac
#   41|       mac="$(echo "$@" | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def260]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:40:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   38|   iface_for_mac() {
#   39|       local interface=""
#   40|->     local mac
#   41|       mac="$(echo "$@" | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"
#   42|       for interface in /sys/class/net/*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def261]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:60:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   58|   # list the configured interfaces
#   59|   configured_ifaces() {
#   60|->     local IFACES="" iface_id="" rv=1
#   61|       [ -e "/tmp/net.ifaces" ] && read -r IFACES < /tmp/net.ifaces
#   62|       if { pidof udevd || pidof systemd-udevd; } > /dev/null; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def262]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:76:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   74|   
#   75|   all_ifaces_up() {
#   76|->     local iface="" IFACES=""
#   77|       [ -e "/tmp/net.ifaces" ] && read -r IFACES < /tmp/net.ifaces
#   78|       for iface in $IFACES; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def263]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:84:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   82|   
#   83|   all_ifaces_setup() {
#   84|->     local iface="" IFACES=""
#   85|       [ -e "/tmp/net.ifaces" ] && read -r IFACES < /tmp/net.ifaces
#   86|       for iface in $IFACES; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def264]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:92:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   90|   
#   91|   get_netroot_ip() {
#   92|->     local prefix="" server="" rest=""
#   93|       splitsep ":" "$1" prefix server rest
#   94|       case $server in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def265]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:112:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  110|   
#  111|   ifdown() {
#  112|->     local netif="$1"
#  113|       # ip down/flush ensures that routing info goes away as well
#  114|       ip link set "$netif" down

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def266]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:125:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  123|   
#  124|   setup_net() {
#  125|->     local netif="$1" f="" gw_ip="" netroot_ip="" iface="" IFACES=""
#  126|       local _p
#  127|       [ -e /tmp/net."$netif".did-setup ] && return

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def267]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:126:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  124|   setup_net() {
#  125|       local netif="$1" f="" gw_ip="" netroot_ip="" iface="" IFACES=""
#  126|->     local _p
#  127|       [ -e /tmp/net."$netif".did-setup ] && return
#  128|       [ -z "$DO_VLAN" ] \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def268]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:178:34: warning[SC2154]: netroot is referenced but not assigned.
#  176|   
#  177|       # Get the "netroot" IP (if there's an IP address in there)
#  178|->     netroot_ip=$(get_netroot_ip "$netroot")
#  179|   
#  180|       # try netroot if it's local (or there's no gateway)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def269]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:208:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  206|   
#  207|   save_netinfo() {
#  208|->     local netif="$1" IFACES="" f="" i=""
#  209|       [ -e /tmp/net.ifaces ] && read -r IFACES < /tmp/net.ifaces
#  210|       # Add $netif to the front of IFACES (if it's not there already).

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def270]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:224:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  222|   
#  223|   set_ifname() {
#  224|->     local name="$1" mac="$2" num=-1 n=""
#  225|       # if it's already set, return the existing name
#  226|       for n in $(getargs ifname=); do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def271]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:246:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  244|   # pxelinux provides macaddr '-' separated, but we need ':'
#  245|   fix_bootif() {
#  246|->     local macaddr="${1}"
#  247|       local IFS='-'
#  248|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def272]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:247:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  245|   fix_bootif() {
#  246|       local macaddr="${1}"
#  247|->     local IFS='-'
#  248|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#  249|       macaddr=$(printf '%s:' ${macaddr})

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def273]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:258:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  256|   
#  257|   ibft_to_cmdline() {
#  258|->     local iface=""
#  259|       modprobe -q iscsi_ibft
#  260|       (

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def274]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:262:13: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  260|       (
#  261|           for iface in /sys/firmware/ibft/ethernet*; do
#  262|->             local mac="" dev=""
#  263|               local dhcp="" ip="" gw="" mask="" hostname=""
#  264|               local dns1 dns2

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def275]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:263:13: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  261|           for iface in /sys/firmware/ibft/ethernet*; do
#  262|               local mac="" dev=""
#  263|->             local dhcp="" ip="" gw="" mask="" hostname=""
#  264|               local dns1 dns2
#  265|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def276]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:264:13: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  262|               local mac="" dev=""
#  263|               local dhcp="" ip="" gw="" mask="" hostname=""
#  264|->             local dns1 dns2
#  265|   
#  266|               [ -e "${iface}"/mac ] || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def277]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:322:49: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  320|                       fi
#  321|                   fi
#  322|->                 if [ -n "$ip" ] && [ -n "$mask" -o -n "$prefix" ]; then
#  323|                       echo "ip=$ip::$gw:$mask:$hostname:$dev:none${dns1:+:$dns1}${dns2:+:$dns2}"
#  324|                   else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def278]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:362:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  360|   
#  361|   parse_iscsi_root() {
#  362|->     local v
#  363|       v=${1#iscsi:}
#  364|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def279]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:469:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  467|   
#  468|   ip_to_var() {
#  469|->     local v="${1}":
#  470|       local i
#  471|       set --

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def280]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:470:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  468|   ip_to_var() {
#  469|       local v="${1}":
#  470|->     local i
#  471|       set --
#  472|       while [ -n "$v" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def281]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:520:24: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  518|       fi
#  519|   
#  520|->     if [ "$2" = "dhcp" -o "$2" = "on" -o "$2" = "any" -o "$2" = "dhcp6" -o "$2" = "auto6" -o "$2" = "either6" ]; then
#  521|           # format: ip=<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
#  522|           [ -n "$1" ] && dev="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def282]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:520:39: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  518|       fi
#  519|   
#  520|->     if [ "$2" = "dhcp" -o "$2" = "on" -o "$2" = "any" -o "$2" = "dhcp6" -o "$2" = "auto6" -o "$2" = "either6" ]; then
#  521|           # format: ip=<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
#  522|           [ -n "$1" ] && dev="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def283]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:520:55: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  518|       fi
#  519|   
#  520|->     if [ "$2" = "dhcp" -o "$2" = "on" -o "$2" = "any" -o "$2" = "dhcp6" -o "$2" = "auto6" -o "$2" = "either6" ]; then
#  521|           # format: ip=<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
#  522|           [ -n "$1" ] && dev="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def284]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:520:73: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  518|       fi
#  519|   
#  520|->     if [ "$2" = "dhcp" -o "$2" = "on" -o "$2" = "any" -o "$2" = "dhcp6" -o "$2" = "auto6" -o "$2" = "either6" ]; then
#  521|           # format: ip=<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
#  522|           [ -n "$1" ] && dev="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def285]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:520:91: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  518|       fi
#  519|   
#  520|->     if [ "$2" = "dhcp" -o "$2" = "on" -o "$2" = "any" -o "$2" = "dhcp6" -o "$2" = "auto6" -o "$2" = "either6" ]; then
#  521|           # format: ip=<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
#  522|           [ -n "$1" ] && dev="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def286]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:549:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  547|           [0-9]*)
#  548|               mtu="$8"
#  549|->             if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|               elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def287]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:551:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  549|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  552|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  553|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def288]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:551:44: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  549|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  552|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  553|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def289]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:551:58: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  549|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  552|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  553|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def290]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:551:72: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  549|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  552|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  553|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def291]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:551:86: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  549|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  550|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  551|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  552|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  553|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def292]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:556:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  554|               ;;
#  555|           *)
#  556|->             if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|               elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def293]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:558:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  556|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  559|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  560|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def294]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:558:44: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  556|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  559|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  560|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def295]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:558:58: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  556|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  559|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  560|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def296]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:558:72: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  556|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  559|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  560|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def297]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:558:86: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  556|               if [ -n "${9}" -a -z "${10}" ]; then
#  557|                   macaddr="${9}"
#  558|->             elif [ -n "${9}" -a -n "${10}" -a -n "${11}" -a -n "${12}" -a -n "${13}" -a -n "${14}" ]; then
#  559|                   macaddr="${9}:${10}:${11}:${12}:${13}:${14}"
#  560|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def298]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:567:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  565|   
#  566|   route_to_var() {
#  567|->     local v="${1}":
#  568|       local i
#  569|       set --

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def299]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:568:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  566|   route_to_var() {
#  567|       local v="${1}":
#  568|->     local i
#  569|       set --
#  570|       while [ -n "$v" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def300]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:601:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  599|   
#  600|   parse_ifname_opts() {
#  601|->     local IFS=:
#  602|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#  603|       set -- $1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def301]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:634:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  632|   # some network driver need long time to initialize, wait before it's ready.
#  633|   wait_for_if_link() {
#  634|->     local cnt=0
#  635|       local li
#  636|       local timeout

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def302]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:635:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  633|   wait_for_if_link() {
#  634|       local cnt=0
#  635|->     local li
#  636|       local timeout
#  637|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.iflink=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def303]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:636:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  634|       local cnt=0
#  635|       local li
#  636|->     local timeout
#  637|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.iflink=)
#  638|       timeout=${timeout:-60}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def304]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:651:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  649|   
#  650|   wait_for_if_up() {
#  651|->     local cnt=0
#  652|       local li
#  653|       local timeout

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def305]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:652:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  650|   wait_for_if_up() {
#  651|       local cnt=0
#  652|->     local li
#  653|       local timeout
#  654|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ifup=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def306]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:653:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  651|       local cnt=0
#  652|       local li
#  653|->     local timeout
#  654|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ifup=)
#  655|       timeout=${timeout:-20}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def307]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:685:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  683|   
#  684|   wait_for_route_ok() {
#  685|->     local cnt=0
#  686|       local timeout
#  687|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.route=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def308]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:686:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  684|   wait_for_route_ok() {
#  685|       local cnt=0
#  686|->     local timeout
#  687|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.route=)
#  688|       timeout=${timeout:-20}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def309]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:701:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  699|   
#  700|   wait_for_ipv6_dad_link() {
#  701|->     local cnt=0
#  702|       local timeout
#  703|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6dad=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def310]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:702:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  700|   wait_for_ipv6_dad_link() {
#  701|       local cnt=0
#  702|->     local timeout
#  703|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6dad=)
#  704|       timeout=${timeout:-50}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def311]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:720:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  718|   
#  719|   wait_for_ipv6_dad() {
#  720|->     local cnt=0
#  721|       local timeout
#  722|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6dad=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def312]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:721:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  719|   wait_for_ipv6_dad() {
#  720|       local cnt=0
#  721|->     local timeout
#  722|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6dad=)
#  723|       timeout=${timeout:-50}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def313]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:739:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  737|   
#  738|   wait_for_ipv6_auto() {
#  739|->     local cnt=0
#  740|       local timeout
#  741|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6auto=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def314]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:740:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  738|   wait_for_ipv6_auto() {
#  739|       local cnt=0
#  740|->     local timeout
#  741|       timeout=$(getargs rd.net.timeout.ipv6auto=)
#  742|       timeout=${timeout:-40}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def315]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:765:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  763|   
#  764|   iface_has_carrier() {
#  765|->     local cnt=0
#  766|       local iface="$1" flags=""
#  767|       local timeout

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def316]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:766:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  764|   iface_has_carrier() {
#  765|       local cnt=0
#  766|->     local iface="$1" flags=""
#  767|       local timeout
#  768|       local iface_sys_path

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def317]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:767:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  765|       local cnt=0
#  766|       local iface="$1" flags=""
#  767|->     local timeout
#  768|       local iface_sys_path
#  769|       [ -n "$iface" ] || return 2

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def318]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:768:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  766|       local iface="$1" flags=""
#  767|       local timeout
#  768|->     local iface_sys_path
#  769|       [ -n "$iface" ] || return 2
#  770|       iface_sys_path="/sys/class/net/$iface"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def319]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:803:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  801|   
#  802|   iface_is_enslaved() {
#  803|->     local _li
#  804|       _li=$(ip link show dev "$@")
#  805|       strstr "$_li" " master " || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def320]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:810:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  808|   
#  809|   find_iface_with_link() {
#  810|->     local iface_path="" iface=""
#  811|       for iface_path in /sys/class/net/*; do
#  812|           iface=${iface_path##*/}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def321]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:823:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  821|   
#  822|   is_persistent_ethernet_name() {
#  823|->     local _netif="$1"
#  824|       local _name_assign_type="0"
#  825|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def322]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:824:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  822|   is_persistent_ethernet_name() {
#  823|       local _netif="$1"
#  824|->     local _name_assign_type="0"
#  825|   
#  826|       [ -f "/sys/class/net/$_netif/name_assign_type" ] \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def323]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:858:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  856|   
#  857|   is_kernel_ethernet_name() {
#  858|->     local _netif="$1"
#  859|       local _name_assign_type="1"
#  860|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def324]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:859:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  857|   is_kernel_ethernet_name() {
#  858|       local _netif="$1"
#  859|->     local _name_assign_type="1"
#  860|   
#  861|       if [ -e "/sys/class/net/$_netif/name_assign_type" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def325]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:891:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  889|   
#  890|   iface_get_subchannels() {
#  891|->     local _netif
#  892|       local _subchannels
#  893|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def326]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh:892:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  890|   iface_get_subchannels() {
#  891|       local _netif
#  892|->     local _subchannels
#  893|   
#  894|       _netif="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def327]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/netroot.sh:54:19: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   52|           fi
#   53|   
#   54|->         rm -f -- "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/dhcp.sh
#   55|   
#   56|           # Set netroot to new_root_path, so cmdline parsers don't call

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def328]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/module-setup.sh:5:11: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   # called by dracut
#    4|   check() {
#    5|->     [[ -d $dracutsysrootdir/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ]] && return 0
#    6|       return 255
#    7|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def329]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/module-setup.sh:18:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   16|   install() {
#   17|       inst_binary awk
#   18|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 85 "$moddir/write-ifcfg.sh"
#   19|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def330]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:14:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   12|   
#   13|   get_config_line_by_subchannel() {
#   14|->     local CHANNELS
#   15|       local line
#   16|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def331]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:15:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   13|   get_config_line_by_subchannel() {
#   14|       local CHANNELS
#   15|->     local line
#   16|   
#   17|       CHANNELS="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def332]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:28:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   26|   
#   27|   print_s390() {
#   28|->     local _netif
#   29|       local SUBCHANNELS
#   30|       local OPTIONS

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def333]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:29:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   27|   print_s390() {
#   28|       local _netif
#   29|->     local SUBCHANNELS
#   30|       local OPTIONS
#   31|       local NETTYPE

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def334]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:30:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   28|       local _netif
#   29|       local SUBCHANNELS
#   30|->     local OPTIONS
#   31|       local NETTYPE
#   32|       local CONFIG_LINE

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def335]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:31:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   29|       local SUBCHANNELS
#   30|       local OPTIONS
#   31|->     local NETTYPE
#   32|       local CONFIG_LINE
#   33|       local i

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def336]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:32:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   30|       local OPTIONS
#   31|       local NETTYPE
#   32|->     local CONFIG_LINE
#   33|       local i
#   34|       local channel

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def337]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:33:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   31|       local NETTYPE
#   32|       local CONFIG_LINE
#   33|->     local i
#   34|       local channel
#   35|       local OLD_IFS

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def338]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:34:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   32|       local CONFIG_LINE
#   33|       local i
#   34|->     local channel
#   35|       local OLD_IFS
#   36|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def339]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:35:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   33|       local i
#   34|       local channel
#   35|->     local OLD_IFS
#   36|   
#   37|       _netif="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def340]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:54:16: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   52|       CONFIG_LINE=$(get_config_line_by_subchannel "$SUBCHANNELS")
#   53|       # shellcheck disable=SC2181
#   54|->     [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$CONFIG_LINE" ] && return 0
#   55|   
#   56|       OLD_IFS=$IFS

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def341]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:79:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   77|   
#   78|   hw_bind() {
#   79|->     local _netif="$1"
#   80|       local _macaddr="$2"
#   81|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def342]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:80:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   78|   hw_bind() {
#   79|       local _netif="$1"
#   80|->     local _macaddr="$2"
#   81|   
#   82|       [ -n "$_macaddr" ] \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def343]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:103:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  101|   
#  102|   interface_bind() {
#  103|->     local _netif="$1"
#  104|       local _macaddr="$2"
#  105|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def344]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:104:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  102|   interface_bind() {
#  103|       local _netif="$1"
#  104|->     local _macaddr="$2"
#  105|   
#  106|       if [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/$_netif" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def345]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:155:22: warning[SC2154]: bridgename is referenced but not assigned.
#  153|   
#  154|       read -r uuid < /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid
#  155|->     if [ "$netif" = "$bridgename" ]; then
#  156|           bridge=yes
#  157|       elif [ "$netif" = "$teammaster" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def346]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:157:24: warning[SC2154]: teammaster is referenced but not assigned.
#  155|       if [ "$netif" = "$bridgename" ]; then
#  156|           bridge=yes
#  157|->     elif [ "$netif" = "$teammaster" ]; then
#  158|           team=yes
#  159|       elif [ "$netif" = "$bondname" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def347]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:159:24: warning[SC2154]: bondname is referenced but not assigned.
#  157|       elif [ "$netif" = "$teammaster" ]; then
#  158|           team=yes
#  159|->     elif [ "$netif" = "$bondname" ]; then
#  160|           # $netif can't be bridge and bond at the same time
#  161|           bond=yes

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def348]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:178:52: warning[SC2154]: macaddr is referenced but not assigned (did you mean '_macaddr'?).
#  176|           echo "# Generated by dracut initrd"
#  177|           echo "NAME=\"$netif\""
#  178|->         [ -z "$vlan" ] && interface_bind "$netif" "$macaddr"
#  179|           echo "ONBOOT=yes"
#  180|           echo "NETBOOT=yes"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def349]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:196:27: warning[SC2154]: ip is referenced but not assigned.
#  194|               # shellcheck disable=SC1090
#  195|               [ -e /tmp/net."$netif".override ] && . /tmp/net."$netif".override
#  196|->             if strglobin "$ip" '*:*:*'; then
#  197|                   echo "IPV6INIT=yes"
#  198|                   echo "IPV6_AUTOCONF=no"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def350]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:199:38: warning[SC2154]: mask is referenced but not assigned.
#  197|                   echo "IPV6INIT=yes"
#  198|                   echo "IPV6_AUTOCONF=no"
#  199|->                 echo "IPV6ADDR=\"$ip/$mask\""
#  200|               else
#  201|                   if [ -f /tmp/net."$netif".has_ibft_config ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def351]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:233:29: warning[SC2154]: phydevice is referenced but not assigned.
#  231|               echo "DEVICE=\"$netif\""
#  232|               echo "VLAN=yes"
#  233|->             echo "PHYSDEV=\"$phydevice\""
#  234|           } >> /tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-"$netif"
#  235|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def352]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:241:34: warning[SC2154]: bondoptions is referenced but not assigned.
#  239|           {
#  240|               # This variable is an indicator of a bond interface for initscripts
#  241|->             echo "BONDING_OPTS=\"$bondoptions\""
#  242|               echo "NAME=\"$netif\""
#  243|               echo "TYPE=Bond"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def353]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:246:22: warning[SC2154]: bondslaves is referenced but not assigned.
#  244|           } >> /tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-"$netif"
#  245|   
#  246|->         for slave in $bondslaves; do
#  247|               # write separate ifcfg file for the raw eth interface
#  248|               (

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def354]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:271:22: warning[SC2154]: bridgeslaves is referenced but not assigned.
#  269|               echo "NAME=\"$netif\""
#  270|           } >> /tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-"$netif"
#  271|->         for slave in $bridgeslaves; do
#  272|               # write separate ifcfg file for the raw eth interface
#  273|               (

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def355]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:289:37: warning[SC2154]: dns1 is referenced but not assigned.
#  287|       fi
#  288|       i=1
#  289|->     for ns in $(getargs nameserver) $dns1 $dns2; do
#  290|           echo "DNS${i}=\"${ns}\"" >> /tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-"$netif"
#  291|           i=$((i + 1))

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def356]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:289:43: warning[SC2154]: dns2 is referenced but not assigned.
#  287|       fi
#  288|       i=1
#  289|->     for ns in $(getargs nameserver) $dns1 $dns2; do
#  290|           echo "DNS${i}=\"${ns}\"" >> /tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-"$netif"
#  291|           i=$((i + 1))

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def357]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:299:7: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  297|   
#  298|   # Pass network opts
#  299|-> mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/state/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
#  300|   mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/state/var/lib/dhclient
#  301|   echo "files /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" >> /run/initramfs/rwtab

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def358]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh:300:7: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  298|   # Pass network opts
#  299|   mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/state/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
#  300|-> mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/state/var/lib/dhclient
#  301|   echo "files /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" >> /run/initramfs/rwtab
#  302|   echo "files /var/lib/dhclient" >> /run/initramfs/rwtab

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def359]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/module-setup.sh:19:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   17|   install() {
#   18|       local _dir _crt _crts _found _lib _nssckbi _p11roots _p11root
#   19|->     inst_simple "$moddir/url-lib.sh" "/lib/url-lib.sh"
#   20|       inst_multiple -o ctorrent
#   21|       inst_multiple curl sed

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def360]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/module-setup.sh:30:17: warning[SC2154]: libdirs is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|       fi
#   29|   
#   30|->     for _dir in $libdirs; do
#   31|           [[ -d $dracutsysrootdir$_dir ]] || continue
#   32|           for _lib in "$dracutsysrootdir$_dir"/libcurl.so.* "$dracutsysrootdir$_dir"/libcrypto.so.*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def361]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/module-setup.sh:31:15: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|   
#   30|       for _dir in $libdirs; do
#   31|->         [[ -d $dracutsysrootdir$_dir ]] || continue
#   32|           for _lib in "$dracutsysrootdir$_dir"/libcurl.so.* "$dracutsysrootdir$_dir"/libcrypto.so.*; do
#   33|               [[ -e $_lib ]] || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def362]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/module-setup.sh:79:38: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   77|                           # so now we know it's really a p11-kit trust dir;
#   78|                           # install everything in it
#   79|->                         mkdir -p -- "${initdir}/${_p11root}"
#   80|                           if ! $DRACUT_CP -L -t "${initdir}/${_p11root}" "${dracutsysrootdir}${_p11root}"/*; then
#   81|                               dwarn "Couldn't install from p11-kit trust dir '${_p11root#"$dracutsysrootdir"}'; HTTPS might not work."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def363]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:22:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   20|   #   other: fetch command failure (whatever curl/mount/etc return)
#   21|   fetch_url() {
#   22|->     local url="$1" outloc="$2"
#   23|       local handler
#   24|       handler="$(get_url_handler "$url")"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def364]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:23:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   21|   fetch_url() {
#   22|       local url="$1" outloc="$2"
#   23|->     local handler
#   24|       handler="$(get_url_handler "$url")"
#   25|       [ -n "$handler" ] || return 254

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def365]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:33:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   31|   #   returns the first HANDLERNAME corresponding to the URL's scheme
#   32|   get_url_handler() {
#   33|->     local scheme="${1%%:*}" item=""
#   34|       for item in $url_handler_map; do
#   35|           [ "$scheme" = "${item%%:*}" ] && echo "${item#*:}" && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def366]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:43:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   41|   #   associate the named handler with the named scheme(s).
#   42|   add_url_handler() {
#   43|->     local handler="$1"
#   44|       shift
#   45|       local schemes="$*" scheme=""

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def367]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:45:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   43|       local handler="$1"
#   44|       shift
#   45|->     local schemes="$*" scheme=""
#   46|       set --
#   47|       for scheme in $schemes; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def368]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:66:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   64|   
#   65|   curl_fetch_url() {
#   66|->     local url="$1" outloc="$2"
#   67|       echo "$url" > /proc/self/fd/0
#   68|       if [ -n "$outloc" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def369]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:72:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   70|           curl $curl_args --output "$outloc" -- "$url" || return $?
#   71|       else
#   72|->         local outdir
#   73|           outdir="$(mkuniqdir /tmp curl_fetch_url)"
#   74|           (

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def370]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:98:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   96|   
#   97|   ctorrent_fetch_url() {
#   98|->     local url="$1" outloc="$2"
#   99|       url=${url#*//}
#  100|       torrent_outloc="$outloc.torrent"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def371]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:106:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  104|           curl $curl_args --output "$torrent_outloc" -- "$url" || return $?
#  105|       else
#  106|->         local outdir
#  107|           outdir="$(mkuniqdir /tmp torrent_fetch_url)"
#  108|           (

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def372]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:137:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  135|   
#  136|   nfs_already_mounted() {
#  137|->     local server="$1" path="$2" s="" p=""
#  138|       while read -r src mnt rest || [ -n "$src" ]; do
#  139|           splitsep ":" "$src" s p

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def373]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:152:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  150|   
#  151|   nfs_fetch_url() {
#  152|->     local url="$1" outloc="$2" nfs="" server="" path="" options=""
#  153|       nfs_to_var "$url" || return 255
#  154|       local filepath="${path%/*}" filename="${path##*/}" mntdir=""

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def374]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:154:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  152|       local url="$1" outloc="$2" nfs="" server="" path="" options=""
#  153|       nfs_to_var "$url" || return 255
#  154|->     local filepath="${path%/*}" filename="${path##*/}" mntdir=""
#  155|   
#  156|       # skip mount if server:/filepath is already mounted

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def375]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/45url-lib/url-lib.sh:159:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  157|       mntdir=$(nfs_already_mounted "$server" "$filepath")
#  158|       if [ -z "$mntdir" ]; then
#  159|->         local mntdir
#  160|           mntdir="$(mkuniqdir /run nfs_mnt)"
#  161|           mount_nfs "$nfs:$server:$filepath${options:+:$options}" "$mntdir"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def376]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/module-setup.sh:11:18: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|       fi
#   10|       for _dir in $_dirs; do
#   11|->         if [ -x "$dracutsysrootdir""$_dir"/plymouth-populate-initrd ]; then
#   12|               echo "$_dir"
#   13|               return

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def377]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/module-setup.sh:37:12: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           || [ ! -x "$dracutsysrootdir""${PKGLIBDIR}"/plymouth-populate-initrd ]; then
#   36|           # shellcheck disable=SC1090
#   37|->         . "$moddir"/plymouth-populate-initrd.sh
#   38|       else
#   39|           PLYMOUTH_POPULATE_SOURCE_FUNCTIONS="$dracutfunctions" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def378]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/module-setup.sh:39:45: warning[SC2154]: dracutfunctions is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|           . "$moddir"/plymouth-populate-initrd.sh
#   38|       else
#   39|->         PLYMOUTH_POPULATE_SOURCE_FUNCTIONS="$dracutfunctions" \
#   40|               "$dracutsysrootdir""${PKGLIBDIR}"/plymouth-populate-initrd -t "$initdir"
#   41|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def379]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/module-setup.sh:40:76: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|       else
#   39|           PLYMOUTH_POPULATE_SOURCE_FUNCTIONS="$dracutfunctions" \
#   40|->             "$dracutsysrootdir""${PKGLIBDIR}"/plymouth-populate-initrd -t "$initdir"
#   41|       fi
#   42|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def380]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd.sh:11:19: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|   
#   10|   # shellcheck disable=SC2174
#   11|-> mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}/usr/share/plymouth"
#   12|   
#   13|   inst_libdir_file "plymouth/text.so" "plymouth/details.so"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def381]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd.sh:20:14: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   18|           "/usr/share/plymouth/themes/text/text.plymouth"
#   19|   
#   20|->     if [[ -d $dracutsysrootdir/usr/share/plymouth/themes/${PLYMOUTH_THEME} ]]; then
#   21|           for x in "/usr/share/plymouth/themes/${PLYMOUTH_THEME}"/*; do
#   22|               [[ -f "$dracutsysrootdir$x" ]] || break

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def382]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/plymouth-pretrigger.sh:21:37: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   19|           read -r consoledev rest < /sys/class/tty/console/active
#   20|           consoledev=${consoledev:-tty0}
#   21|->         [ -x /lib/udev/console_init -a -e "/dev/$consoledev" ] && /lib/udev/console_init "/dev/$consoledev"
#   22|           plymouthd --attach-to-session --pid-file /run/plymouth/pid
#   23|           plymouth --show-splash 2>&1 | vinfo

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def383]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/plymouth-pretrigger.sh:25:37: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   23|           plymouth --show-splash 2>&1 | vinfo
#   24|           # reset tty after plymouth messed with it
#   25|->         [ -x /lib/udev/console_init -a -e "/dev/$consoledev" ] && /lib/udev/console_init "/dev/$consoledev"
#   26|       fi
#   27|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def384]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:61:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystem is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|   
#   60|       inst_multiple -o \
#   61|->         "$dbussystem"/bluetooth.conf \
#   62|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.bluez.service \
#   63|           "${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.target" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def385]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:62:10: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemservices is referenced but not assigned.
#   60|       inst_multiple -o \
#   61|           "$dbussystem"/bluetooth.conf \
#   62|->         "$dbussystemservices"/org.bluez.service \
#   63|           "${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.target" \
#   64|           "${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.service" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def386]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:63:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   61|           "$dbussystem"/bluetooth.conf \
#   62|           "$dbussystemservices"/org.bluez.service \
#   63|->         "${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.target" \
#   64|           "${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.service" \
#   65|           bluetoothctl

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def387]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:76:14: warning[SC2154]: dbussystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   74|           inst_multiple -o \
#   75|               /etc/bluetooth/main.conf \
#   76|->             "$dbussystemconfdir"/bluetooth.conf \
#   77|               "$systemdsystemconfdir"/bluetooth.service \
#   78|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/bluetooth.service.d/*.conf" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def388]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:77:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   75|               /etc/bluetooth/main.conf \
#   76|               "$dbussystemconfdir"/bluetooth.conf \
#   77|->             "$systemdsystemconfdir"/bluetooth.service \
#   78|               "$systemdsystemconfdir/bluetooth.service.d/*.conf" \
#   79|               "${var_lib_files[@]#"$dracutsysrootdir"}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def389]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/62bluetooth/module-setup.sh:90:10: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   88|           Before=shutdown.target\
#   89|           After=dbus.service' \
#   90|->         "${initdir}/${systemdsystemunitdir}/bluetooth.service"
#   91|   
#   92|       $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable bluetooth.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def390]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80lvmmerge/module-setup.sh:24:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   22|   install() {
#   23|       inst_multiple dd swapoff
#   24|->     inst_hook cleanup 01 "$moddir/lvmmerge.sh"
#   25|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def391]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80lvmthinpool-monitor/module-setup.sh:20:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   18|   install() {
#   19|       inst_multiple sort tr awk
#   20|->     inst_script "$moddir/start-thinpool-monitor.sh" "/bin/start-thinpool-monitor"
#   21|   
#   22|       inst "$moddir/start-thinpool-monitor.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/start-thinpool-monitor.service"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def392]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80lvmthinpool-monitor/module-setup.sh:22:52: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       inst_script "$moddir/start-thinpool-monitor.sh" "/bin/start-thinpool-monitor"
#   21|   
#   22|->     inst "$moddir/start-thinpool-monitor.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/start-thinpool-monitor.service"
#   23|       $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target start-thinpool-monitor.service
#   24|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def393]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80lvmthinpool-monitor/module-setup.sh:23:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|   
#   22|       inst "$moddir/start-thinpool-monitor.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/start-thinpool-monitor.service"
#   23|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target start-thinpool-monitor.service
#   24|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def394]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80lvmthinpool-monitor/start-thinpool-monitor.sh:12:43: warning[SC2319]: This $? refers to a condition, not a command. Assign to a variable to avoid it being overwritten.
#   10|           --nosuffix --noheadings -o vg_name,lv_name "$_device_path" 2> /dev/null)
#   11|   
#   12|->     [ -n "$_lvm2_thin_device" ] && return $?
#   13|   }
#   14|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def395]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test-makeroot/module-setup.sh:18:38: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   16|   install() {
#   17|       inst_multiple poweroff cp umount sync dd
#   18|->     inst_hook initqueue/finished 01 "$moddir/finished-false.sh"
#   19|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def396]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test-root/module-setup.sh:22:18: warning[SC2154]: dracutbasedir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       inst_multiple -o ${_terminfodir}/l/linux
#   21|   
#   22|->     inst_binary "${dracutbasedir}/dracut-util" "/usr/bin/dracut-util"
#   23|       ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getarg"
#   24|       ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getargs"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def397]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test-root/module-setup.sh:23:24: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|   
#   22|       inst_binary "${dracutbasedir}/dracut-util" "/usr/bin/dracut-util"
#   23|->     ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getarg"
#   24|       ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getargs"
#   25|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def398]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80test/module-setup.sh:14:39: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|   install() {
#   13|       inst poweroff
#   14|->     inst_hook shutdown-emergency 000 "$moddir/hard-off.sh"
#   15|       inst_hook emergency 000 "$moddir/hard-off.sh"
#   16|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def399]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90btrfs/btrfs_device_ready.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|   
#    5|   btrfs_check_complete() {
#    6|->     local _rootinfo _dev
#    7|       _dev="${1:-/dev/root}"
#    8|       [ -e "$_dev" ] || return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def400]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90btrfs/btrfs_finished.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|   
#    5|   btrfs_check_complete() {
#    6|->     local _rootinfo _dev
#    7|       _dev="${1:-/dev/root}"
#    8|       [ -e "$_dev" ] || return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def401]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90btrfs/module-setup.sh:10:20: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|   
#    9|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#   10|->         for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   11|               [[ $fs == "btrfs" ]] && return 0
#   12|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def402]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90btrfs/module-setup.sh:35:35: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   installkernel() {
#   34|       instmods btrfs
#   35|->     printf "%s\n" "$(cmdline)" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/00-btrfs.conf"
#   36|   }
#   37|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def403]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90btrfs/module-setup.sh:41:21: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|   install() {
#   40|       if ! inst_rules 64-btrfs.rules; then
#   41|->         inst_rules "$moddir/80-btrfs.rules"
#   42|           case "$(btrfs --help)" in
#   43|               *device\ ready*)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def404]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-cleanup.sh:8:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|   if ! getarg rd.luks.uuid -d rd_LUKS_UUID > /dev/null 2>&1 && getargbool 1 rd.luks -d -n rd_NO_LUKS > /dev/null 2>&1; then
#    7|       while true; do
#    8|->         local do_break="y"
#    9|           for i in /dev/mapper/luks-*; do
#   10|               cryptsetup luksClose "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1 && do_break=n

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def405]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   # check if the crypttab contains an entry for a LUKS UUID
#    6|   crypttab_contains() {
#    7|->     local luks="$1"
#    8|       local dev="$2"
#    9|       local l d rest

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def406]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:8:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|   crypttab_contains() {
#    7|       local luks="$1"
#    8|->     local dev="$2"
#    9|       local l d rest
#   10|       if [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def407]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:9:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    7|       local luks="$1"
#    8|       local dev="$2"
#    9|->     local l d rest
#   10|       if [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then
#   11|           while read -r l d rest || [ -n "$l" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def408]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:16:30: warning[SC3013]: In POSIX sh, -ef is undefined.
#   14|               if [ -n "$dev" ]; then
#   15|                   for _dev in $(devnames "$d"); do
#   16|->                     [ "$dev" -ef "$_dev" ] && return 0
#   17|                   done
#   18|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def409]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:52:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   50|   #   It's useful when password is read from stdin.
#   51|   ask_for_password() {
#   52|->     local ply_cmd
#   53|       local ply_prompt
#   54|       local ply_tries=3

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def410]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:53:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   51|   ask_for_password() {
#   52|       local ply_cmd
#   53|->     local ply_prompt
#   54|       local ply_tries=3
#   55|       local tty_cmd

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def411]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:54:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   52|       local ply_cmd
#   53|       local ply_prompt
#   54|->     local ply_tries=3
#   55|       local tty_cmd
#   56|       local tty_prompt

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def412]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:55:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   53|       local ply_prompt
#   54|       local ply_tries=3
#   55|->     local tty_cmd
#   56|       local tty_prompt
#   57|       local tty_tries=3

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def413]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:56:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   54|       local ply_tries=3
#   55|       local tty_cmd
#   56|->     local tty_prompt
#   57|       local tty_tries=3
#   58|       local ret

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def414]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:57:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   55|       local tty_cmd
#   56|       local tty_prompt
#   57|->     local tty_tries=3
#   58|       local ret
#   59|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def415]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:58:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   56|       local tty_prompt
#   57|       local tty_tries=3
#   58|->     local ret
#   59|   
#   60|       while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def416]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:120:13: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  118|               fi
#  119|   
#  120|->             local i=1
#  121|               while [ $i -le "$tty_tries" ]; do
#  122|                   [ -n "$tty_prompt" ] \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def417]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:144:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  142|   # test_dev -f LABEL="nice label" /some/file1
#  143|   test_dev() {
#  144|->     local test_op="$1"
#  145|       local dev="$2"
#  146|       local f="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def418]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:145:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  143|   test_dev() {
#  144|       local test_op="$1"
#  145|->     local dev="$2"
#  146|       local f="$3"
#  147|       local ret=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def419]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:146:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  144|       local test_op="$1"
#  145|       local dev="$2"
#  146|->     local f="$3"
#  147|       local ret=1
#  148|       local mount_point

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def420]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:147:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  145|       local dev="$2"
#  146|       local f="$3"
#  147|->     local ret=1
#  148|       local mount_point
#  149|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def421]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:148:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  146|       local f="$3"
#  147|       local ret=1
#  148|->     local mount_point
#  149|   
#  150|       mount_point=$(mkuniqdir /mnt testdev)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def422]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:151:17: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  149|   
#  150|       mount_point=$(mkuniqdir /mnt testdev)
#  151|->     [ -n "$dev" -a -n "$*" ] || return 1
#  152|       [ -d "$mount_point" ] || die 'Mount point does not exist!'
#  153|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def423]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:178:15: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  176|   # Returns true if /dev/dm-1 UUID starts with "123".
#  177|   match_dev() {
#  178|->     [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = '*' ] && return 0
#  179|       local devlist
#  180|       local dev

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def424]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:179:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  177|   match_dev() {
#  178|       [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = '*' ] && return 0
#  179|->     local devlist
#  180|       local dev
#  181|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def425]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:180:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  178|       [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = '*' ] && return 0
#  179|       local devlist
#  180|->     local dev
#  181|   
#  182|       devlist="$(devnames "$1")" || return 255

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def426]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:203:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  201|   #   /dev/sdc1:/keys/some.key
#  202|   getkey() {
#  203|->     local keys_file="$1"
#  204|       local for_dev="$2"
#  205|       local luks_dev

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def427]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:204:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  202|   getkey() {
#  203|       local keys_file="$1"
#  204|->     local for_dev="$2"
#  205|       local luks_dev
#  206|       local key_dev

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def428]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:205:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  203|       local keys_file="$1"
#  204|       local for_dev="$2"
#  205|->     local luks_dev
#  206|       local key_dev
#  207|       local key_path

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def429]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:206:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  204|       local for_dev="$2"
#  205|       local luks_dev
#  206|->     local key_dev
#  207|       local key_path
#  208|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def430]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:207:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  205|       local luks_dev
#  206|       local key_dev
#  207|->     local key_path
#  208|   
#  209|       [ -z "$keys_file" -o -z "$for_dev" ] && die 'getkey: wrong usage!'

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def431]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:209:23: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  207|       local key_path
#  208|   
#  209|->     [ -z "$keys_file" -o -z "$for_dev" ] && die 'getkey: wrong usage!'
#  210|       [ -f "$keys_file" ] || return 1
#  211|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def432]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:229:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  227|   # informational purpose.
#  228|   readkey() {
#  229|->     local keypath="$1"
#  230|       local keydev="$2"
#  231|       local device="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def433]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:230:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  228|   readkey() {
#  229|       local keypath="$1"
#  230|->     local keydev="$2"
#  231|       local device="$3"
#  232|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def434]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:231:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  229|       local keypath="$1"
#  230|       local keydev="$2"
#  231|->     local device="$3"
#  232|   
#  233|       # No mounting needed if the keyfile resides inside the initrd

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def435]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:235:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  233|       # No mounting needed if the keyfile resides inside the initrd
#  234|       if [ "/" = "$keydev" ]; then
#  235|->         local mntp=/
#  236|       else
#  237|           # This creates a unique single mountpoint for *, or several for explicitly

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def436]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:240:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  238|           # given LUKS devices. It accomplishes unlocking multiple LUKS devices with
#  239|           # a single password entry.
#  240|->         local mntp
#  241|           mntp="/mnt/$(str_replace "keydev-$keydev-$keypath" '/' '-')"
#  242|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def437]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/crypt-lib.sh:262:71: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  260|                   . /lib/dracut-crypt-loop-lib.sh
#  261|                   loop_decrypt "$mntp" "$keypath" "$keydev" "$device"
#  262|->                 printf "%s\n" "umount \"$mntp\"; rmdir \"$mntp\";" > "${hookdir}/cleanup/crypt-loop-cleanup-99-${mntp##*/}".sh
#  263|                   return 0
#  264|               else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def438]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:11:10: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#    9|   . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
#   10|   
#   11|-> mkdir -p -m 0700 /run/cryptsetup
#   12|   
#   13|   # if device name is /dev/dm-X, convert to /dev/mapper/name

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def439]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:33:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   31|       while read -r name dev luksfile luksoptions || [ -n "$name" ]; do
#   32|           # ignore blank lines and comments
#   33|->         if [ -z "$name" -o "${name#\#}" != "$name" ]; then
#   34|               continue
#   35|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def440]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:123:39: warning[SC2154]: luksdev is referenced but not assigned.
#  121|       if discarduuids=$(getargs "rd.luks.allow-discards"); then
#  122|           discarduuids=$(str_replace "$discarduuids" 'luks-' '')
#  123|->         if strstr " $discarduuids " " ${luksdev##luks-}"; then
#  124|               allowdiscards="--allow-discards"
#  125|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def441]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:140:21: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  138|   ask_passphrase=1
#  139|   
#  140|-> if [ -n "$luksfile" -a "$luksfile" != "none" -a -e "$luksfile" ]; then
#  141|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#  142|       if readkey "$luksfile" / "$device" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def442]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:140:46: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  138|   ask_passphrase=1
#  139|   
#  140|-> if [ -n "$luksfile" -a "$luksfile" != "none" -a -e "$luksfile" ]; then
#  141|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#  142|       if readkey "$luksfile" / "$device" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def443]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:190:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  188|   fi
#  189|   
#  190|-> if [ "$is_keysource" -ne 0 -a "${luksname##luks-}" != "$luksname" ]; then
#  191|       luks_close="$(command -v cryptsetup) close"
#  192|       {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def444]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/cryptroot-ask.sh:195:11: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  193|           printf -- '[ -e /dev/mapper/%s ] && ' "$luksname"
#  194|           printf -- '%s "%s"\n' "$luks_close" "$luksname"
#  195|->     } >> "$hookdir/cleanup/31-crypt-keysource.sh"
#  196|       unset luks_close
#  197|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def445]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:7:25: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#    5|       local fs
#    6|       # if cryptsetup is not installed, then we cannot support encrypted devices.
#    7|->     require_any_binary "$systemdutildir"/systemd-cryptsetup cryptsetup || return 1
#    8|   
#    9|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def446]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:23:28: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|       local deps
#   22|       deps="dm rootfs-block"
#   23|->     if [[ $hostonly && -f "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/crypttab ]]; then
#   24|           if grep -q -e "fido2-device=" -e "fido2-cid=" "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/crypttab; then
#   25|               deps+=" fido2"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def447]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:92:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   90|   install() {
#   91|   
#   92|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   93|           local _cryptconf
#   94|           _cryptconf=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def448]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:95:62: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   93|           local _cryptconf
#   94|           _cryptconf=$(cmdline)
#   95|->         [[ $_cryptconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_cryptconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/90crypt.conf"
#   96|       fi
#   97|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def449]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:98:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   96|       fi
#   97|   
#   98|->     inst_hook cmdline 30 "$moddir/parse-crypt.sh"
#   99|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  100|           inst_multiple cryptsetup rmdir readlink umount

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def450]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:167:14: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  165|           # the enablement symlinks
#  166|           inst_multiple -o \
#  167|->             "$tmpfilesdir"/cryptsetup.conf \
#  168|               "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator \
#  169|               "$systemdutildir"/systemd-cryptsetup \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def451]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/module-setup.sh:170:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  168|               "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator \
#  169|               "$systemdutildir"/systemd-cryptsetup \
#  170|->             "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-ask-password-console.path \
#  171|               "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-ask-password-console.service \
#  172|               "$systemdsystemunitdir"/cryptsetup.target \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def452]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/parse-crypt.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   _cryptgetargsname() {
#    6|       debug_off
#    7|->     local _o _found _key
#    8|       unset _o
#    9|       unset _found

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def453]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/parse-crypt.sh:170:25: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  168|                   while [ "$uuid" != "${uuid#*-}" ]; do uuid=${uuid%%-*}${uuid#*-}; done
#  169|                   printf -- '[ -e /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-CRYPT-LUKS?-*%s*-* ] || exit 1\n' "$uuid" \
#  170|->                     >> "$hookdir/initqueue/finished/90-crypt.sh"
#  171|                   {
#  172|                       printf -- '[ -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/*%s* ] || ' "$luksid"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def454]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/probe-keydev.sh:9:21: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#    7|   luksdev="$3"
#    8|   
#    9|-> [ -z "$real_keydev" -o -z "$keypath" ] && die 'probe-keydev: wrong usage!'
#   10|   [ -z "$luksdev" ] && luksdev='*'
#   11|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def455]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:4:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    2|   
#    3|   _remove_dm() {
#    4|->     local dev="$1"
#    5|       local s
#    6|       local devname

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def456]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:5:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    3|   _remove_dm() {
#    4|       local dev="$1"
#    5|->     local s
#    6|       local devname
#    7|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def457]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|       local dev="$1"
#    5|       local s
#    6|->     local devname
#    7|   
#    8|       for s in /sys/block/"${dev}"/holders/dm-*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def458]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:28:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   26|   
#   27|   _do_dm_shutdown() {
#   28|->     local ret=0
#   29|       local final="$1"
#   30|       local dev

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def459]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:29:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   27|   _do_dm_shutdown() {
#   28|       local ret=0
#   29|->     local final="$1"
#   30|       local dev
#   31|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def460]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/dm-shutdown.sh:30:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   28|       local ret=0
#   29|       local final="$1"
#   30|->     local dev
#   31|   
#   32|       info "Disassembling device-mapper devices"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def461]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/module-setup.sh:21:17: warning[SC2154]: kernel is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|   # called by dracut
#   20|   install() {
#   21|->     modinfo -k "$kernel" dm_mod > /dev/null 2>&1 \
#   22|           && inst_hook pre-udev 30 "$moddir/dm-pre-udev.sh"
#   23|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def462]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dm/module-setup.sh:22:35: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|   install() {
#   21|       modinfo -k "$kernel" dm_mod > /dev/null 2>&1 \
#   22|->         && inst_hook pre-udev 30 "$moddir/dm-pre-udev.sh"
#   23|   
#   24|       inst_multiple dmsetup

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def463]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmraid/dmraid.sh:18:36: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   16|       SETS=$(dmraid -c -s)
#   17|   
#   18|->     if [ "$SETS" = "no raid disks" -o "$SETS" = "no raid sets" ]; then
#   19|           return
#   20|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def464]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmraid/module-setup.sh:14:21: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|   
#   13|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#   14|->         for dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   15|               [[ ${host_fs_types[$dev]} != *_raid_member ]] && continue
#   16|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def465]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmraid/module-setup.sh:69:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   67|       local _raidconf
#   68|   
#   69|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   70|           _raidconf=$(cmdline)
#   71|           [[ $_raidconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_raidconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/90dmraid.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def466]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmraid/module-setup.sh:71:60: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   69|       if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   70|           _raidconf=$(cmdline)
#   71|->         [[ $_raidconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_raidconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/90dmraid.conf"
#   72|       fi
#   73|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def467]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmraid/module-setup.sh:78:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   76|       inst "$(command -v partx)" /sbin/partx
#   77|   
#   78|->     inst "$moddir/dmraid.sh" /sbin/dmraid_scan
#   79|   
#   80|       inst_rules 66-kpartx.rules 67-kpartx-compat.rules

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def468]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live-autooverlay/create-overlay-genrules.sh:3:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> case "$root" in
#    4|       live:/dev/*)
#    5|           printf 'SYMLINK=="%s", RUN+="/sbin/initqueue --settled --onetime --unique /sbin/create-overlay %s"\n' \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def469]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live-autooverlay/module-setup.sh:21:28: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|       inst_multiple awk blkid cat grep mkdir mount parted readlink rmdir tr umount
#   20|       inst_multiple -o mkfs.btrfs mkfs.ext4 mkfs.xfs
#   21|->     inst_hook pre-udev 25 "$moddir/create-overlay-genrules.sh"
#   22|       inst_script "$moddir/create-overlay.sh" "/sbin/create-overlay"
#   23|       dracut_need_initqueue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def470]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live-ntfs/module-setup.sh:15:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   install() {
#   14|       inst_multiple fusermount mount.fuse ntfs-3g
#   15|->     inst_script "$moddir/mount-ntfs-3g.sh" "/sbin/mount-ntfs-3g"
#   16|       dracut_need_initqueue
#   17|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def471]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/apply-live-updates.sh:3:57: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> if [ -h /dev/root ] && [ -d /run/initramfs/live/updates -o -d /updates ]; then
#    4|       info "Applying updates to live image..."
#    5|       mount -o bind /run "$NEWROOT"/run

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def472]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/apply-live-updates.sh:19:41: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   17|   # release resources on iso-scan boots with rd.live.ram
#   18|   if [ -d /run/initramfs/isoscan ] \
#   19|->     && [ -f /run/initramfs/squashed.img -o -f /run/initramfs/rootfs.img ]; then
#   20|       umount --detach-loop /run/initramfs/live
#   21|       umount /run/initramfs/isoscan

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def473]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-genrules.sh:3:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> case "$root" in
#    4|       live:/dev/*)
#    5|           {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def474]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:40:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   38|   # Otherwise returns the original path
#   39|   get_check_dev() {
#   40|->     local _udevinfo
#   41|       dev_path="$(udevadm info -q path --name "$1")"
#   42|       _udevinfo="$(udevadm info -q property --path "${dev_path}")"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def475]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:66:24: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   64|   # CD/DVD media check
#   65|   [ -b "$check_dev" ] && fs=$(det_fs "$check_dev")
#   66|-> if [ "$fs" = "iso9660" -o "$fs" = "udf" ]; then
#   67|       check="yes"
#   68|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def476]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:104:7: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  102|   
#  103|   # mount the backing of the live image first
#  104|-> mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/live
#  105|   if [ -f "$livedev" ]; then
#  106|       # no mount needed - we've already got the LiveOS image in initramfs

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def477]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:146:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  144|       fi
#  145|   
#  146|->     if [ -z "$pathspec" -o "$pathspec" = "auto" ]; then
#  147|           pathspec="/${live_dir}/overlay-$l-$u"
#  148|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def478]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:152:22: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  150|   
#  151|       # need to know where to look for the overlay
#  152|->     if [ -z "$setup" -a -n "$devspec" -a -n "$pathspec" -a -n "$overlay" ]; then
#  153|           mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/overlayfs
#  154|           if ismounted "$devspec"; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def479]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:152:39: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  150|   
#  151|       # need to know where to look for the overlay
#  152|->     if [ -z "$setup" -a -n "$devspec" -a -n "$pathspec" -a -n "$overlay" ]; then
#  153|           mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/overlayfs
#  154|           if ismounted "$devspec"; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def480]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:152:57: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  150|   
#  151|       # need to know where to look for the overlay
#  152|->     if [ -z "$setup" -a -n "$devspec" -a -n "$pathspec" -a -n "$overlay" ]; then
#  153|           mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/overlayfs
#  154|           if ismounted "$devspec"; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def481]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:153:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  151|       # need to know where to look for the overlay
#  152|       if [ -z "$setup" -a -n "$devspec" -a -n "$pathspec" -a -n "$overlay" ]; then
#  153|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/overlayfs
#  154|           if ismounted "$devspec"; then
#  155|               devmnt=$(findmnt -e -v -n -o 'TARGET' --source "$devspec")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def482]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:162:51: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  160|               mount -n -t auto "$devspec" /run/initramfs/overlayfs || :
#  161|           fi
#  162|->         if [ -f /run/initramfs/overlayfs$pathspec -a -w /run/initramfs/overlayfs$pathspec ]; then
#  163|               OVERLAY_LOOPDEV=$(losetup -f --show ${readonly_overlay:+-r} /run/initramfs/overlayfs$pathspec)
#  164|               over=$OVERLAY_LOOPDEV

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def483]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:214:22: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  212|       fi
#  213|   
#  214|->     if [ -z "$setup" -o -n "$readonly_overlay" ]; then
#  215|           if [ -n "$setup" ]; then
#  216|               warn "Using temporary overlay."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def484]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:217:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  215|           if [ -n "$setup" ]; then
#  216|               warn "Using temporary overlay."
#  217|->         elif [ -n "$devspec" -a -n "$pathspec" ]; then
#  218|               [ -z "$m" ] \
#  219|                   && m='   Unable to find a persistent overlay; using a temporary one.'

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def485]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:261:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  259|           else
#  260|               dd if=/dev/null of=/overlay bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((overlay_size * 1024)) 2> /dev/null
#  261|->             if [ -n "$setup" -a -n "$readonly_overlay" ]; then
#  262|                   RO_OVERLAY_LOOPDEV=$(losetup -f --show /overlay)
#  263|                   over=$RO_OVERLAY_LOOPDEV

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def486]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:283:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  281|       if [ -n "$thin_snapshot" ]; then
#  282|           modprobe dm_thin_pool
#  283|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/thin-overlay
#  284|   
#  285|           # In block units (512b)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def487]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:331:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  329|       SQUASHED_LOOPDEV=$(losetup -f)
#  330|       losetup -r "$SQUASHED_LOOPDEV" $SQUASHED
#  331|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/squashfs
#  332|       mount -n -t squashfs -o ro "$SQUASHED_LOOPDEV" /run/initramfs/squashfs
#  333|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def488]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:370:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  368|           # mount the provided filesystem read/write
#  369|           echo "Unpacking live filesystem (may take some time)" > /dev/kmsg
#  370|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/initramfs/fsimg/
#  371|           if [ -n "$SQUASHED" ]; then
#  372|               cp -v $FSIMG /run/initramfs/fsimg/rootfs.img

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def489]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:380:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  378|       # For writable DM images...
#  379|       readonly_base=1
#  380|->     if [ -z "$SQUASHED" -a -n "$live_ram" -a -z "$overlayfs" ] \
#  381|           || [ -n "$writable_fsimg" ] \
#  382|           || [ "$overlay" = none -o "$overlay" = None -o "$overlay" = NONE ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def490]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:380:43: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  378|       # For writable DM images...
#  379|       readonly_base=1
#  380|->     if [ -z "$SQUASHED" -a -n "$live_ram" -a -z "$overlayfs" ] \
#  381|           || [ -n "$writable_fsimg" ] \
#  382|           || [ "$overlay" = none -o "$overlay" = None -o "$overlay" = NONE ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def491]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:382:32: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  380|       if [ -z "$SQUASHED" -a -n "$live_ram" -a -z "$overlayfs" ] \
#  381|           || [ -n "$writable_fsimg" ] \
#  382|->         || [ "$overlay" = none -o "$overlay" = None -o "$overlay" = NONE ]; then
#  383|           if [ -z "$readonly_overlay" ]; then
#  384|               unset readonly_base

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def492]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:382:53: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  380|       if [ -z "$SQUASHED" -a -n "$live_ram" -a -z "$overlayfs" ] \
#  381|           || [ -n "$writable_fsimg" ] \
#  382|->         || [ "$overlay" = none -o "$overlay" = None -o "$overlay" = NONE ]; then
#  383|           if [ -z "$readonly_overlay" ]; then
#  384|               unset readonly_base

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def493]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:417:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  415|   if [ -n "$overlayfs" ]; then
#  416|       if [ -n "$FSIMG" ]; then
#  417|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/rootfsbase
#  418|           mount -r $FSIMG /run/rootfsbase
#  419|       else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def494]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-live-root.sh:425:79: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  423|       if [ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then
#  424|           [ -n "$ROOTFLAGS" ] && ROOTFLAGS="-o $ROOTFLAGS"
#  425|->         printf 'mount %s /dev/mapper/live-rw %s\n' "$ROOTFLAGS" "$NEWROOT" > "$hookdir"/mount/01-$$-live.sh
#  426|       fi
#  427|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def495]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/dmsquash-liveiso-genrules.sh:3:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> if [ "${root%%:*}" = "liveiso" ]; then
#    4|       {
#    5|           # shellcheck disable=SC2016

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def496]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/iso-scan.sh:16:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   14|   
#   15|   do_iso_scan() {
#   16|->     local _name
#   17|       local dev
#   18|       for dev in /dev/disk/by-uuid/*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def497]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/iso-scan.sh:17:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   15|   do_iso_scan() {
#   16|       local _name
#   17|->     local dev
#   18|       for dev in /dev/disk/by-uuid/*; do
#   19|           _name=$(dev_unit_name "$dev")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def498]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/iso-scan.sh:27:23: warning[SC2154]: job is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|               udevadm trigger --action=add > /dev/null 2>&1
#   26|               ln -s "$dev" /run/initramfs/isoscandev
#   27|->             rm -f -- "$job"
#   28|               exit 0
#   29|           else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def499]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/module-setup.sh:27:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|       inst_multiple umount dmsetup blkid dd losetup blockdev find rmdir grep
#   26|       inst_multiple -o checkisomd5
#   27|->     inst_hook cmdline 30 "$moddir/parse-dmsquash-live.sh"
#   28|       inst_hook cmdline 31 "$moddir/parse-iso-scan.sh"
#   29|       inst_hook pre-udev 30 "$moddir/dmsquash-live-genrules.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def500]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90dmsquash-live/module-setup.sh:35:54: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|       inst_script "$moddir/iso-scan.sh" "/sbin/iso-scan"
#   34|       if dracut_module_included "systemd-initrd"; then
#   35|->         inst_script "$moddir/dmsquash-generator.sh" "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/dracut-dmsquash-generator
#   36|           inst_simple "$moddir/checkisomd5@.service" "/etc/systemd/system/checkisomd5@.service"
#   37|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def501]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh:103:31: warning[SC2154]: kernel is referenced but not assigned.
#  101|   
#  102|                       if [[ '*' == "$kverpat" ]] \
#  103|->                         || [[ $kernel =~ $kverpat ]]; then
#  104|                           overrides+=("${path}/${mod}")
#  105|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def502]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/module-setup.sh:102:37: warning[SC2154]: srcmods is referenced but not assigned.
#  100|           fi
#  101|   
#  102|->         awk -F: '/^\// {print $1}' "$srcmods/modules.dep" 2> /dev/null | instmods
#  103|   
#  104|           # if not on hostonly mode, or there are hostonly block device

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def503]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/module-setup.sh:110:19: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_mode is referenced but not assigned.
#  108|               hostonly='' instmods sg sr_mod sd_mod scsi_dh ata_piix
#  109|   
#  110|->             if [[ $hostonly_mode == "strict" ]]; then
#  111|                   install_block_modules_strict
#  112|               else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def504]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/module-setup.sh:138:23: warning[SC2154]: depmodd is referenced but not assigned.
#  136|       fi
#  137|   
#  138|->     inst_multiple -o "$depmodd/*.conf"
#  139|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#  140|           inst_multiple -H -o "$depmodconfdir/*.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def505]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/module-setup.sh:140:30: warning[SC2154]: depmodconfdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  138|       inst_multiple -o "$depmodd/*.conf"
#  139|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#  140|->         inst_multiple -H -o "$depmodconfdir/*.conf"
#  141|       fi
#  142|       :

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def506]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/module-setup.sh:151:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  149|       [[ $hostonly ]] && inst_multiple -H -o /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf /etc/modprobe.conf
#  150|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  151|->         inst_hook cmdline 01 "$moddir/parse-kernel.sh"
#  152|       fi
#  153|       inst_simple "$moddir/insmodpost.sh" /sbin/insmodpost.sh

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def507]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-network-modules/module-setup.sh:25:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_mode is referenced but not assigned.
#   23|       fi
#   24|   
#   25|->     if [[ $hostonly_mode == 'strict' ]] && [[ -n ${hostonly_nics+x} ]]; then
#   26|           for _nic in $hostonly_nics; do
#   27|               mapfile -t _net_drivers < <(get_dev_module /sys/class/net/"$_nic")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def508]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90livenet/livenetroot.sh:34:52: warning[SC2319]: This $? refers to a condition, not a command. Assign to a variable to avoid it being overwritten.
#   32|       # shellcheck disable=SC2181
#   33|       if [ $? != 0 ]; then
#   34|->         warn "failed to download live image: error $?"
#   35|           imgfile=
#   36|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def509]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90livenet/livenetroot.sh:38:24: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   36|       fi
#   37|   
#   38|->     if [ -n "$imgfile" -a -s "$imgfile" ]; then
#   39|           break
#   40|       else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def510]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90livenet/module-setup.sh:17:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   # called by dracut
#   16|   install() {
#   17|->     inst_hook cmdline 29 "$moddir/parse-livenet.sh"
#   18|       inst_hook initqueue/online 95 "$moddir/fetch-liveupdate.sh"
#   19|       inst_script "$moddir/livenetroot.sh" "/sbin/livenetroot"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def511]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90livenet/module-setup.sh:21:53: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|       inst_script "$moddir/livenetroot.sh" "/sbin/livenetroot"
#   20|       if dracut_module_included "systemd-initrd"; then
#   21|->         inst_script "$moddir/livenet-generator.sh" "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/dracut-livenet-generator
#   22|       fi
#   23|       dracut_need_initqueue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def512]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90livenet/parse-livenet.sh:16:44: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|       fi
#   15|       echo "$updates" > /tmp/liveupdates.info
#   16|->     echo '[ -e /tmp/liveupdates.done ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/liveupdates.sh
#   17|   fi
#   18|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def513]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/lvm_scan.sh:13:26: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   11|   # shellcheck disable=SC2174
#   12|   [ -d /etc/lvm ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/lvm
#   13|-> [ -d /run/lvm ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/lvm
#   14|   # build a list of devices to scan
#   15|   lvmdevs=$(

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def514]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:9:20: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#    9|->         for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   10|               [[ $fs == LVM*_member ]] && return 0
#   11|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def515]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:53:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   51|       inst_multiple lvm grep
#   52|   
#   53|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   54|           local _lvmconf
#   55|           _lvmconf=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def516]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:56:58: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   54|           local _lvmconf
#   55|           _lvmconf=$(cmdline)
#   56|->         [[ $_lvmconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_lvmconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/90lvm.conf"
#   57|       fi
#   58|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def517]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:59:17: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   57|       fi
#   58|   
#   59|->     inst_rules "$moddir/64-lvm.rules"
#   60|   
#   61|       if [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $lvmconf == "yes" ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def518]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:61:30: warning[SC2154]: lvmconf is referenced but not assigned (did you mean '_lvmconf'?).
#   59|       inst_rules "$moddir/64-lvm.rules"
#   60|   
#   61|->     if [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $lvmconf == "yes" ]]; then
#   62|           if [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/lvm/lvm.conf ]]; then
#   63|               inst_simple -H /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def519]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:62:18: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   60|   
#   61|       if [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $lvmconf == "yes" ]]; then
#   62|->         if [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/lvm/lvm.conf ]]; then
#   63|               inst_simple -H /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
#   64|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def520]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:72:15: warning[SC2154]: system_id_source is referenced but not assigned.
#   70|           fi
#   71|           eval "$(lvm dumpconfig global/system_id_source &> /dev/null)"
#   72|->         if [ "$system_id_source" == "file" ]; then
#   73|               eval "$(lvm dumpconfig global/system_id_file)"
#   74|               if [ -f "$system_id_file" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def521]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/module-setup.sh:74:22: warning[SC2154]: system_id_file is referenced but not assigned.
#   72|           if [ "$system_id_source" == "file" ]; then
#   73|               eval "$(lvm dumpconfig global/system_id_file)"
#   74|->             if [ -f "$system_id_file" ]; then
#   75|                   inst_simple -H "$system_id_file"
#   76|               fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def522]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/md-shutdown.sh:4:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    2|   
#    3|   _do_md_shutdown() {
#    4|->     local ret
#    5|       local final="$1"
#    6|       info "Waiting for mdraid devices to be clean."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def523]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/md-shutdown.sh:5:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    3|   _do_md_shutdown() {
#    4|       local ret
#    5|->     local final="$1"
#    6|       info "Waiting for mdraid devices to be clean."
#    7|       mdadm -vv --wait-clean --scan | vinfo

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def524]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdmon-pre-shutdown.sh:4:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    2|   
#    3|   _do_mdmon_takeover() {
#    4|->     local ret
#    5|       mdmon --takeover --all
#    6|       ret=$?

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def525]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdmon-pre-udev.sh:3:28: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   # save state dir for mdmon/mdadm for the real root
#    3|-> [ -d /run/mdadm ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/mdadm
#    4|   # backward compat link

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def526]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|   
#    5|   _md_start() {
#    6|->     local _udevinfo
#    7|       local _path_s
#    8|       local _path_d

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def527]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   _md_start() {
#    6|       local _udevinfo
#    7|->     local _path_s
#    8|       local _path_d
#    9|       local _md="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def528]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:8:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|       local _udevinfo
#    7|       local _path_s
#    8|->     local _path_d
#    9|       local _md="$1"
#   10|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def529]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:9:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    7|       local _path_s
#    8|       local _path_d
#    9|->     local _md="$1"
#   10|   
#   11|       _udevinfo="$(udevadm info --query=property --name="${_md}")"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def530]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:28:10: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|       _path_d="${_path_s%/*}/degraded"
#   27|       [ ! -r "$_path_d" ] && return 0
#   28|->     : > "$hookdir"/initqueue/work
#   29|   }
#   30|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def531]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:32:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   30|   
#   31|   _md_force_run() {
#   32|->     local _md
#   33|       local _UUID
#   34|       local _MD_UUID

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def532]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:33:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   31|   _md_force_run() {
#   32|       local _md
#   33|->     local _UUID
#   34|       local _MD_UUID
#   35|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def533]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/mdraid_start.sh:34:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   32|       local _md
#   33|       local _UUID
#   34|->     local _MD_UUID
#   35|   
#   36|       _MD_UUID=$(getargs rd.md.uuid -d rd_MD_UUID=)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def534]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:11:21: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    9|   
#   10|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#   11|->         for dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   12|               [[ ${host_fs_types[$dev]} != *_raid_member ]] && continue
#   13|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def535]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:74:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   72|       inst "$(command -v mdadm)" /sbin/mdadm
#   73|   
#   74|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   75|           local _raidconf
#   76|           _raidconf=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def536]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:77:60: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   75|           local _raidconf
#   76|           _raidconf=$(cmdline)
#   77|->         [[ $_raidconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_raidconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/90mdraid.conf"
#   78|       fi
#   79|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def537]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:89:30: warning[SC2154]: udevdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   87|       # assembled
#   88|       for rule in 64-md-raid.rules 64-md-raid-assembly.rules; do
#   89|->         rule_path="${initdir}${udevdir}/rules.d/${rule}"
#   90|           # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   91|           [ -f "${rule_path}" ] && sed -i -r \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def538]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:96:17: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   94|       done
#   95|   
#   96|->     inst_rules "$moddir/65-md-incremental-imsm.rules"
#   97|   
#   98|       inst_rules "$moddir/59-persistent-storage-md.rules"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def539]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:100:30: warning[SC2154]: mdadmconf is referenced but not assigned.
#   98|       inst_rules "$moddir/59-persistent-storage-md.rules"
#   99|   
#  100|->     if [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mdadmconf == "yes" ]]; then
#  101|           if [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/mdadm.conf ]]; then
#  102|               inst -H /etc/mdadm.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def540]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:101:18: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   99|   
#  100|       if [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mdadmconf == "yes" ]]; then
#  101|->         if [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/mdadm.conf ]]; then
#  102|               inst -H /etc/mdadm.conf
#  103|           else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def541]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/module-setup.sh:124:35: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  122|       inst_script "$moddir/mdraid_start.sh" /sbin/mdraid_start
#  123|       if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  124|->         if [[ -e $dracutsysrootdir$systemdsystemunitdir/mdmon@.service ]]; then
#  125|               inst_simple "$systemdsystemunitdir"/mdmon@.service
#  126|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def542]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90mdraid/parse-md.sh:45:15: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|   if [ -e /etc/mdadm.conf ] && getargbool 1 rd.md.conf -d -n rd_NO_MDADMCONF; then
#   44|       udevproperty rd_MDADMCONF=1
#   45|->     rm -f -- "$hookdir"/pre-pivot/*mdraid-cleanup.sh
#   46|   fi
#   47|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def543]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:56:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   54|       local _funcs='scsi_register_device_handler|dm_dirty_log_type_register|dm_register_path_selector|dm_register_target'
#   55|   
#   56|->     if [ "$_arch" = "s390" -o "$_arch" = "s390x" ]; then
#   57|           _s390drivers="=drivers/s390/scsi"
#   58|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def544]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:109:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  107|           /etc/multipath/* \
#  108|           "$config_dir"/* \
#  109|->         "$tmpfilesdir/multipath.conf"
#  110|   
#  111|       mpathconf_installed \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def545]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:112:34: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_mode is referenced but not assigned.
#  110|   
#  111|       mpathconf_installed \
#  112|->         && [[ $hostonly ]] && [[ $hostonly_mode == "strict" ]] && {
#  113|           for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all add_hostonly_mpath_conf
#  114|           if ((${#_allow[@]} > 0)); then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def546]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:120:48: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  118|                   _args+=("--allow" "$_dev")
#  119|               done
#  120|->             mpathconf "${_args[@]}" --outfile "${initdir}"/etc/multipath.conf
#  121|           fi
#  122|       }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def547]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:137:26: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  135|       if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  136|           if mpathconf_installed; then
#  137|->             inst_simple "${moddir}/multipathd-configure.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}/multipathd-configure.service"
#  138|               $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable multipathd-configure.service
#  139|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def548]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath/module-setup.sh:137:67: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  135|       if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#  136|           if mpathconf_installed; then
#  137|->             inst_simple "${moddir}/multipathd-configure.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}/multipathd-configure.service"
#  138|               $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable multipathd-configure.service
#  139|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def549]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90overlayfs/module-setup.sh:17:25: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   
#   16|   install() {
#   17|->     inst_hook mount 01 "$moddir/mount-overlayfs.sh"
#   18|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def550]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90overlayfs/mount-overlayfs.sh:13:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   11|   if [ -n "$overlayfs" ]; then
#   12|       if ! [ -e /run/rootfsbase ]; then
#   13|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/rootfsbase
#   14|           mount --bind "$NEWROOT" /run/rootfsbase
#   15|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def551]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90overlayfs/mount-overlayfs.sh:17:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   15|       fi
#   16|   
#   17|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/overlayfs
#   18|       mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/ovlwork
#   19|       if [ -n "$reset_overlay" ] && [ -h /run/overlayfs ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def552]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90overlayfs/mount-overlayfs.sh:18:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   16|   
#   17|       mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/overlayfs
#   18|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /run/ovlwork
#   19|       if [ -n "$reset_overlay" ] && [ -h /run/overlayfs ]; then
#   20|           ovlfsdir=$(readlink /run/overlayfs)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def553]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90ppcmac/load-thermal.sh:9:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    7|   
#    8|   load_windfarm() {
#    9|->     local pm_model
#   10|       pm_model="$(sed -n '/model/p' /proc/cpuinfo)"
#   11|       pm_model="${pm_model##*: }"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def554]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90ppcmac/module-setup.sh:82:28: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   80|   install() {
#   81|       # this will attempt to load the appropriate modules
#   82|->     inst_hook pre-udev 99 "$moddir/load-thermal.sh"
#   83|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def555]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:14:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   12|   # device - device to be opened by cryptsetup; only to display in prompt
#   13|   gpg_decrypt() {
#   14|->     local mntp="$1"
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def556]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:15:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   13|   gpg_decrypt() {
#   14|       local mntp="$1"
#   15|->     local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"
#   17|       local device="$4"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def557]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:16:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   14|       local mntp="$1"
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|->     local keydev="$3"
#   17|       local device="$4"
#   18|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def558]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:17:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"
#   17|->     local device="$4"
#   18|   
#   19|       local gpghome=/tmp/gnupg

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def559]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:19:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   17|       local device="$4"
#   18|   
#   19|->     local gpghome=/tmp/gnupg
#   20|       local opts="--homedir $gpghome --no-mdc-warning --skip-verify --quiet"
#   21|       opts="$opts --logger-file /dev/null --batch --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def560]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:20:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   18|   
#   19|       local gpghome=/tmp/gnupg
#   20|->     local opts="--homedir $gpghome --no-mdc-warning --skip-verify --quiet"
#   21|       opts="$opts --logger-file /dev/null --batch --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0"
#   22|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def561]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:23:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   21|       opts="$opts --logger-file /dev/null --batch --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0"
#   22|   
#   23|->     mkdir -m 0700 -p "$gpghome"
#   24|   
#   25|       # Setup GnuPG home and gpg-agent for usage of OpenPGP smartcard.

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def562]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:31:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   29|       # program needed with GnuPG < 2.1), making for uncomplicated
#   30|       # integration with the existing codebase.
#   31|->     local useSmartcard="0"
#   32|       local gpgMajorVersion
#   33|       local gpgMinorVersion

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def563]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:32:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   30|       # integration with the existing codebase.
#   31|       local useSmartcard="0"
#   32|->     local gpgMajorVersion
#   33|       local gpgMinorVersion
#   34|       local cmd

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def564]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:33:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   31|       local useSmartcard="0"
#   32|       local gpgMajorVersion
#   33|->     local gpgMinorVersion
#   34|       local cmd
#   35|       gpgMajorVersion="$(gpg --version | sed -n 1p | sed -n -r -e 's|.* ([0-9]*).*|\1|p')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def565]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:34:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   32|       local gpgMajorVersion
#   33|       local gpgMinorVersion
#   34|->     local cmd
#   35|       gpgMajorVersion="$(gpg --version | sed -n 1p | sed -n -r -e 's|.* ([0-9]*).*|\1|p')"
#   36|       gpgMinorVersion="$(gpg --version | sed -n 1p | sed -n -r -e 's|.* [0-9]*\.([0-9]*).*|\1|p')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def566]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/crypt-gpg-lib.sh:44:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   42|           GNUPGHOME="$gpghome" gpg-agent --quiet --daemon
#   43|           GNUPGHOME="$gpghome" gpg --quiet --no-tty --import < /root/crypt-public-key.gpg
#   44|->         local smartcardSerialNumber
#   45|           smartcardSerialNumber="$(GNUPGHOME=$gpghome gpg --no-tty --card-status \
#   46|               | sed -n -r -e 's|Serial number.*: ([0-9]*)|\1|p' | tr -d '\n')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def567]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/module-setup.sh:27:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|   install() {
#   26|       inst_multiple gpg tr
#   27|->     inst "$moddir/crypt-gpg-lib.sh" "/lib/dracut-crypt-gpg-lib.sh"
#   28|   
#   29|       if sc_requested; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def568]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/module-setup.sh:33:13: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|           inst_multiple gpg-connect-agent
#   32|           inst_multiple -o /usr/libexec/scdaemon /usr/lib/gnupg/scdaemon
#   33|->         cp "$dracutsysrootdir$(sc_public_key)" "${initdir}/root/"
#   34|       fi
#   35|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def569]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-gpg/module-setup.sh:33:49: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|           inst_multiple gpg-connect-agent
#   32|           inst_multiple -o /usr/libexec/scdaemon /usr/lib/gnupg/scdaemon
#   33|->         cp "$dracutsysrootdir$(sc_public_key)" "${initdir}/root/"
#   34|       fi
#   35|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def570]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:14:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   12|   # device - device to be opened by cryptsetup; only to display in prompt
#   13|   loop_decrypt() {
#   14|->     local mntp="$1"
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def571]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:15:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   13|   loop_decrypt() {
#   14|       local mntp="$1"
#   15|->     local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"
#   17|       local device="$4"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def572]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:16:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   14|       local mntp="$1"
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|->     local keydev="$3"
#   17|       local device="$4"
#   18|       local key

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def573]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:17:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   15|       local keypath="$2"
#   16|       local keydev="$3"
#   17|->     local device="$4"
#   18|       local key
#   19|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def574]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:18:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   16|       local keydev="$3"
#   17|       local device="$4"
#   18|->     local key
#   19|   
#   20|       key="/dev/mapper/$(str_replace "loop-$keydev-$mntp-$keypath" '/' '-')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def575]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:23:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   21|   
#   22|       if [ ! -b "$key" ]; then
#   23|->         local loopdev
#   24|           local opts
#   25|           loopdev=$(losetup -f "${mntp}/${keypath}" --show)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def576]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:24:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   22|       if [ ! -b "$key" ]; then
#   23|           local loopdev
#   24|->         local opts
#   25|           loopdev=$(losetup -f "${mntp}/${keypath}" --show)
#   26|           opts="-d - luksOpen $loopdev ${key##*/}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def577]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/crypt-loop-lib.sh:35:58: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|           [ -b "$key" ] || die "Failed to unlock $keypath on $keydev for $device."
#   34|   
#   35|->         printf "%s\n" "cryptsetup luksClose \"$key\"" > "${hookdir}/cleanup/crypt-loop-cleanup-10-${key##*/}.sh"
#   36|           printf "%s\n" "losetup -d \"$loopdev\"" > "${hookdir}/cleanup/crypt-loop-cleanup-20-${loopdev##*/}.sh"
#   37|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def578]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91crypt-loop/module-setup.sh:23:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|   install() {
#   22|       inst_multiple losetup
#   23|->     inst "$moddir/crypt-loop-lib.sh" "/lib/dracut-crypt-loop-lib.sh"
#   24|       dracut_need_initqueue
#   25|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def579]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91pcsc/module-setup.sh:28:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|   # Install the required file(s) and directories for the module in the initramfs.
#   27|   install() {
#   28|->     inst_simple "$moddir/pcscd.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/pcscd.service
#   29|       inst_simple "$moddir/pcscd.socket" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/pcscd.socket
#   30|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def580]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91pcsc/module-setup.sh:28:42: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   26|   # Install the required file(s) and directories for the module in the initramfs.
#   27|   install() {
#   28|->     inst_simple "$moddir/pcscd.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/pcscd.service
#   29|       inst_simple "$moddir/pcscd.socket" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/pcscd.socket
#   30|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def581]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91pcsc/module-setup.sh:39:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|           pcscd.service \
#   38|           pcscd.socket; do
#   39|->         $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable "$i"
#   40|       done
#   41|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def582]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91tpm2-tss/module-setup.sh:35:10: warning[SC2154]: sysusers is referenced but not assigned.
#   33|   
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|->         "$sysusers"/tpm2-tss.conf \
#   36|           "$tmpfilesdir"/tpm2-tss-fapi.conf \
#   37|           "$udevrulesdir"/60-tpm-udev.rules \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def583]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91tpm2-tss/module-setup.sh:36:10: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_multiple -o \
#   35|           "$sysusers"/tpm2-tss.conf \
#   36|->         "$tmpfilesdir"/tpm2-tss-fapi.conf \
#   37|           "$udevrulesdir"/60-tpm-udev.rules \
#   38|           tpm2_pcrread tpm2_pcrextend tpm2_createprimary tpm2_createpolicy \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def584]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/91tpm2-tss/module-setup.sh:37:10: warning[SC2154]: udevrulesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   35|           "$sysusers"/tpm2-tss.conf \
#   36|           "$tmpfilesdir"/tpm2-tss-fapi.conf \
#   37|->         "$udevrulesdir"/60-tpm-udev.rules \
#   38|           tpm2_pcrread tpm2_pcrextend tpm2_createprimary tpm2_createpolicy \
#   39|           tpm2_create tpm2_load tpm2_unseal tpm2

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def585]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifs-lib.sh:11:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    9|   
#   10|   cifs_to_var() {
#   11|->     local cifsuser
#   12|       local cifspass
#   13|       # Check required arguments

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def586]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifs-lib.sh:12:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   10|   cifs_to_var() {
#   11|       local cifsuser
#   12|->     local cifspass
#   13|       # Check required arguments
#   14|       server=${1##cifs://}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def587]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifs-lib.sh:33:24: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   31|       server=${server%/*}
#   32|   
#   33|->     if [ ! "$cifsuser" -o ! "$cifspass" ]; then
#   34|           die "For CIFS support you need to specify a cifsuser and cifspass either in the cifsuser and cifspass commandline parameters or in the root= CIFS URL."
#   35|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def588]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifsroot.sh:16:15: warning[SC2154]: server is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   cifs_to_var "$root"
#   15|   
#   16|-> mount.cifs "//$server/$path" "$NEWROOT" -o "$options" && { [ -e /dev/root ] || ln -s null /dev/root; }
#   17|   
#   18|   # inject new exit_if_exists

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def589]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifsroot.sh:16:23: warning[SC2154]: path is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   cifs_to_var "$root"
#   15|   
#   16|-> mount.cifs "//$server/$path" "$NEWROOT" -o "$options" && { [ -e /dev/root ] || ln -s null /dev/root; }
#   17|   
#   18|   # inject new exit_if_exists

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def590]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifsroot.sh:16:45: warning[SC2154]: options is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   cifs_to_var "$root"
#   15|   
#   16|-> mount.cifs "//$server/$path" "$NEWROOT" -o "$options" && { [ -e /dev/root ] || ln -s null /dev/root; }
#   17|   
#   18|   # inject new exit_if_exists

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def591]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/cifsroot.sh:20:79: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   18|   # inject new exit_if_exists
#   19|   # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   20|-> echo 'settle_exit_if_exists="--exit-if-exists=/dev/root"; rm -f -- "$job"' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/cifs.sh
#   21|   # force udevsettle to break
#   22|   : > "$hookdir"/initqueue/work

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def592]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/module-setup.sh:9:20: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|   
#    8|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#    9|->         for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   10|               [[ $fs == "cifs" ]] && return 0
#   11|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def593]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/module-setup.sh:45:14: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|   
#   44|       _nsslibs=$(
#   45|->         cat "$dracutsysrootdir"/{,usr/}etc/nsswitch.conf 2> /dev/null \
#   46|               | sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/\[NOTFOUND=return\]//' \
#   47|               | tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' | sort -u | tr -s '[:space:]' '|'

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def594]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/module-setup.sh:54:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   52|       inst_libdir_file -n "$_nsslibs" 'libnss_*.so*'
#   53|   
#   54|->     inst_hook cmdline 90 "$moddir/parse-cifsroot.sh"
#   55|       inst "$moddir/cifsroot.sh" "/sbin/cifsroot"
#   56|       inst "$moddir/cifs-lib.sh" "/lib/cifs-lib.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def595]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95cifs/parse-cifsroot.sh:51:32: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   49|   
#   50|   # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   51|-> echo '[ -e $NEWROOT/proc ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/cifsroot.sh

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def596]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95debug/module-setup.sh:21:23: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|           fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext4 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4dev fsck.f2fs fsck.vfat e2fsck
#   20|   
#   21|->     grep '^tcpdump:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/passwd 2> /dev/null >> "$initdir/etc/passwd"
#   22|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def597]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95debug/module-setup.sh:21:70: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|           fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext4 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4dev fsck.f2fs fsck.vfat e2fsck
#   20|   
#   21|->     grep '^tcpdump:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/passwd 2> /dev/null >> "$initdir/etc/passwd"
#   22|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def598]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe-uefi/module-setup.sh:26:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   24|   # called by dracut
#   25|   install() {
#   26|->     inst_hook cmdline 20 "$moddir/parse-uefifcoe.sh"
#   27|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def599]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/fcoe-edd.sh:8:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|   
#    7|   check_edd() {
#    8|->     local cnt=0
#    9|   
#   10|       [ -d /sys/firmware/edd ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def600]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/fcoe-edd.sh:37:31: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   35|       for nic in "${disk}"/pci_dev/net/*; do
#   36|           [ -d "$nic" ] || continue
#   37|->         if [ -n "${dev_port}" -a -e "${nic}/dev_port" ]; then
#   38|               if [ "$(cat "${nic}"/dev_port)" -ne "${dev_port}" ]; then
#   39|                   continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def601]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/fcoe-up.sh:14:11: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   12|   
#   13|   # Huh? Missing arguments ??
#   14|-> [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && exit 1
#   15|   
#   16|   netif=$1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def602]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:100:14: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   98|   install() {
#   99|       inst_multiple ip dcbtool fipvlan lldpad readlink lldptool fcoemon fcoeadm tr
#  100|->     if [[ -e $dracutsysrootdir/etc/hba.conf ]]; then
#  101|           inst_libdir_file 'libhbalinux.so*'
#  102|           inst_simple "/etc/hba.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def603]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:105:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  103|       fi
#  104|   
#  105|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/lldpad"
#  106|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/etc/fcoe"
#  107|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def604]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:105:23: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  103|       fi
#  104|   
#  105|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/lldpad"
#  106|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/etc/fcoe"
#  107|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def605]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:106:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  104|   
#  105|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/lldpad"
#  106|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/etc/fcoe"
#  107|   
#  108|       if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def606]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:108:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#  106|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/etc/fcoe"
#  107|   
#  108|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#  109|           local _fcoeconf
#  110|           _fcoeconf=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def607]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/module-setup.sh:115:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  113|       inst_multiple "/etc/fcoe/cfg-*"
#  114|   
#  115|->     inst "$moddir/fcoe-up.sh" "/sbin/fcoe-up"
#  116|       inst "$moddir/fcoe-edd.sh" "/sbin/fcoe-edd"
#  117|       inst_hook pre-trigger 03 "$moddir/lldpad.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def608]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:33:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   31|   
#   32|   parse_fcoe_opts() {
#   33|->     local fcoe_interface
#   34|       local fcoe_dcb
#   35|       local fcoe_mode

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def609]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:34:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   32|   parse_fcoe_opts() {
#   33|       local fcoe_interface
#   34|->     local fcoe_dcb
#   35|       local fcoe_mode
#   36|       local fcoe_mac

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def610]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:35:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   33|       local fcoe_interface
#   34|       local fcoe_dcb
#   35|->     local fcoe_mode
#   36|       local fcoe_mac
#   37|       local OLDIFS="$IFS"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def611]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:36:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   34|       local fcoe_dcb
#   35|       local fcoe_mode
#   36|->     local fcoe_mac
#   37|       local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#   38|       local IFS=:

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def612]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:37:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   35|       local fcoe_mode
#   36|       local fcoe_mac
#   37|->     local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#   38|       local IFS=:
#   39|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def613]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:38:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   36|       local fcoe_mac
#   37|       local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#   38|->     local IFS=:
#   39|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#   40|       # shellcheck disable=SC2048

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def614]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:75:33: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   73|       esac
#   74|   
#   75|->     if [ "$fcoe_dcb" != "nodcb" -a "$fcoe_dcb" != "dcb" ]; then
#   76|           warn "Invalid FCoE DCB option: $fcoe_dcb"
#   77|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def615]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fcoe/parse-fcoe.sh:84:31: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   82|       fi
#   83|   
#   84|->     if [ -z "$fcoe_interface" -a -z "$fcoe_mac" ]; then
#   85|           warn "fcoe: Neither interface nor MAC specified for fcoe=$fcoe"
#   86|           return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def616]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fstab-sys/module-setup.sh:5:11: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   # called by dracut
#    4|   check() {
#    5|->     [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/fstab.sys ]] || [[ -n $add_fstab || -n $fstab_lines ]]
#    6|   }
#    7|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def617]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fstab-sys/module-setup.sh:16:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   install() {
#   15|       [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/etc/fstab.sys ]] && inst_simple /etc/fstab.sys
#   16|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 00 "$moddir/mount-sys.sh"
#   17|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def618]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95fstab-sys/mount-sys.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   
#    6|   fstab_mount() {
#    7|->     local _dev _mp _fs _opts _pass
#    8|       test -e "$1" || return 1
#    9|       info "Mounting from $1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def619]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:48:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   46|   
#   47|   handle_firmware() {
#   48|->     local ifaces retry _res
#   49|   
#   50|       # Depending on the 'ql4xdisablesysfsboot' qla4xxx

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def620]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:96:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   94|   
#   95|   handle_netroot() {
#   96|->     local iscsi_initiator iscsi_target_name iscsi_target_ip iscsi_target_port
#   97|       local iscsi_target_group iscsirw iscsi_lun
#   98|       local iscsi_username iscsi_password

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def621]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:97:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   95|   handle_netroot() {
#   96|       local iscsi_initiator iscsi_target_name iscsi_target_ip iscsi_target_port
#   97|->     local iscsi_target_group iscsirw iscsi_lun
#   98|       local iscsi_username iscsi_password
#   99|       local iscsi_in_username iscsi_in_password

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def622]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:98:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   96|       local iscsi_initiator iscsi_target_name iscsi_target_ip iscsi_target_port
#   97|       local iscsi_target_group iscsirw iscsi_lun
#   98|->     local iscsi_username iscsi_password
#   99|       local iscsi_in_username iscsi_in_password
#  100|       local iscsi_iface_name iscsi_netdev_name

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def623]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:99:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   97|       local iscsi_target_group iscsirw iscsi_lun
#   98|       local iscsi_username iscsi_password
#   99|->     local iscsi_in_username iscsi_in_password
#  100|       local iscsi_iface_name iscsi_netdev_name
#  101|       local iscsi_param param

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def624]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:100:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   98|       local iscsi_username iscsi_password
#   99|       local iscsi_in_username iscsi_in_password
#  100|->     local iscsi_iface_name iscsi_netdev_name
#  101|       local iscsi_param param
#  102|       local p found

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def625]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:101:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   99|       local iscsi_in_username iscsi_in_password
#  100|       local iscsi_iface_name iscsi_netdev_name
#  101|->     local iscsi_param param
#  102|       local p found
#  103|       local login_retry_max_seen=

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def626]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:102:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  100|       local iscsi_iface_name iscsi_netdev_name
#  101|       local iscsi_param param
#  102|->     local p found
#  103|       local login_retry_max_seen=
#  104|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def627]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:103:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  101|       local iscsi_param param
#  102|       local p found
#  103|->     local login_retry_max_seen=
#  104|   
#  105|       # override conf settings by command line options

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def628]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:164:25: warning[SC2154]: InitiatorName is referenced but not assigned.
#  162|           [ -f /etc/initiatorname.iscsi ] && . /etc/initiatorname.iscsi
#  163|           [ -f /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi ] && . /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
#  164|->         iscsi_initiator=$InitiatorName
#  165|       fi
#  166|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def629]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:212:11: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'iroot'?).
#  210|       # FIXME $iscsi_protocol??
#  211|   
#  212|->     if [ "$root" = "dhcp" ] || [ "$netroot" = "dhcp" ]; then
#  213|           # if root is not specified try to mount the whole iSCSI LUN
#  214|           printf 'SYMLINK=="disk/by-path/*-iscsi-*-%s", SYMLINK+="root"\n' "$iscsi_lun" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-iscsi-root.rules

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def630]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:212:35: warning[SC2154]: netroot is referenced but not assigned.
#  210|       # FIXME $iscsi_protocol??
#  211|   
#  212|->     if [ "$root" = "dhcp" ] || [ "$netroot" = "dhcp" ]; then
#  213|           # if root is not specified try to mount the whole iSCSI LUN
#  214|           printf 'SYMLINK=="disk/by-path/*-iscsi-*-%s", SYMLINK+="root"\n' "$iscsi_lun" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-iscsi-root.rules

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def631]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:221:68: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  219|           # install mount script
#  220|           [ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ] \
#  221|->             && echo "iscsi_lun=$iscsi_lun . /bin/mount-lun.sh " > "$hookdir"/mount/01-$$-iscsi.sh
#  222|       fi
#  223|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def632]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/iscsiroot.sh:232:129: warning[SC2319]: This $? refers to a condition, not a command. Assign to a variable to avoid it being overwritten.
#  230|           done
#  231|       })
#  232|->     [ -z "$targets" ] && warn "Target discovery to $iscsi_target_ip:${iscsi_target_port:+$iscsi_target_port} failed with status $?" && return 1
#  233|   
#  234|       found=

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def633]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:112:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  110|       ip_params_for_remote_addr "$iscsi_address"
#  111|   
#  112|->     if [ -n "$iscsi_address" -a -n "$iscsi_targetname" ]; then
#  113|           if [ -n "$iscsi_port" -a "$iscsi_port" -eq 3260 ]; then
#  114|               iscsi_port=

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def634]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:113:31: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  111|   
#  112|       if [ -n "$iscsi_address" -a -n "$iscsi_targetname" ]; then
#  113|->         if [ -n "$iscsi_port" -a "$iscsi_port" -eq 3260 ]; then
#  114|               iscsi_port=
#  115|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def635]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:116:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  114|               iscsi_port=
#  115|           fi
#  116|->         if [ -n "$iscsi_lun" -a "$iscsi_lun" -eq 0 ]; then
#  117|               iscsi_lun=
#  118|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def636]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:166:28: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#  164|       hostonly="" instmods iscsi_tcp iscsi_ibft crc32c iscsi_boot_sysfs 8021q
#  165|   
#  166|->     if [ "$_arch" = "s390" -o "$_arch" = "s390x" ]; then
#  167|           _s390drivers="=drivers/s390/scsi"
#  168|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def637]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:194:10: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  192|   
#  193|       inst_multiple -o \
#  194|->         "$systemdsystemunitdir"/iscsid.socket \
#  195|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/iscsid.service \
#  196|           "$systemdsystemunitdir"/iscsiuio.service \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def638]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:212:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#  210|   
#  211|       # Detect iBFT and perform mandatory steps
#  212|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#  213|           local _iscsiconf
#  214|           _iscsiconf=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def639]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:215:62: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  213|           local _iscsiconf
#  214|           _iscsiconf=$(cmdline)
#  215|->         [[ $_iscsiconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_iscsiconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95iscsi.conf"
#  216|       fi
#  217|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def640]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/module-setup.sh:218:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  216|       fi
#  217|   
#  218|->     inst_hook cmdline 90 "$moddir/parse-iscsiroot.sh"
#  219|       inst_hook cleanup 90 "$moddir/cleanup-iscsi.sh"
#  220|       inst "$moddir/iscsiroot.sh" "/sbin/iscsiroot"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def641]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/mount-lun.sh:8:39: warning[SC2154]: rflags is referenced but not assigned.
#    6|   
#    7|   for disk in /dev/disk/by-path/*-iscsi-*-"$iscsi_lun"; do
#    8|->     if mount -t "${fstype:-auto}" -o "$rflags" "$disk" "$NEWROOT"; then
#    9|           if [ ! -d "$NEWROOT"/proc ]; then
#   10|               umount "$disk"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def642]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95iscsi/parse-iscsiroot.sh:87:118: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   85|       modprobe -b -q iscsi_ibft
#   86|       # if no ip= is given, but firmware
#   87|->     echo "${DRACUT_SYSTEMD+systemctl is-active initrd-root-device.target || }[ -f '/tmp/iscsistarted-firmware' ]" > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/iscsi_started.sh
#   88|       initqueue --unique --online /sbin/iscsiroot online "iscsi:" "$NEWROOT"
#   89|       initqueue --unique --onetime --timeout /sbin/iscsiroot timeout "iscsi:" "$NEWROOT"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def643]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/module-setup.sh:63:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   61|   # called by dracut
#   62|   install() {
#   63|->     inst_script "$moddir/fc_transport_scan_lun.sh" /usr/lib/udev/fc_transport_scan_lun.sh
#   64|       inst_script "$moddir/sas_transport_scan_lun.sh" /usr/lib/udev/sas_transport_scan_lun.sh
#   65|       inst_hook cmdline 30 "$moddir/parse-lunmask.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def644]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/module-setup.sh:66:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   64|       inst_script "$moddir/sas_transport_scan_lun.sh" /usr/lib/udev/sas_transport_scan_lun.sh
#   65|       inst_hook cmdline 30 "$moddir/parse-lunmask.sh"
#   66|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   67|           local _lunmask
#   68|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def645]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/module-setup.sh:70:43: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   68|   
#   69|           for _lunmask in $(cmdline); do
#   70|->             printf "%s\n" "$_lunmask" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95lunmask.conf"
#   71|           done
#   72|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def646]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|   
#    5|   create_udev_rule() {
#    6|->     local transport="$1"
#    7|       local tgtid="$2"
#    8|       local lun="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def647]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   create_udev_rule() {
#    6|       local transport="$1"
#    7|->     local tgtid="$2"
#    8|       local lun="$3"
#    9|       local _rule=/etc/udev/rules.d/51-"${transport}"-lunmask-"${tgtid}".rules

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def648]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:8:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|       local transport="$1"
#    7|       local tgtid="$2"
#    8|->     local lun="$3"
#    9|       local _rule=/etc/udev/rules.d/51-"${transport}"-lunmask-"${tgtid}".rules
#   10|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def649]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:9:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    7|       local tgtid="$2"
#    8|       local lun="$3"
#    9|->     local _rule=/etc/udev/rules.d/51-"${transport}"-lunmask-"${tgtid}".rules
#   10|   
#   11|       [ -e "${_rule}" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def650]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:28:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   26|   for lunmask_arg in $(getargs rd.lunmask); do
#   27|       (
#   28|->         local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#   29|           local IFS=","
#   30|           # shellcheck disable=SC2086

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def651]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95lunmask/parse-lunmask.sh:29:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   27|       (
#   28|           local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#   29|->         local IFS=","
#   30|           # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#   31|           set $lunmask_arg

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def652]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/module-setup.sh:33:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   31|   install() {
#   32|       inst nbd-client
#   33|->     inst_hook cmdline 90 "$moddir/parse-nbdroot.sh"
#   34|       inst_script "$moddir/nbdroot.sh" "/sbin/nbdroot"
#   35|       if dracut_module_included "systemd-initrd"; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def653]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/module-setup.sh:36:49: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       inst_script "$moddir/nbdroot.sh" "/sbin/nbdroot"
#   35|       if dracut_module_included "systemd-initrd"; then
#   36|->         inst_script "$moddir/nbd-generator.sh" "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/dracut-nbd-generator
#   37|       fi
#   38|       dracut_need_initqueue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def654]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/nbdroot.sh:63:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   61|           break
#   62|       fi
#   63|->     if [ -z "${f%bs=*}" -o -z "${f%timeout=*}" ]; then
#   64|           preopts="$preopts $f"
#   65|           continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def655]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/nbdroot.sh:78:22: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   76|           break
#   77|       fi
#   78|->     if [ "$f" = "ro" -o "$f" = "rw" ]; then
#   79|           nbdrw=$f
#   80|           continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def656]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/nbdroot.sh:99:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'nroot'?).
#   97|   # If we didn't get a root= on the command line, then we need to
#   98|   # add the udev rules for mounting the nbd0 device
#   99|-> if [ "$root" = "block:/dev/root" -o "$root" = "dhcp" ]; then
#  100|       printf 'KERNEL=="nbd0", ENV{DEVTYPE}!="partition", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="?*", SYMLINK+="root"\n' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-nbd-root.rules
#  101|       udevadm control --reload

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def657]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/nbdroot.sh:99:34: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   97|   # If we didn't get a root= on the command line, then we need to
#   98|   # add the udev rules for mounting the nbd0 device
#   99|-> if [ "$root" = "block:/dev/root" -o "$root" = "dhcp" ]; then
#  100|       printf 'KERNEL=="nbd0", ENV{DEVTYPE}!="partition", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="?*", SYMLINK+="root"\n' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-nbd-root.rules
#  101|       udevadm control --reload

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def658]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/nbdroot.sh:111:16: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  109|           printf '/bin/mount %s\n' \
#  110|               "$NEWROOT" \
#  111|->             > "$hookdir"/mount/01-$$-nbd.sh
#  112|       else
#  113|           mkdir -p /run/systemd/system/sysroot.mount.d

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def659]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nbd/parse-nbdroot.sh:64:56: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   62|   fi
#   63|   
#   64|-> echo 'nbd-client -check /dev/nbd0 > /dev/null 2>&1' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/nbdroot.sh

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def660]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:10:16: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|       local _nfs _nfs4
#    9|   
#   10|->     for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   11|           [[ $fs == "nfs" ]] && _nfs=1
#   12|           [[ $fs == "nfs3" ]] && _nfs=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def661]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:79:93: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   77|   install() {
#   78|       local _nsslibs
#   79|->     inst_multiple -o rpc.idmapd mount.nfs mount.nfs4 umount sed /etc/netconfig chmod chown "$tmpfilesdir/rpcbind.conf"
#   80|       inst_multiple -o /etc/idmapd.conf
#   81|       inst_multiple -o /etc/services /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/rpc /etc/protocols

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def662]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:84:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   82|       inst_multiple -o /usr/etc/services /usr/etc/nsswitch.conf /usr/etc/rpc /usr/etc/protocols
#   83|   
#   84|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   85|           local _netconf
#   86|           _netconf="$(cmdline)"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def663]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:87:58: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   85|           local _netconf
#   86|           _netconf="$(cmdline)"
#   87|->         [[ $_netconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_netconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95nfs.conf"
#   88|       fi
#   89|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def664]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:90:14: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   88|       fi
#   89|   
#   90|->     if [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/lib/modprobe.d/nfs.conf ]]; then
#   91|           inst_multiple /lib/modprobe.d/nfs.conf
#   92|       else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def665]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:109:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  107|       inst_libdir_file -n "$_nsslibs" 'libnss_*.so*'
#  108|   
#  109|->     inst_hook cmdline 90 "$moddir/parse-nfsroot.sh"
#  110|       inst_hook pre-udev 99 "$moddir/nfs-start-rpc.sh"
#  111|       inst_hook cleanup 99 "$moddir/nfsroot-cleanup.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def666]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:115:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_mode is referenced but not assigned.
#  113|   
#  114|       # For strict hostonly, only install rpcbind for NFS < 4
#  115|->     if [[ $hostonly_mode != "strict" ]] || [[ "$(get_nfs_type)" != "nfs4" ]]; then
#  116|           inst_multiple -o portmap rpcbind rpc.statd
#  117|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def667]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:120:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  118|   
#  119|       inst "$moddir/nfs-lib.sh" "/lib/nfs-lib.sh"
#  120|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs"
#  121|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"
#  122|       mkdir -m 0770 -p "$initdir/var/lib/rpcbind"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def668]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:121:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  119|       inst "$moddir/nfs-lib.sh" "/lib/nfs-lib.sh"
#  120|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs"
#  121|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"
#  122|       mkdir -m 0770 -p "$initdir/var/lib/rpcbind"
#  123|       [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def669]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:122:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  120|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs"
#  121|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"
#  122|->     mkdir -m 0770 -p "$initdir/var/lib/rpcbind"
#  123|       [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm"
#  124|       [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/sm"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def670]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:123:45: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  121|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"
#  122|       mkdir -m 0770 -p "$initdir/var/lib/rpcbind"
#  123|->     [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm"
#  124|       [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/sm"
#  125|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def671]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/module-setup.sh:124:39: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  122|       mkdir -m 0770 -p "$initdir/var/lib/rpcbind"
#  123|       [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm"
#  124|->     [ -d "/var/lib/nfs/sm" ] && mkdir -m 0755 -p "$initdir/var/lib/nfs/sm"
#  125|   
#  126|       # Rather than copy the passwd file in, just set a user for rpcbind

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def672]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:26:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   24|       # if there's a "%s" in the path, replace it with the hostname/IP
#   25|       if strstr "$path" "%s"; then
#   26|->         local node=""
#   27|           read -r node < /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
#   28|           [ "$node" = "(none)" ] && node=$(get_ip "$2")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def673]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:37:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   35|   nfsroot_to_var() {
#   36|       # strip nfs[4]:
#   37|->     local arg="$*:"
#   38|       nfs="${arg%%:*}"
#   39|       arg="${arg##"$nfs":}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def674]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:73:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   71|       server="${server%%/*}"
#   72|       server="${server%%:}" # anaconda compat (nfs://<server>:/<path>)
#   73|->     local port="${server##*:}"
#   74|       [ "$port" != "$server" ] && options="port=$port"
#   75|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def675]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:108:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  106|   # fill in missing server/path from DHCP options.
#  107|   nfsroot_from_dhcp() {
#  108|->     local f
#  109|       for f in /tmp/net.$1.override /tmp/dhclient.$1.dhcpopts; do
#  110|           # shellcheck disable=SC1090

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def676]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:115:32: warning[SC2154]: srv is referenced but not assigned.
#  113|       [ -n "$new_root_path" ] && nfsroot_to_var "$nfs:$new_root_path"
#  114|       [ -z "$path" ] && [ "$(getarg root=)" = "/dev/nfs" ] && path=/tftpboot/%s
#  115|->     [ -z "$server" ] && server=$srv
#  116|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_next_server
#  117|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_dhcp_server_identifier

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def677]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:116:32: warning[SC2154]: new_next_server is referenced but not assigned.
#  114|       [ -z "$path" ] && [ "$(getarg root=)" = "/dev/nfs" ] && path=/tftpboot/%s
#  115|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$srv
#  116|->     [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_next_server
#  117|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_dhcp_server_identifier
#  118|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=${new_root_path%%:*}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def678]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:117:32: warning[SC2154]: new_dhcp_server_identifier is referenced but not assigned.
#  115|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$srv
#  116|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_next_server
#  117|->     [ -z "$server" ] && server=$new_dhcp_server_identifier
#  118|       [ -z "$server" ] && server=${new_root_path%%:*}
#  119|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def679]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:123:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  121|   # Look through $options, fix "rw"/"ro", move "lock"/"nolock" to $nfslock
#  122|   munge_nfs_options() {
#  123|->     local f="" flags="" nfsrw="ro" OLDIFS="$IFS"
#  124|       IFS=,
#  125|       for f in $options; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def680]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:143:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  141|   # mount_nfs NFSROOT MNTDIR [NETIF]
#  142|   mount_nfs() {
#  143|->     local nfsroot="$1" mntdir="$2" netif="$3"
#  144|       local nfs="" server="" path="" options=""
#  145|       nfs_to_var "$nfsroot" "$netif"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def681]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfs-lib.sh:144:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  142|   mount_nfs() {
#  143|       local nfsroot="$1" mntdir="$2" netif="$3"
#  144|->     local nfs="" server="" path="" options=""
#  145|       nfs_to_var "$nfsroot" "$netif"
#  146|       munge_nfs_options

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def682]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfsroot-cleanup.sh:20:18: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   18|       # try to create the destination directory
#   19|       [ -d "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath ] \
#   20|->         || mkdir -m 0755 -p "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath 2> /dev/null
#   21|   
#   22|       if [ -d "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def683]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/nfsroot.sh:26:76: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   24|   # inject new exit_if_exists
#   25|   # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   26|-> echo 'settle_exit_if_exists="--exit-if-exists=/dev/root"; rm -- "$job"' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/nfs.sh
#   27|   # force udevsettle to break
#   28|   : > "$hookdir"/initqueue/work

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def684]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/parse-nfsroot.sh:101:4: warning[SC2154]: path is referenced but not assigned.
#   99|   
#  100|   nfsroot_to_var "$netroot"
#  101|-> [ "$path" = "error" ] && die "Argument nfsroot must contain a valid path!"
#  102|   
#  103|   # Set fstype, might help somewhere

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def685]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/parse-nfsroot.sh:104:8: warning[SC2154]: nfs is referenced but not assigned.
#  102|   
#  103|   # Set fstype, might help somewhere
#  104|-> fstype=${nfs#/dev/}
#  105|   
#  106|   # Rewrite root so we don't have to parse this ugliness later on again

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def686]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/parse-nfsroot.sh:107:32: warning[SC2154]: options is referenced but not assigned.
#  105|   
#  106|   # Rewrite root so we don't have to parse this ugliness later on again
#  107|-> netroot="$fstype:$server:$path:$options"
#  108|   
#  109|   # If we don't have a server, we need dhcp

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def687]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nfs/parse-nfsroot.sh:124:32: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  122|   
#  123|   # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#  124|-> echo '[ -e $NEWROOT/proc ]' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/nfsroot.sh
#  125|   
#  126|   mkdir -p /var/lib/rpcbind

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def688]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/module-setup.sh:128:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#  126|   # called by dracut
#  127|   install() {
#  128|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#  129|           local _nvmf_args
#  130|           _nvmf_args=$(cmdline)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def689]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/module-setup.sh:131:62: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  129|           local _nvmf_args
#  130|           _nvmf_args=$(cmdline)
#  131|->         [[ "$_nvmf_args" ]] && printf "%s" "$_nvmf_args" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95nvmf-args.conf"
#  132|       fi
#  133|       inst_simple "/etc/nvme/hostnqn"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def690]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/module-setup.sh:138:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#  136|       inst_multiple ip sed
#  137|   
#  138|->     inst_script "${moddir}/nvmf-autoconnect.sh" /sbin/nvmf-autoconnect.sh
#  139|       inst_script "${moddir}/nbftroot.sh" /sbin/nbftroot
#  140|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def691]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:84:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   82|   
#   83|   nbft_run_jq() {
#   84|->     local st
#   85|       local opts="-e"
#   86|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def692]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:85:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   83|   nbft_run_jq() {
#   84|       local st
#   85|->     local opts="-e"
#   86|   
#   87|       while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def693]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:126:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  124|       # false positive of shellcheck - no expansion in variable assignments
#  125|       # shellcheck disable=2086
#  126|->     local hfi_json=$1
#  127|       local mac iface ipaddr prefix vlan gateway dns1 dns2 hostname adrfam dhcp
#  128|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def694]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:127:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  125|       # shellcheck disable=2086
#  126|       local hfi_json=$1
#  127|->     local mac iface ipaddr prefix vlan gateway dns1 dns2 hostname adrfam dhcp
#  128|   
#  129|       mac=$(nbft_run_jq -r .mac_addr "$hfi_json") || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def695]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:201:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  199|   
#  200|   nbft_parse() {
#  201|->     local nbft_json n_nbft all_hfi_json n_hfi
#  202|       local j=0 i
#  203|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def696]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95nvmf/parse-nvmf-boot-connections.sh:202:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  200|   nbft_parse() {
#  201|       local nbft_json n_nbft all_hfi_json n_hfi
#  202|->     local j=0 i
#  203|   
#  204|       nbft_json=$(nvme nbft show -H -o json) || return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def697]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:7:22: warning[SC2154]: swap_devs is referenced but not assigned.
#    5|       swap_on_netdevice() {
#    6|           local _dev
#    7|->         for _dev in "${swap_devs[@]}"; do
#    8|               block_is_netdevice "$(get_maj_min "$_dev")" && return 0
#    9|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def698]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:26:17: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#   24|       local _resume
#   25|   
#   26|->     for dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   27|           [[ ${host_fs_types[$dev]} =~ ^(swap|swsuspend|swsupend)$ ]] || continue
#   28|           _resume=$(shorten_persistent_dev "$(get_persistent_dev "$dev")")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def699]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:38:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       local _resumeconf
#   37|   
#   38|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   39|           _resumeconf=$(cmdline)
#   40|           [[ $_resumeconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_resumeconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95resume.conf"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def700]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:40:64: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   38|       if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   39|           _resumeconf=$(cmdline)
#   40|->         [[ $_resumeconf ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_resumeconf" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95resume.conf"
#   41|       fi
#   42|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def701]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:44:50: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   42|   
#   43|       # if systemd is included and has the hibernate-resume tool, use it and nothing else
#   44|->     if dracut_module_included "systemd" && [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$systemdutildir/systemd-hibernate-resume ]]; then
#   45|           inst_multiple -o \
#   46|               "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-hibernate-resume-generator \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def702]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:44:67: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   42|   
#   43|       # if systemd is included and has the hibernate-resume tool, use it and nothing else
#   44|->     if dracut_module_included "systemd" && [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$systemdutildir/systemd-hibernate-resume ]]; then
#   45|           inst_multiple -o \
#   46|               "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-hibernate-resume-generator \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def703]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:47:14: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   45|           inst_multiple -o \
#   46|               "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/systemd-hibernate-resume-generator \
#   47|->             "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-hibernate-resume.service \
#   48|               "$systemdsystemunitdir"/systemd-hibernate-resume@.service \
#   49|               "$systemdutildir"/systemd-hibernate-resume

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def704]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/module-setup.sh:63:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   61|   
#   62|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   63|->         inst_hook cmdline 10 "$moddir/parse-resume.sh"
#   64|       else
#   65|           inst_script "$moddir/parse-resume.sh" /lib/dracut/parse-resume.sh

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def705]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/parse-resume.sh:61:48: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   59|           # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   60|           printf '[ -e "%s" ] && { ln -fs "%s" /dev/resume 2> /dev/null; rm -f -- "$job" "%s/initqueue/timeout/resume.sh"; }\n' \
#   61|->             "$resume" "$resume" "$hookdir" >> "$hookdir"/initqueue/settled/resume.sh
#   62|   
#   63|           {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def706]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/resume.sh:5:15: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#    3|   PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#    4|   
#    5|-> [ -s /.resume -a -b "$resume" ] && {
#    6|       # First try user level resume; it offers splash etc
#    7|       case "$splash" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def707]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/resume.sh:5:22: warning[SC2154]: resume is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#    4|   
#    5|-> [ -s /.resume -a -b "$resume" ] && {
#    6|       # First try user level resume; it offers splash etc
#    7|       case "$splash" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def708]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95resume/resume.sh:7:11: warning[SC2154]: splash is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'a_splash'?).
#    5|   [ -s /.resume -a -b "$resume" ] && {
#    6|       # First try user level resume; it offers splash etc
#    7|->     case "$splash" in
#    8|           quiet)
#    9|               a_splash="-P splash=y"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def709]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/block-genrules.sh:3:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> if [ "${root%%:*}" = "block" ]; then
#    4|       {
#    5|           printf 'KERNEL=="%s", SYMLINK+="root"\n' \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def710]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/block-genrules.sh:13:46: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   11|       # shellcheck disable=SC2016
#   12|       printf '[ -e "%s" ] && { ln -s "%s" /dev/root 2>/dev/null; rm "$job"; }\n' \
#   13|->         "${root#block:}" "${root#block:}" > "$hookdir"/initqueue/settled/blocksymlink.sh
#   14|   
#   15|       wait_for_dev "${root#block:}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def711]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:15:21: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   cmdline_journal() {
#   14|       if [[ $hostonly ]]; then
#   15|->         for dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#   16|               [[ ${host_fs_types[$dev]} == "reiserfs" ]] || [[ ${host_fs_types[$dev]} == "xfs" ]] || continue
#   17|               rootopts=$(find_dev_fsopts "$dev")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def712]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:39:11: warning[SC2154]: root_devs is referenced but not assigned.
#   37|   
#   38|       # "--no-hostonly-default-device" can result in empty root_devs
#   39|->     if [ "${#root_devs[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
#   40|           return
#   41|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def713]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:43:23: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   41|       fi
#   42|   
#   43|->     if [ -n "$_block" -a -b "$_dev" ]; then
#   44|           printf " root=%s" "$(shorten_persistent_dev "$(get_persistent_dev "$_dev")")"
#   45|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def714]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:56:11: warning[SC2154]: use_fstab is referenced but not assigned.
#   54|           printf " rootfstype=%s" "$_fstype"
#   55|       fi
#   56|->     if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]] && [[ $_fstype == btrfs ]]; then
#   57|           _subvol=$(findmnt -e -v -n -o FSROOT --target /) \
#   58|               && _subvol=${_subvol#/}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def715]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:74:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#   72|   # called by dracut
#   73|   install() {
#   74|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#   75|           local _journaldev
#   76|           _journaldev=$(cmdline_journal)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def716]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:77:64: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   75|           local _journaldev
#   76|           _journaldev=$(cmdline_journal)
#   77|->         [[ $_journaldev ]] && printf "%s\n" "$_journaldev" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95root-journaldev.conf"
#   78|           local _rootdev
#   79|           _rootdev=$(cmdline_rootfs)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def717]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/module-setup.sh:86:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   84|       inst_multiple tr
#   85|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   86|->         inst_hook cmdline 95 "$moddir/parse-block.sh"
#   87|           inst_hook pre-udev 30 "$moddir/block-genrules.sh"
#   88|           inst_hook mount 99 "$moddir/mount-root.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def718]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/mount-root.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   
#    6|   mount_root() {
#    7|->     local _rflags_ro
#    8|       # sanity - determine/fix fstype
#    9|       rootfs=$(det_fs "${root#block:}" "$fstype")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def719]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/mount-root.sh:9:39: warning[SC2154]: fstype is referenced but not assigned.
#    7|       local _rflags_ro
#    8|       # sanity - determine/fix fstype
#    9|->     rootfs=$(det_fs "${root#block:}" "$fstype")
#   10|   
#   11|       journaldev=$(getarg "root.journaldev=")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def720]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/mount-root.sh:110:33: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  108|   
#  109|       if fsck_able "$rootfs" \
#  110|->         && [ "$rootfsck" != "0" -a -z "$fastboot" -a "$READONLY" != "yes" ] \
#  111|           && ! strstr "${rflags}" _netdev \
#  112|           && ! getargbool 0 rd.skipfsck; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def721]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/mount-root.sh:110:51: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  108|   
#  109|       if fsck_able "$rootfs" \
#  110|->         && [ "$rootfsck" != "0" -a -z "$fastboot" -a "$READONLY" != "yes" ] \
#  111|           && ! strstr "${rflags}" _netdev \
#  112|           && ! getargbool 0 rd.skipfsck; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def722]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/mount-root.sh:133:17: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  131|   }
#  132|   
#  133|-> if [ -n "$root" -a -z "${root%%block:*}" ]; then
#  134|       mount_root
#  135|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def723]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/rootfallback.sh:22:7: warning[SC2154]: job is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|   done
#   21|   
#   22|-> [ -e "$job" ] && rm -f "$job"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def724]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95ssh-client/module-setup.sh:13:17: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   11|   
#   12|       if [[ $sshkey ]]; then
#   13|->         [[ ! -f $dracutsysrootdir$sshkey ]] && {
#   14|               derror "ssh key: $sshkey is not found!"
#   15|               return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def725]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95ssh-client/module-setup.sh:31:20: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   29|       if [[ -d $dracutsysrootdir/root/.ssh ]]; then
#   30|           inst_dir /root/.ssh
#   31|->         chmod 700 "${initdir}"/root/.ssh
#   32|       fi
#   33|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def726]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95terminfo/module-setup.sh:8:15: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#    6|       # terminfo bits make things work better if you fall into interactive mode
#    7|       for _terminfodir in /lib/terminfo /etc/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo; do
#    8|->         [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir${_terminfodir}/l/linux ]] && break
#    9|       done
#   10|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def727]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95terminfo/module-setup.sh:14:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|           for i in "l/linux" "v/vt100" "v/vt102" "v/vt220"; do
#   13|               inst_dir "$_terminfodir/${i%/*}"
#   14|->             $DRACUT_CP -L -t "${initdir}/${_terminfodir}/${i%/*}" "$dracutsysrootdir$_terminfodir/$i"
#   15|           done
#   16|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def728]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/module-setup.sh:14:11: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|       inst_multiple -o /etc/udev/udev.conf
#   13|   
#   14|->     [[ -d ${initdir}/$systemdutildir ]] || mkdir -p "${initdir}/$systemdutildir"
#   15|       for _i in "${systemdutildir}"/systemd-udevd "${udevdir}"/udevd /sbin/udevd; do
#   16|           [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$_i ]] || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def729]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/module-setup.sh:14:22: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   12|       inst_multiple -o /etc/udev/udev.conf
#   13|   
#   14|->     [[ -d ${initdir}/$systemdutildir ]] || mkdir -p "${initdir}/$systemdutildir"
#   15|       for _i in "${systemdutildir}"/systemd-udevd "${udevdir}"/udevd /sbin/udevd; do
#   16|           [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$_i ]] || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def730]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/module-setup.sh:15:50: warning[SC2154]: udevdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   
#   14|       [[ -d ${initdir}/$systemdutildir ]] || mkdir -p "${initdir}/$systemdutildir"
#   15|->     for _i in "${systemdutildir}"/systemd-udevd "${udevdir}"/udevd /sbin/udevd; do
#   16|           [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$_i ]] || continue
#   17|           inst "$_i"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def731]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/module-setup.sh:16:15: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|       [[ -d ${initdir}/$systemdutildir ]] || mkdir -p "${initdir}/$systemdutildir"
#   15|       for _i in "${systemdutildir}"/systemd-udevd "${udevdir}"/udevd /sbin/udevd; do
#   16|->         [[ -x $dracutsysrootdir$_i ]] || continue
#   17|           inst "$_i"
#   18|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def732]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/module-setup.sh:45:10: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   43|           80-drivers.rules 95-udev-late.rules \
#   44|           80-net-name-slot.rules 80-net-setup-link.rules \
#   45|->         "$moddir/59-persistent-storage.rules" \
#   46|           "$moddir/61-persistent-storage.rules"
#   47|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def733]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/module-setup.sh:6:20: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    4|   check() {
#    5|       [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
#    6|->         for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#    7|               [[ $fs == "9p" ]] && return 0
#    8|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def734]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/module-setup.sh:29:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   27|   # called by dracut
#   28|   install() {
#   29|->     inst_hook cmdline 95 "$moddir/parse-virtfs.sh"
#   30|       inst_hook mount 99 "$moddir/mount-virtfs.sh"
#   31|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def735]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/mount-virtfs.sh:8:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    6|       rootopts=$1
#    7|       # strip ro and rw options
#    8|->     local OLDIFS="$IFS"
#    9|       IFS=,
#   10|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def736]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/mount-virtfs.sh:13:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   11|       set -- $rootopts
#   12|       IFS="$OLDIFS"
#   13|->     local v
#   14|       while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
#   15|           case $1 in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def737]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/mount-virtfs.sh:71:17: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   69|   }
#   70|   
#   71|-> if [ -n "$root" -a -z "${root%%virtfs:*}" ]; then
#   72|       mount_root
#   73|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def738]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtfs/parse-virtfs.sh:3:7: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    1|   #!/usr/bin/sh
#    2|   
#    3|-> if [ "${root%%:*}" = "virtfs" ]; then
#    4|       modprobe 9pnet_virtio
#    5|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def739]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/module-setup.sh:8:20: warning[SC2154]: host_fs_types is referenced but not assigned.
#    6|           is_qemu_virtualized && return 0
#    7|   
#    8|->         for fs in "${host_fs_types[@]}"; do
#    9|               [[ $fs == "virtiofs" ]] && return 0
#   10|           done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def740]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/module-setup.sh:29:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   27|   # called by dracut
#   28|   install() {
#   29|->     inst_hook cmdline 95 "$moddir/parse-virtiofs.sh"
#   30|       inst_hook pre-mount 99 "$moddir/mount-virtiofs.sh"
#   31|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def741]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/mount-virtiofs.sh:5:7: warning[SC2154]: fstype is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   type ismounted > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
#    4|   
#    5|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    6|       if ! load_fstype virtiofs; then
#    7|           die "virtiofs is required but not available."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def742]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/mount-virtiofs.sh:5:31: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#    3|   type ismounted > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
#    4|   
#    5|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    6|       if ! load_fstype virtiofs; then
#    7|           die "virtiofs is required but not available."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def743]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/mount-virtiofs.sh:5:35: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    3|   type ismounted > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
#    4|   
#    5|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    6|       if ! load_fstype virtiofs; then
#    7|           die "virtiofs is required but not available."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def744]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/mount-virtiofs.sh:10:27: warning[SC2154]: rflags is referenced but not assigned.
#    8|       fi
#    9|   
#   10|->     mount -t virtiofs -o "$rflags" "${root#virtiofs:}" "$NEWROOT" 2>&1 | vinfo
#   11|       if ! ismounted "$NEWROOT"; then
#   12|           die "virtiofs: failed to mount root fs"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def745]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/parse-virtiofs.sh:6:7: warning[SC2154]: fstype is referenced but not assigned.
#    4|   # 	root=virtiofs:<tag>
#    5|   
#    6|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    7|       # shellcheck disable=SC2034
#    8|       rootok=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def746]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/parse-virtiofs.sh:6:31: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#    4|   # 	root=virtiofs:<tag>
#    5|   
#    6|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    7|       # shellcheck disable=SC2034
#    8|       rootok=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def747]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/95virtiofs/parse-virtiofs.sh:6:35: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#    4|   # 	root=virtiofs:<tag>
#    5|   
#    6|-> if [ "${fstype}" = "virtiofs" -o "${root%%:*}" = "virtiofs" ]; then
#    7|       # shellcheck disable=SC2034
#    8|       rootok=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def748]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/96securityfs/module-setup.sh:15:27: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   # called by dracut
#   14|   install() {
#   15|->     inst_hook cmdline 60 "$moddir/securityfs.sh"
#   16|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def749]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/97masterkey/module-setup.sh:25:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   23|   install() {
#   24|       inst_multiple keyctl uname
#   25|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 60 "$moddir/masterkey.sh"
#   26|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def750]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-cmdline-ask.sh:17:15: warning[SC3045]: In POSIX sh, read -p is undefined.
#   15|   echo
#   16|   echo "Enter additional kernel command line parameter (end with ctrl-d or .)"
#   17|-> while read -r -p "> " ${BASH:+-e} line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
#   18|       [ "$line" = "." ] && break
#   19|       [ -n "$line" ] && printf -- "%s\n" "$line" >> /etc/cmdline.d/99-cmdline-ask.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def751]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-emergency.sh:17:39: warning[SC2154]: fstype is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   
#   16|   if getargbool 1 rd.shell -d -y rdshell || getarg rd.break -d rdbreak; then
#   17|->     FSTXT="/run/dracut/fsck/fsck_help_$fstype.txt"
#   18|       RDSOSREPORT="$(rdsosreport)"
#   19|       source_hook "$hook"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def752]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-emergency.sh:36:34: warning[SC2154]: _name is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       done < /proc/consoles
#   35|       [ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
#   36|->     [ -z "$PS1" ] && export PS1="$_name:\${PWD}# "
#   37|       exec sulogin -e
#   38|   else

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def753]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-initqueue.sh:26:38: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   24|       check_finished && break
#   25|   
#   26|->     udevadm settle --exit-if-exists="$hookdir"/initqueue/work
#   27|   
#   28|       check_finished && break

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def754]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-mount.sh:21:15: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|           umount "$NEWROOT"
#   20|       fi
#   21|->     for f in "$hookdir"/mount/*.sh; do
#   22|           # shellcheck disable=SC1090
#   23|           [ -f "$f" ] && . "$f"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def755]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/module-setup.sh:22:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|   # called by dracut
#   21|   install() {
#   22|->     inst_script "$moddir/dracut-emergency.sh" /bin/dracut-emergency
#   23|       inst_simple "$moddir/emergency.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/emergency.service
#   24|       inst_simple "$moddir/dracut-emergency.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/dracut-emergency.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def756]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/module-setup.sh:23:46: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|   install() {
#   22|       inst_script "$moddir/dracut-emergency.sh" /bin/dracut-emergency
#   23|->     inst_simple "$moddir/emergency.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/emergency.service
#   24|       inst_simple "$moddir/dracut-emergency.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/dracut-emergency.service
#   25|       inst_simple "$moddir/emergency.service" "${systemdsystemunitdir}"/rescue.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def757]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/module-setup.sh:38:48: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#   36|       inst_script "$moddir/dracut-pre-pivot.sh" /bin/dracut-pre-pivot
#   37|   
#   38|->     inst_script "$moddir/rootfs-generator.sh" "$systemdutildir"/system-generators/dracut-rootfs-generator
#   39|   
#   40|       inst_hook cmdline 00 "$moddir/parse-root.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def758]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/module-setup.sh:52:31: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   50|           dracut-pre-udev.service; do
#   51|           inst_simple "$moddir/${i}" "$systemdsystemunitdir/${i}"
#   52|->         $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target "$i"
#   53|       done
#   54|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def759]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/module-setup.sh:55:49: warning[SC2154]: tmpfilesdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   53|       done
#   54|   
#   55|->     inst_simple "$moddir/dracut-tmpfiles.conf" "$tmpfilesdir/dracut-tmpfiles.conf"
#   56|   
#   57|       inst_multiple sulogin

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def760]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/parse-root.sh:22:16: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       root_dev="${root#block:}"
#   21|       root_name="$(str_replace "$root_dev" '/' '\x2f')"
#   22|->     if ! [ -e "$hookdir/initqueue/finished/devexists-${root_name}.sh" ]; then
#   23|   
#   24|           # If a LUKS device needs unlocking via systemd in the initrd, assume

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def761]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:6:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    4|   
#    5|   generator_wait_for_dev() {
#    6|->     local _name
#    7|       local _timeout
#    8|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def762]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   generator_wait_for_dev() {
#    6|       local _name
#    7|->     local _timeout
#    8|   
#    9|       _name=$(dev_unit_name "$1")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def763]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:29:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   27|   
#   28|   generator_mount_rootfs() {
#   29|->     local _type="$2"
#   30|       local _flags="$3"
#   31|       local _name

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def764]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:30:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   28|   generator_mount_rootfs() {
#   29|       local _type="$2"
#   30|->     local _flags="$3"
#   31|       local _name
#   32|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def765]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:31:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   29|       local _type="$2"
#   30|       local _flags="$3"
#   31|->     local _name
#   32|   
#   33|       [ -z "$1" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def766]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/rootfs-generator.sh:56:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   54|   
#   55|   generator_fsck_after_pre_mount() {
#   56|->     local _name
#   57|   
#   58|       [ -z "$1" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def767]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98ecryptfs/module-setup.sh:21:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|   # called by dracut
#   20|   install() {
#   21|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 63 "$moddir/ecryptfs-mount.sh"
#   22|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def768]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/evm-enable.sh:84:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   82|       fi
#   83|   
#   84|->     local evm_pubid line
#   85|       if line=$(keyctl describe %keyring:.evm); then
#   86|           # the kernel already setup a trusted .evm keyring so use that one

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def769]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/evm-enable.sh:102:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  100|       # load the default EVM public key onto the EVM keyring along
#  101|       # with all the other ones in $EVMKEYSDIR
#  102|->     local key_imported=1
#  103|       for PUBKEY in ${EVMX509PATH} "${NEWROOT}${EVMKEYSDIR}"/*; do
#  104|           if [ ! -f "${PUBKEY}" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def770]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/evm-enable.sh:143:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  141|       fi
#  142|   
#  143|->     local evm_configured=0
#  144|       local EVM_INIT_HMAC=1 EVM_INIT_X509=2
#  145|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def771]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/evm-enable.sh:144:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  142|   
#  143|       local evm_configured=0
#  144|->     local EVM_INIT_HMAC=1 EVM_INIT_X509=2
#  145|   
#  146|       # try to load the EVM encrypted key

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def772]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/module-setup.sh:17:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   install() {
#   16|       dracut_install evmctl keyctl
#   17|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 61 "$moddir/evm-enable.sh"
#   18|       inst_hook pre-pivot 61 "$moddir/ima-keys-load.sh"
#   19|       inst_hook pre-pivot 62 "$moddir/ima-policy-load.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def773]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98pollcdrom/module-setup.sh:15:37: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   # called by dracut
#   14|   install() {
#   15|->     inst_hook initqueue/settled 99 "$moddir/pollcdrom.sh"
#   16|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def774]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/module-setup.sh:15:29: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   13|   # called by dracut
#   14|   install() {
#   15|->     inst_hook pre-pivot 50 "$moddir/selinux-loadpolicy.sh"
#   16|       inst_multiple setenforce chroot
#   17|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def775]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:21:45: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   19|   
#   20|       # Attempt to load SELinux Policy
#   21|->     if [ -x "$NEWROOT/usr/sbin/load_policy" -o -x "$NEWROOT/sbin/load_policy" ]; then
#   22|           local ret=0
#   23|           local out

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def776]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:22:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   20|       # Attempt to load SELinux Policy
#   21|       if [ -x "$NEWROOT/usr/sbin/load_policy" -o -x "$NEWROOT/sbin/load_policy" ]; then
#   22|->         local ret=0
#   23|           local out
#   24|           info "Loading SELinux policy"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def777]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:23:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   21|       if [ -x "$NEWROOT/usr/sbin/load_policy" -o -x "$NEWROOT/sbin/load_policy" ]; then
#   22|           local ret=0
#   23|->         local out
#   24|           info "Loading SELinux policy"
#   25|           mount -o bind /sys "$NEWROOT"/sys

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def778]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:44:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   42|           fi
#   43|   
#   44|->         if [ $ret -eq 0 -o $ret -eq 2 ]; then
#   45|               # If machine requires a relabel, force to permissive mode
#   46|               [ -e "$NEWROOT"/.autorelabel ] && LANG=C /usr/sbin/setenforce 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def779]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:54:25: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   52|   
#   53|           warn "Initial SELinux policy load failed."
#   54|->         if [ $ret -eq 3 -o $permissive -eq 0 ]; then
#   55|               warn "Machine in enforcing mode."
#   56|               warn "Not continuing"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def780]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98selinux/selinux-loadpolicy.sh:61:30: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   59|           fi
#   60|           return 0
#   61|->     elif [ $permissive -eq 0 -a "$SELINUX" != "disabled" ]; then
#   62|           warn "Machine in enforcing mode and cannot execute load_policy."
#   63|           warn "To disable selinux, add selinux=0 to the kernel command line."

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def781]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/module-setup.sh:30:31: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   28|       if [ -n "$_installs" ]; then
#   29|           inst_multiple cat $_installs
#   30|->         inst_hook cmdline 90 "$moddir/parse-syslog-opts.sh"
#   31|           inst_hook cleanup 99 "$moddir/syslog-cleanup.sh"
#   32|           inst_hook initqueue/online 70 "$moddir/rsyslogd-start.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def782]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/module-setup.sh:34:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   32|           inst_hook initqueue/online 70 "$moddir/rsyslogd-start.sh"
#   33|           inst_simple "$moddir/rsyslogd-stop.sh" /sbin/rsyslogd-stop
#   34|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/etc/templates
#   35|           inst_simple "${moddir}/rsyslog.conf" /etc/templates/rsyslog.conf
#   36|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def783]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/module-setup.sh:34:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   32|           inst_hook initqueue/online 70 "$moddir/rsyslogd-start.sh"
#   33|           inst_simple "$moddir/rsyslogd-stop.sh" /sbin/rsyslogd-stop
#   34|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/etc/templates
#   35|           inst_simple "${moddir}/rsyslog.conf" /etc/templates/rsyslog.conf
#   36|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def784]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/rsyslogd-start.sh:14:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   12|   
#   13|   rsyslog_config() {
#   14|->     local server="$1"
#   15|       shift
#   16|       local syslog_template="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def785]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/rsyslogd-start.sh:16:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   14|       local server="$1"
#   15|       shift
#   16|->     local syslog_template="$1"
#   17|       shift
#   18|       local filters="$*"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def786]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/rsyslogd-start.sh:18:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   16|       local syslog_template="$1"
#   17|       shift
#   18|->     local filters="$*"
#   19|       local filter=
#   20|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def787]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98syslog/rsyslogd-start.sh:19:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   17|       shift
#   18|       local filters="$*"
#   19|->     local filter=
#   20|   
#   21|       cat "$syslog_template"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def788]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/module-setup.sh:17:33: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   15|   install() {
#   16|       if ! dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
#   17|->         inst_hook pre-pivot 50 "$moddir/mount-usr.sh"
#   18|       fi
#   19|       :

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def789]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:7:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    5|   
#    6|   filtersubvol() {
#    7|->     local _oldifs
#    8|       _oldifs="$IFS"
#    9|       local IFS=","

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def790]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:9:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    7|       local _oldifs
#    8|       _oldifs="$IFS"
#    9|->     local IFS=","
#   10|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#   11|       set -- $1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def791]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:23:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   21|   
#   22|   fsck_usr() {
#   23|->     local _dev="$1"
#   24|       local _fs="$2"
#   25|       local _fsopts="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def792]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:24:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   22|   fsck_usr() {
#   23|       local _dev="$1"
#   24|->     local _fs="$2"
#   25|       local _fsopts="$3"
#   26|       local _fsckoptions

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def793]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:25:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   23|       local _dev="$1"
#   24|       local _fs="$2"
#   25|->     local _fsopts="$3"
#   26|       local _fsckoptions
#   27|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def794]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:26:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   24|       local _fs="$2"
#   25|       local _fsopts="$3"
#   26|->     local _fsckoptions
#   27|   
#   28|       if [ -f "$NEWROOT"/fsckoptions ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def795]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:53:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   51|   
#   52|   mount_usr() {
#   53|->     local _dev _mp _fs _opts _ _usr_found _ _freq _passno
#   54|       # check, if we have to mount the /usr filesystem
#   55|       while read -r _dev _mp _fs _opts _freq _passno || [ -n "$_dev" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def796]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:66:23: warning[SC2154]: root is referenced but not assigned.
#   64|   
#   65|               if strstr "$_opts" "subvol=" \
#   66|->                 && [ "${root#block:}" -ef "$_dev" ] \
#   67|                   && [ -n "$rflags" ]; then
#   68|                   # for btrfs subvolumes we have to mount /usr with the same rflags

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def797]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/98usrmount/mount-usr.sh:66:39: warning[SC3013]: In POSIX sh, -ef is undefined.
#   64|   
#   65|               if strstr "$_opts" "subvol=" \
#   66|->                 && [ "${root#block:}" -ef "$_dev" ] \
#   67|                   && [ -n "$rflags" ]; then
#   68|                   # for btrfs subvolumes we have to mount /usr with the same rflags

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def798]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:10:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    8|   # str_replace '  one two  three  ' ' ' '_'
#    9|   str_replace() {
#   10|->     local in="$1"
#   11|       local s="$2"
#   12|       local r="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def799]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:11:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    9|   str_replace() {
#   10|       local in="$1"
#   11|->     local s="$2"
#   12|       local r="$3"
#   13|       local out=''

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def800]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:12:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   10|       local in="$1"
#   11|       local s="$2"
#   12|->     local r="$3"
#   13|       local out=''
#   14|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def801]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:13:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   11|       local s="$2"
#   12|       local r="$3"
#   13|->     local out=''
#   14|   
#   15|       while [ "${in##*"$s"*}" != "$in" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def802]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:26:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   24|   # (mimics unit_name_from_path_instance())
#   25|   dev_unit_name() {
#   26|->     local dev="$1"
#   27|   
#   28|       if command -v systemd-escape > /dev/null; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def803]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:33:23: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
#   31|       fi
#   32|   
#   33|->     if [ "$dev" = "/" -o -z "$dev" ]; then
#   34|           printf -- "-"
#   35|           return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def804]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:54:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   52|   # Set 'rd.timeout' as the systemd timeout for <dev>
#   53|   set_systemd_timeout_for_dev() {
#   54|->     local _name
#   55|       local _needreload
#   56|       local _noreload

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def805]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:55:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   53|   set_systemd_timeout_for_dev() {
#   54|       local _name
#   55|->     local _needreload
#   56|       local _noreload
#   57|       local _timeout

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def806]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:56:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   54|       local _name
#   55|       local _needreload
#   56|->     local _noreload
#   57|       local _timeout
#   58|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def807]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:57:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   55|       local _needreload
#   56|       local _noreload
#   57|->     local _timeout
#   58|   
#   59|       [ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def808]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:104:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  102|   # if the device <dev> is recognized by the system.
#  103|   wait_for_dev() {
#  104|->     local _name
#  105|       local _noreload
#  106|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def809]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:105:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  103|   wait_for_dev() {
#  104|       local _name
#  105|->     local _noreload
#  106|   
#  107|       if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def810]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:114:59: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  112|       _name="$(str_replace "$1" '/' '\x2f')"
#  113|   
#  114|->     type mark_hostonly > /dev/null 2>&1 && mark_hostonly "$hookdir/initqueue/finished/devexists-${_name}.sh"
#  115|   
#  116|       [ -e "${PREFIX}$hookdir/initqueue/finished/devexists-${_name}.sh" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def811]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-dev-lib.sh:129:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  127|   
#  128|   cancel_wait_for_dev() {
#  129|->     local _name
#  130|       _name="$(str_replace "$1" '/' '\x2f')"
#  131|       rm -f -- "$hookdir/initqueue/finished/devexists-${_name}.sh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def812]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:8:35: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#    6|   export NEWROOT
#    7|   if [ -n "$NEWROOT" ]; then
#    8|->     [ -d "$NEWROOT" ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 "$NEWROOT"
#    9|   fi
#   10|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def813]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:14:18: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   12|   if [ -z "$PREFIX" ]; then
#   13|       if ! [ -d /run/initramfs ]; then
#   14|->         mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/initramfs/log
#   15|           ln -sfn /run/initramfs/log /var/log
#   16|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def814]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:18:34: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   16|       fi
#   17|   
#   18|->     [ -d /run/lock ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/lock
#   19|       [ -d /run/log ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/log
#   20|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def815]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:19:33: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   17|   
#   18|       [ -d /run/lock ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/lock
#   19|->     [ -d /run/log ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/log
#   20|   fi
#   21|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def816]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:40:15: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   38|   strglob() {
#   39|       # shellcheck disable=SC2295
#   40|->     [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##$2}" ]
#   41|   }
#   42|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def817]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:48:15: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#   46|   strglobin() {
#   47|       # shellcheck disable=SC2295
#   48|->     [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##*$2*}" ]
#   49|   }
#   50|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def818]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:62:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   60|   
#   61|   trim() {
#   62|->     local var="$*"
#   63|       var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading whitespace characters
#   64|       var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" # remove trailing whitespace characters

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def819]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:109:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  107|   
#  108|   killall_proc_mountpoint() {
#  109|->     local _pid
#  110|       local _killed=0
#  111|       for _pid in /proc/*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def820]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:110:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  108|   killall_proc_mountpoint() {
#  109|       local _pid
#  110|->     local _killed=0
#  111|       for _pid in /proc/*; do
#  112|           _pid=${_pid##/proc/}

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def821]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:127:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  125|   
#  126|   getcmdline() {
#  127|->     local _line
#  128|       local _i
#  129|       local CMDLINE_ETC_D

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def822]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:128:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  126|   getcmdline() {
#  127|       local _line
#  128|->     local _i
#  129|       local CMDLINE_ETC_D
#  130|       local CMDLINE_ETC

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def823]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:129:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  127|       local _line
#  128|       local _i
#  129|->     local CMDLINE_ETC_D
#  130|       local CMDLINE_ETC
#  131|       local CMDLINE_PROC

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def824]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:130:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  128|       local _i
#  129|       local CMDLINE_ETC_D
#  130|->     local CMDLINE_ETC
#  131|       local CMDLINE_PROC
#  132|       unset _line

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def825]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:131:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  129|       local CMDLINE_ETC_D
#  130|       local CMDLINE_ETC
#  131|->     local CMDLINE_PROC
#  132|       unset _line
#  133|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def826]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:156:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  154|   getarg() {
#  155|       debug_off
#  156|->     local _deprecated _newoption
#  157|       CMDLINE=$(getcmdline)
#  158|       export CMDLINE

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def827]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:229:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  227|   #   false: rd.info=0, rd.info=off, rd.info not present (default val is 0)
#  228|   getargbool() {
#  229|->     local _b
#  230|       unset _b
#  231|       local _default

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def828]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:231:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  229|       local _b
#  230|       unset _b
#  231|->     local _default
#  232|       _default="$1"
#  233|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def829]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:257:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  255|   # <defaultval> should be with [minval -maxval].
#  256|   getargnum() {
#  257|->     local _b
#  258|       unset _b
#  259|       local _default _min _max

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def830]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:259:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  257|       local _b
#  258|       unset _b
#  259|->     local _default _min _max
#  260|       _default="$1"
#  261|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def831]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:278:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  276|       CMDLINE=$(getcmdline)
#  277|       export CMDLINE
#  278|->     local _val _i _gfound _deprecated
#  279|       unset _val
#  280|       unset _gfound

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def832]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:322:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  320|   # sha256
#  321|   getoptcomma() {
#  322|->     local line=",$1,"
#  323|       local opt="$2"
#  324|       local tmp

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def833]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:323:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  321|   getoptcomma() {
#  322|       local line=",$1,"
#  323|->     local opt="$2"
#  324|       local tmp
#  325|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def834]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:324:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  322|       local line=",$1,"
#  323|       local opt="$2"
#  324|->     local tmp
#  325|   
#  326|       case "${line}" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def835]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:352:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  350|   splitsep() {
#  351|       debug_off
#  352|->     local sep="$1"
#  353|       local str="$2"
#  354|       shift 2

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def836]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:353:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  351|       debug_off
#  352|       local sep="$1"
#  353|->     local str="$2"
#  354|       shift 2
#  355|       local tmp

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def837]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:355:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  353|       local str="$2"
#  354|       shift 2
#  355|->     local tmp
#  356|   
#  357|       while [ -n "$str" -a "$#" -gt 1 ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def838]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:357:23: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  355|       local tmp
#  356|   
#  357|->     while [ -n "$str" -a "$#" -gt 1 ]; do
#  358|           tmp="${str%%"$sep"*}"
#  359|           eval "$1='${tmp}'"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def839]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:364:17: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
#  362|           shift
#  363|       done
#  364|->     [ -n "$str" -a -n "$1" ] && eval "$1='$str'"
#  365|       debug_on
#  366|       return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def840]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:388:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  386|   
#  387|   source_all() {
#  388|->     local f
#  389|       local _dir
#  390|       _dir=$1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def841]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:389:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  387|   source_all() {
#  388|       local f
#  389|->     local _dir
#  390|       _dir=$1
#  391|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def842]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:406:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  404|   
#  405|   source_hook() {
#  406|->     local _dir
#  407|       _dir=$1
#  408|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def843]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:413:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  411|   
#  412|   check_finished() {
#  413|->     local f rc=0
#  414|       for f in "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/*.sh; do
#  415|           [ "$f" = "$hookdir/initqueue/finished/*.sh" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def844]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:427:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  425|   
#  426|   source_conf() {
#  427|->     local f
#  428|       [ "$1" ] && [ -d "/$1" ] || return
#  429|       # shellcheck disable=SC1090

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def845]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:475:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  473|       # Count the number of times the character $ch occurs in $str
#  474|       # Return 0 if the count matches the expected number, 1 otherwise
#  475|->     local str="$1"
#  476|       local ch="$2"
#  477|       local expected="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def846]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:476:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  474|       # Return 0 if the count matches the expected number, 1 otherwise
#  475|       local str="$1"
#  476|->     local ch="$2"
#  477|       local expected="$3"
#  478|       local count=0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def847]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:477:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  475|       local str="$1"
#  476|       local ch="$2"
#  477|->     local expected="$3"
#  478|       local count=0
#  479|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def848]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:478:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  476|       local ch="$2"
#  477|       local expected="$3"
#  478|->     local count=0
#  479|   
#  480|       while [ "${str#*"$ch"}" != "${str}" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def849]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:490:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  488|   incol2() {
#  489|       debug_off
#  490|->     local check
#  491|       local file="$1"
#  492|       local str="$2"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def850]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:491:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  489|       debug_off
#  490|       local check
#  491|->     local file="$1"
#  492|       local str="$2"
#  493|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def851]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:492:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  490|       local check
#  491|       local file="$1"
#  492|->     local str="$2"
#  493|   
#  494|       [ -z "$file" ] && return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def852]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:509:61: warning[SC2154]: settle_exit_if_exists is referenced but not assigned.
#  507|   udevsettle() {
#  508|       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
#  509|->     udevadm settle --exit-if-exists=$hookdir/initqueue/work $settle_exit_if_exists
#  510|   }
#  511|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def853]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:519:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  517|   
#  518|   find_mount() {
#  519|->     local dev wanted_dev
#  520|       wanted_dev="$(readlink -e -q "$1")"
#  521|       while read -r dev _ || [ -n "$dev" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def854]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:573:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  571|   
#  572|   label_uuid_to_dev() {
#  573|->     local _dev
#  574|       _dev="${1#block:}"
#  575|       case "$_dev" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def855]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:607:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  605|   # /mnt/cdrom2
#  606|   funiq() {
#  607|->     local dir="$1"
#  608|       local prefix="$2"
#  609|       local i=0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def856]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:608:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  606|   funiq() {
#  607|       local dir="$1"
#  608|->     local prefix="$2"
#  609|       local i=0
#  610|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def857]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:609:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  607|       local dir="$1"
#  608|       local prefix="$2"
#  609|->     local i=0
#  610|   
#  611|       [ -d "${dir}" ] || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def858]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:625:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  623|   # mkuniqdir subdir new_dir_name
#  624|   mkuniqdir() {
#  625|->     local dir="$1"
#  626|       local prefix="$2"
#  627|       local retdir

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def859]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:626:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  624|   mkuniqdir() {
#  625|       local dir="$1"
#  626|->     local prefix="$2"
#  627|       local retdir
#  628|       local retdir_new

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def860]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:627:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  625|       local dir="$1"
#  626|       local prefix="$2"
#  627|->     local retdir
#  628|       local retdir_new
#  629|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def861]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:628:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  626|       local prefix="$2"
#  627|       local retdir
#  628|->     local retdir_new
#  629|   
#  630|       [ -d "${dir}" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${dir}" || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def862]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:630:30: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  628|       local retdir_new
#  629|   
#  630|->     [ -d "${dir}" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${dir}" || return 1
#  631|   
#  632|       retdir=$(funiq "${dir}" "${prefix}") || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def863]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:648:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  646|   # copytree SRC DEST
#  647|   copytree() {
#  648|->     local src="$1" dest="$2"
#  649|       [ -d "$src" ] || return 1
#  650|       mkdir -p "$dest" || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def864]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:679:22: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  677|       cd /dev/disk/by-uuid || return 1
#  678|   
#  679|->     [ "$1" = -p ] && local prefix="$2" && shift 2
#  680|       local cmd="$1"
#  681|       shift

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def865]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:680:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  678|   
#  679|       [ "$1" = -p ] && local prefix="$2" && shift 2
#  680|->     local cmd="$1"
#  681|       shift
#  682|       local uuids_list="$*"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def866]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:682:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  680|       local cmd="$1"
#  681|       shift
#  682|->     local uuids_list="$*"
#  683|       local uuid
#  684|       local full_uuid

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def867]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:683:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  681|       shift
#  682|       local uuids_list="$*"
#  683|->     local uuid
#  684|       local full_uuid
#  685|       local ___

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def868]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:684:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  682|       local uuids_list="$*"
#  683|       local uuid
#  684|->     local full_uuid
#  685|       local ___
#  686|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def869]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:685:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  683|       local uuid
#  684|       local full_uuid
#  685|->     local ___
#  686|   
#  687|       [ -n "${cmd}" ] || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def870]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:716:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  714|   #   /dev/sdf3
#  715|   devnames() {
#  716|->     local dev="$1"
#  717|       local d
#  718|       local names

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def871]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:717:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  715|   devnames() {
#  716|       local dev="$1"
#  717|->     local d
#  718|       local names
#  719|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def872]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:718:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  716|       local dev="$1"
#  717|       local d
#  718|->     local names
#  719|   
#  720|       case "$dev" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def873]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:742:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  740|   
#  741|   usable_root() {
#  742|->     local _i
#  743|   
#  744|       [ -d "$1" ] || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def874]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:758:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  756|   
#  757|   inst_hook() {
#  758|->     local _hookname _unique _name _job _exe
#  759|       while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
#  760|           case "$1" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def875]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:809:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  807|   # which executes <script> as soon as <mountpoint> is mounted.
#  808|   inst_mount_hook() {
#  809|->     local _prio="$2" _jobname="$3" _script="$4"
#  810|       local _hookname
#  811|       _hookname="mount-$(str_replace "$1" '/' '\\x2f')"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def876]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:810:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  808|   inst_mount_hook() {
#  809|       local _prio="$2" _jobname="$3" _script="$4"
#  810|->     local _hookname
#  811|       _hookname="mount-$(str_replace "$1" '/' '\\x2f')"
#  812|       [ -d "$hookdir/${_hookname}" ] || mkdir -p "$hookdir/${_hookname}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def877]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:822:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  820|   # if <mountpoint> is mounted.
#  821|   wait_for_mount() {
#  822|->     local _name
#  823|       _name="$(str_replace "$1" '/' '\\x2f')"
#  824|       printf '. /lib/dracut-lib.sh\nismounted "%s"\n' "$1" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def878]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:834:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  832|   killproc() {
#  833|       debug_off
#  834|->     local _exe
#  835|       _exe="$(command -v "$1")"
#  836|       local _sig="$2"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def879]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:836:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  834|       local _exe
#  835|       _exe="$(command -v "$1")"
#  836|->     local _sig="$2"
#  837|       local _i
#  838|       [ -x "$_exe" ] || return 1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def880]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:837:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  835|       _exe="$(command -v "$1")"
#  836|       local _sig="$2"
#  837|->     local _i
#  838|       [ -x "$_exe" ] || return 1
#  839|       for _i in /proc/[0-9]*; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def881]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:841:46: warning[SC3013]: In POSIX sh, -ef is undefined.
#  839|       for _i in /proc/[0-9]*; do
#  840|           [ "$_i" = "/proc/1" ] && continue
#  841|->         if [ -e "$_i"/_exe ] && [ "$_i/_exe" -ef "$_exe" ]; then
#  842|               kill "$_sig" "${_i##*/}"
#  843|           fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def882]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:883:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  881|       pidof() {
#  882|           debug_off
#  883|->         local _cmd
#  884|           local _exe
#  885|           local _rl

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def883]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:884:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  882|           debug_off
#  883|           local _cmd
#  884|->         local _exe
#  885|           local _rl
#  886|           local _ret=1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def884]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:885:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  883|           local _cmd
#  884|           local _exe
#  885|->         local _rl
#  886|           local _ret=1
#  887|           local i

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def885]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:886:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  884|           local _exe
#  885|           local _rl
#  886|->         local _ret=1
#  887|           local i
#  888|           _cmd="$1"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def886]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:887:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  885|           local _rl
#  886|           local _ret=1
#  887|->         local i
#  888|           _cmd="$1"
#  889|           if [ -z "$_cmd" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def887]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:897:24: warning[SC3013]: In POSIX sh, -ef is undefined.
#  895|               [ -e "$i" ] || continue
#  896|               if [ -n "$_exe" ]; then
#  897|->                 [ "$i" -ef "$_exe" ] || continue
#  898|               else
#  899|                   _rl=$(readlink -f "$i")

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def888]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:912:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  910|   
#  911|   _emergency_shell() {
#  912|->     local _name="$1"
#  913|       if [ -n "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then
#  914|           : > /.console_lock

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def889]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:953:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  951|   
#  952|   emergency_shell() {
#  953|->     local _ctty
#  954|       set +e
#  955|       local _rdshell_name="dracut" action="Boot" hook="emergency"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def890]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:955:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  953|       local _ctty
#  954|       set +e
#  955|->     local _rdshell_name="dracut" action="Boot" hook="emergency"
#  956|       local _emergency_action
#  957|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def891]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:956:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  954|       set +e
#  955|       local _rdshell_name="dracut" action="Boot" hook="emergency"
#  956|->     local _emergency_action
#  957|   
#  958|       if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def892]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1002:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1000|   # This is a POSIX-compliant equivalent of bash's "export -n"
# 1001|   export_n() {
# 1002|->     local var
# 1003|       local val
# 1004|       for var in "$@"; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def893]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1003:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1001|   export_n() {
# 1002|       local var
# 1003|->     local val
# 1004|       for var in "$@"; do
# 1005|           eval val=\$$var

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def894]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1019:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1017|   # $4 = ignore values, separated by $1
# 1018|   listlist() {
# 1019|->     local _sep="$1"
# 1020|       local _list="${_sep}${2}${_sep}"
# 1021|       local _sublist="$3"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def895]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1020:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1018|   listlist() {
# 1019|       local _sep="$1"
# 1020|->     local _list="${_sep}${2}${_sep}"
# 1021|       local _sublist="$3"
# 1022|       [ -n "$4" ] && local _iglist="${_sep}${4}${_sep}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def896]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1021:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1019|       local _sep="$1"
# 1020|       local _list="${_sep}${2}${_sep}"
# 1021|->     local _sublist="$3"
# 1022|       [ -n "$4" ] && local _iglist="${_sep}${4}${_sep}"
# 1023|       local IFS="$_sep"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def897]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1022:20: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1020|       local _list="${_sep}${2}${_sep}"
# 1021|       local _sublist="$3"
# 1022|->     [ -n "$4" ] && local _iglist="${_sep}${4}${_sep}"
# 1023|       local IFS="$_sep"
# 1024|       local _v

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def898]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1023:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1021|       local _sublist="$3"
# 1022|       [ -n "$4" ] && local _iglist="${_sep}${4}${_sep}"
# 1023|->     local IFS="$_sep"
# 1024|       local _v
# 1025|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def899]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1024:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1022|       [ -n "$4" ] && local _iglist="${_sep}${4}${_sep}"
# 1023|       local IFS="$_sep"
# 1024|->     local _v
# 1025|   
# 1026|       [ "$_list" = "$_sublist" ] && return 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def900]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1059:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1057|   # parameters: func log_level prefix msg [trace_level:trace]...
# 1058|   make_trace_mem() {
# 1059|->     local log_level prefix msg msg_printed
# 1060|       local trace trace_level trace_in_higher_levels insert_trace
# 1061|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def901]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1060:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1058|   make_trace_mem() {
# 1059|       local log_level prefix msg msg_printed
# 1060|->     local trace trace_level trace_in_higher_levels insert_trace
# 1061|   
# 1062|       msg=$1

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def902]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/dracut-lib.sh:1147:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
# 1145|   # modprobe fails if /lib/modules is not available (--no-kernel use case)
# 1146|   load_fstype() {
# 1147|->     local - fs _fs="${2:-$1}"
# 1148|       set +x
# 1149|       while read -r d fs || [ "$d" ]; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def903]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:12:29: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   10|   
#   11|   NEWROOT="/sysroot"
#   12|-> [ -d $NEWROOT ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 $NEWROOT
#   13|   
#   14|   OLDPATH=$PATH

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def904]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:54:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   52|   
#   53|   if ! ismounted /dev/pts; then
#   54|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /dev/pts
#   55|       mount -t devpts -o gid=5,mode=620,noexec,nosuid devpts /dev/pts > /dev/null
#   56|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def905]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:59:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   57|   
#   58|   if ! ismounted /dev/shm; then
#   59|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /dev/shm
#   60|       mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,noexec,nosuid,nodev,strictatime tmpfs /dev/shm > /dev/null
#   61|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def906]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:64:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   62|   
#   63|   if ! ismounted /run; then
#   64|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p /newrun
#   65|       if ! str_starts "$(readlink -f /bin/sh)" "/run/"; then
#   66|           mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,noexec,nosuid,nodev,strictatime tmpfs /newrun > /dev/null

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def907]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:82:27: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   80|               case $type in
#   81|                   d)
#   82|->                     mkdir -m "$mode" -p "$file"
#   83|                       ;;
#   84|                   c)

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def908]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:94:30: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   92|   
#   93|   export UDEVRULESD=/run/udev/rules.d
#   94|-> [ -d /run/udev ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/udev
#   95|   [ -d "$UDEVRULESD" ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 "$UDEVRULESD"
#   96|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def909]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:95:34: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   93|   export UDEVRULESD=/run/udev/rules.d
#   94|   [ -d /run/udev ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 /run/udev
#   95|-> [ -d "$UDEVRULESD" ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 "$UDEVRULESD"
#   96|   
#   97|   if [ "$RD_DEBUG" = "yes" ]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def910]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:112:19: warning[SC3045]: In POSIX sh, read -p is undefined.
#  110|   if getarg "rd.cmdline=ask"; then
#  111|       echo "Enter additional kernel command line parameter (end with ctrl-d or .)"
#  112|->     while read -r -p "> " ${BASH:+-e} line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
#  113|           [ "$line" = "." ] && break
#  114|           echo "$line" >> /etc/cmdline.d/99-cmdline-ask.conf

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def911]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:144:21: warning[SC2154]: systemdutildir is referenced but not assigned.
#  142|   
#  143|   # start up udev and trigger cold plugs
#  144|-> UDEV_LOG=$UDEV_LOG "$systemdutildir"/systemd-udevd --daemon --resolve-names=never
#  145|   
#  146|   UDEV_QUEUE_EMPTY="udevadm settle --timeout=0"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def912]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:148:23: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  146|   UDEV_QUEUE_EMPTY="udevadm settle --timeout=0"
#  147|   
#  148|-> udevproperty "hookdir=$hookdir"
#  149|   
#  150|   make_trace_mem "hook pre-trigger" '1:shortmem' '2+:mem' '3+:slab'

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def913]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/init.sh:360:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#  358|   if ! [ -d "$NEWROOT"/run ]; then
#  359|       NEWRUN=/dev/.initramfs
#  360|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "$NEWRUN"
#  361|       mount --rbind /run/initramfs "$NEWRUN"
#  362|   fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def914]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/initqueue.sh:70:28: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   68|   } > "/tmp/$$-${job}.sh"
#   69|   
#   70|-> mv -f "/tmp/$$-${job}.sh" "$hookdir/initqueue${qname}/${job}.sh"
#   71|   [ -z "$qname" ] && : >> "$hookdir"/initqueue/work
#   72|   exit 0

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def915]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:22:18: warning[SC2154]: dracutbasedir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       inst_multiple -o findmnt less kmod
#   21|   
#   22|->     inst_binary "${dracutbasedir}/dracut-util" "/usr/bin/dracut-util"
#   23|   
#   24|       ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getarg"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def916]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:24:24: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   22|       inst_binary "${dracutbasedir}/dracut-util" "/usr/bin/dracut-util"
#   23|   
#   24|->     ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getarg"
#   25|       ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getargs"
#   26|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def917]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:36:22: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   34|       [[ $hostonly ]] && pwshadow='x'
#   35|       grep '^root:' "$initdir/etc/passwd" > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "root:$pwshadow:0:0::/root:/bin/sh" >> "$initdir/etc/passwd"
#   36|->     grep '^nobody:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/passwd >> "$initdir/etc/passwd"
#   37|   
#   38|       [[ $hostonly ]] && grep '^root:' "$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/shadow >> "$initdir/etc/shadow"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def918]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:41:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   39|   
#   40|       # install our scripts and hooks
#   41|->     inst_script "$moddir/init.sh" "/init"
#   42|       inst_script "$moddir/initqueue.sh" "/sbin/initqueue"
#   43|       inst_script "$moddir/loginit.sh" "/sbin/loginit"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def919]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:46:38: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   44|       inst_script "$moddir/rdsosreport.sh" "/sbin/rdsosreport"
#   45|   
#   46|->     [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   47|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   48|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def920]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:47:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   45|   
#   46|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   47|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   48|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   49|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def921]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:48:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   46|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   47|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   48|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   49|   
#   50|       mkdir -p "${initdir}"/tmp

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def922]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:68:11: warning[SC2154]: ro_mnt is referenced but not assigned.
#   66|   
#   67|       ln -fs /proc/self/mounts "$initdir/etc/mtab"
#   68|->     if [[ $ro_mnt == yes ]]; then
#   69|           echo ro >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/base.conf"
#   70|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def923]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:72:42: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   70|       fi
#   71|   
#   72|->     [ -e "${initdir}/usr/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/usr/lib
#   73|   
#   74|       local VERSION=""

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def924]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:109:11: warning[SC2154]: hostonly_cmdline is referenced but not assigned.
#  107|   
#  108|       ## save host_devs which we need bring up
#  109|->     if [[ $hostonly_cmdline == "yes" ]]; then
#  110|           if [[ -n ${host_devs[*]} ]]; then
#  111|               dracut_need_initqueue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def925]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:125:35: warning[SC2154]: root_devs is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'host_devs'?).
#  123|   
#  124|                   for _dev in "${host_devs[@]}"; do
#  125|->                     for _dev2 in "${root_devs[@]}"; do
#  126|                           [[ $_dev == "$_dev2" ]] && continue 2
#  127|                       done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def926]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99base/module-setup.sh:132:35: warning[SC2154]: swap_devs is referenced but not assigned.
#  130|                       # for resume and udev rules generated when parsing resume=
#  131|                       # argument take care of the waiting for us
#  132|->                     for _dev2 in "${swap_devs[@]}"; do
#  133|                           [[ $_dev == "$_dev2" ]] && continue 2
#  134|                       done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def927]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:100:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   98|   # common code for checkers that follow usual subset of options and return codes
#   99|   fsck_drv_com() {
#  100|->     local _drv="$1"
#  101|       local _ret
#  102|       local _out

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def928]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:101:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   99|   fsck_drv_com() {
#  100|       local _drv="$1"
#  101|->     local _ret
#  102|       local _out
#  103|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def929]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:102:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  100|       local _drv="$1"
#  101|       local _ret
#  102|->     local _out
#  103|   
#  104|       if ! strglobin "$_fop" "-[ynap]"; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def930]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:120:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  118|   # code for generic fsck, if the filesystem checked is "unknown" to us
#  119|   fsck_drv_std() {
#  120|->     local _ret
#  121|       local _out
#  122|       unset _out

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def931]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:121:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  119|   fsck_drv_std() {
#  120|       local _ret
#  121|->     local _out
#  122|       unset _out
#  123|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def932]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:143:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  141|   # necessary tools or insufficient options)
#  142|   fsck_single() {
#  143|->     local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  144|       local _dev="$1"
#  145|       local _fs="${2:-auto}"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def933]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:144:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  142|   fsck_single() {
#  143|       local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  144|->     local _dev="$1"
#  145|       local _fs="${2:-auto}"
#  146|       local _fop="$4"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def934]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:145:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  143|       local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  144|       local _dev="$1"
#  145|->     local _fs="${2:-auto}"
#  146|       local _fop="$4"
#  147|       local _drv

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def935]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:146:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  144|       local _dev="$1"
#  145|       local _fs="${2:-auto}"
#  146|->     local _fop="$4"
#  147|       local _drv
#  148|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def936]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:147:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  145|       local _fs="${2:-auto}"
#  146|       local _fop="$4"
#  147|->     local _drv
#  148|   
#  149|       [ $# -lt 2 ] && return 255

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def937]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:164:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  162|   # checking based on fstab, so empty one is passed
#  163|   fsck_batch() {
#  164|->     local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  165|       local _drv=fsck
#  166|       local _dev

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def938]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:165:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  163|   fsck_batch() {
#  164|       local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  165|->     local _drv=fsck
#  166|       local _dev
#  167|       local _ret

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def939]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:166:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  164|       local FSTAB_FILE=/etc/fstab.empty
#  165|       local _drv=fsck
#  166|->     local _dev
#  167|       local _ret
#  168|       local _out

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def940]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:167:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  165|       local _drv=fsck
#  166|       local _dev
#  167|->     local _ret
#  168|       local _out
#  169|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def941]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:168:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  166|       local _dev
#  167|       local _ret
#  168|->     local _out
#  169|   
#  170|       [ $# -eq 0 ] || ! type fsck > /dev/null 2>&1 && return 255

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def942]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:190:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  188|   # if we found the fs, assume we're right
#  189|   det_fs() {
#  190|->     local _dev="$1"
#  191|       local _orig="${2:-auto}"
#  192|       local _fs

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def943]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:191:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  189|   det_fs() {
#  190|       local _dev="$1"
#  191|->     local _orig="${2:-auto}"
#  192|       local _fs
#  193|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def944]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:192:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  190|       local _dev="$1"
#  191|       local _orig="${2:-auto}"
#  192|->     local _fs
#  193|   
#  194|       _fs=$(udevadm info --query=property --name="$_dev" \

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def945]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:210:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  208|   
#  209|   write_fs_tab() {
#  210|->     local _o
#  211|       local _rw
#  212|       local _root

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def946]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:211:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  209|   write_fs_tab() {
#  210|       local _o
#  211|->     local _rw
#  212|       local _root
#  213|       local _rootfstype

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def947]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:212:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  210|       local _o
#  211|       local _rw
#  212|->     local _root
#  213|       local _rootfstype
#  214|       local _rootflags

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def948]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:213:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  211|       local _rw
#  212|       local _root
#  213|->     local _rootfstype
#  214|       local _rootflags
#  215|       local _fspassno

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def949]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:214:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  212|       local _root
#  213|       local _rootfstype
#  214|->     local _rootflags
#  215|       local _fspassno
#  216|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def950]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/fs-lib.sh:215:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  213|       local _rootfstype
#  214|       local _rootflags
#  215|->     local _fspassno
#  216|   
#  217|       _fspassno="0"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def951]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/module-setup.sh:64:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   62|       local _helpers
#   63|   
#   64|->     inst "$moddir/fs-lib.sh" "/lib/fs-lib.sh"
#   65|       : > "${initdir}"/etc/fstab.empty
#   66|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def952]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/module-setup.sh:65:10: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   63|   
#   64|       inst "$moddir/fs-lib.sh" "/lib/fs-lib.sh"
#   65|->     : > "${initdir}"/etc/fstab.empty
#   66|   
#   67|       [[ $nofscks == "yes" ]] && return

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def953]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/module-setup.sh:67:8: warning[SC2154]: nofscks is referenced but not assigned.
#   65|       : > "${initdir}"/etc/fstab.empty
#   66|   
#   67|->     [[ $nofscks == "yes" ]] && return
#   68|   
#   69|       if [[ $fscks == "${fscks#*[^ ]*}" ]]; then

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def954]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/module-setup.sh:69:11: warning[SC2154]: fscks is referenced but not assigned.
#   67|       [[ $nofscks == "yes" ]] && return
#   68|   
#   69|->     if [[ $fscks == "${fscks#*[^ ]*}" ]]; then
#   70|           _helpers=(
#   71|               /sbin/fsck* /usr/sbin/fsck*

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def955]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99fs-lib/module-setup.sh:84:50: warning[SC2154]: dracutsysrootdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   82|       _helpers+=(umount mount)
#   83|   
#   84|->     if [[ ${_helpers[*]} == *e2fsck* ]] && [[ -e $dracutsysrootdir/etc/e2fsck.conf ]]; then
#   85|           inst_simple /etc/e2fsck.conf
#   86|       fi

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def956]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:10:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    8|   det_archive() {
#    9|       # NOTE: internal echo -e works in ash and bash, but not dash
#   10|->     local bz xz gz zs
#   11|       local headerblock
#   12|       bz="BZh"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def957]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:11:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#    9|       # NOTE: internal echo -e works in ash and bash, but not dash
#   10|       local bz xz gz zs
#   11|->     local headerblock
#   12|       bz="BZh"
#   13|       # shellcheck disable=SC3037

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def958]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:32:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   30|   # determine filesystem type for a filesystem image
#   31|   det_fs_img() {
#   32|->     local dev
#   33|       dev=$(losetup --find --show "$1") rv=""
#   34|       det_fs "$dev"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def959]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:43:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   41|   # unpack a (possibly compressed) cpio/tar archive
#   42|   unpack_archive() {
#   43|->     local img="$1" outdir="$2" archiver="" decompr=""
#   44|       local ft
#   45|       ft="$(det_archive "$img")"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def960]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:44:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   42|   unpack_archive() {
#   43|       local img="$1" outdir="$2" archiver="" decompr=""
#   44|->     local ft
#   45|       ft="$(det_archive "$img")"
#   46|       case "$ft" in

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def961]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:67:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   65|   # unpack a filesystem image
#   66|   unpack_fs() {
#   67|->     local img="$1" outdir="$2"
#   68|       local mnt
#   69|       mnt="$(mkuniqdir /tmp unpack_fs.)"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def962]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:68:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   66|   unpack_fs() {
#   67|       local img="$1" outdir="$2"
#   68|->     local mnt
#   69|       mnt="$(mkuniqdir /tmp unpack_fs.)"
#   70|       mount -o loop "$img" "$mnt" || {

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def963]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/img-lib.sh:87:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   85|   # unpack_img IMAGEFILE OUTDIR
#   86|   unpack_img() {
#   87|->     local img="$1" outdir="$2"
#   88|       [ -r "$img" ] || {
#   89|           warn "can't read img!"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def964]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99img-lib/module-setup.sh:20:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   18|       # TODO: make this conditional on a cmdline flag / config option
#   19|       inst_multiple -o cpio xz bzip2 zstd
#   20|->     inst_simple "$moddir/img-lib.sh" "/lib/img-lib.sh"
#   21|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def965]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99memstrack/module-setup.sh:22:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       inst "/bin/memstrack" "/bin/memstrack"
#   21|   
#   22|->     inst "$moddir/memstrack-start.sh" "/bin/memstrack-start"
#   23|       inst_hook cleanup 99 "$moddir/memstrack-report.sh"
#   24|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def966]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99memstrack/module-setup.sh:25:39: warning[SC2154]: systemdsystemunitdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   23|       inst_hook cleanup 99 "$moddir/memstrack-report.sh"
#   24|   
#   25|->     inst "$moddir/memstrack.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/memstrack.service"
#   26|   
#   27|       $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target memstrack.service

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def967]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99memstrack/module-setup.sh:27:27: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   25|       inst "$moddir/memstrack.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/memstrack.service"
#   26|   
#   27|->     $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target memstrack.service
#   28|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def968]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:19:11: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   17|       inst_multiple umount poweroff reboot halt losetup stat sleep timeout
#   18|       inst_multiple -o kexec
#   19|->     inst "$moddir/shutdown.sh" "$prefix/shutdown"
#   20|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def969]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:19:33: warning[SC2154]: prefix is referenced but not assigned.
#   17|       inst_multiple umount poweroff reboot halt losetup stat sleep timeout
#   18|       inst_multiple -o kexec
#   19|->     inst "$moddir/shutdown.sh" "$prefix/shutdown"
#   20|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def970]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:20:11: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   18|       inst_multiple -o kexec
#   19|       inst "$moddir/shutdown.sh" "$prefix/shutdown"
#   20|->     [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   22|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def971]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:20:38: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   18|       inst_multiple -o kexec
#   19|       inst "$moddir/shutdown.sh" "$prefix/shutdown"
#   20|->     [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   22|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def972]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:21:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   19|       inst "$moddir/shutdown.sh" "$prefix/shutdown"
#   20|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   22|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   23|       for _d in $hookdirs shutdown shutdown-emergency; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def973]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:22:11: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   20|       [ -e "${initdir}/lib" ] || mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   22|->     mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   23|       for _d in $hookdirs shutdown shutdown-emergency; do
#   24|           mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks/"$_d"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def974]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:23:15: warning[SC2154]: hookdirs is referenced but not assigned.
#   21|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut
#   22|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   23|->     for _d in $hookdirs shutdown shutdown-emergency; do
#   24|           mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks/"$_d"
#   25|       done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-277): [#def975]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh:24:15: warning[SC2174]: When used with -p, -m only applies to the deepest directory.
#   22|       mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks
#   23|       for _d in $hookdirs shutdown shutdown-emergency; do
#   24|->         mkdir -m 0755 -p "${initdir}"/lib/dracut/hooks/"$_d"
#   25|       done
#   26|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def976]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:56:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   54|   
#   55|   umount_a() {
#   56|->     local _verbose="n"
#   57|       if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then
#   58|           _verbose="y"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def977]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:65:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   63|       fi
#   64|   
#   65|->     local _did_umount="n"
#   66|       while read -r _ mp _ || [ -n "$mp" ]; do
#   67|           strstr "$mp" oldroot || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def978]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:78:9: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#   76|               timeout --signal=KILL "$_umount_timeout" umount "$mp"
#   77|           ) 2>&7
#   78|->         local ret=$?
#   79|           if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
#   80|               _did_umount="y"

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def979]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:131:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  129|   
#  130|   _check_shutdown() {
#  131|->     local __f
#  132|       local __s=0
#  133|       for __f in "$hookdir"/shutdown/*.sh; do

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING: [#def980]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:132:5: warning[SC3043]: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
#  130|   _check_shutdown() {
#  131|       local __f
#  132|->     local __s=0
#  133|       for __f in "$hookdir"/shutdown/*.sh; do
#  134|           [ -e "$__f" ] || continue

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def981]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99shutdown/shutdown.sh:133:17: warning[SC2154]: hookdir is referenced but not assigned.
#  131|       local __f
#  132|       local __s=0
#  133|->     for __f in "$hookdir"/shutdown/*.sh; do
#  134|           [ -e "$__f" ] || continue
#  135|           # shellcheck disable=SC1090 disable=SC2240

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def982]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99squash/module-setup.sh:21:15: warning[SC2154]: initdir is referenced but not assigned.
#   19|       # Move everything under $initdir except $squash_dir
#   20|       # itself into squash image
#   21|->     for i in "$initdir"/*; do
#   22|           [[ $squash_dir == "$i"/* ]] || mv "$i" "$squash_dir"/
#   23|       done

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def983]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99squash/module-setup.sh:22:12: warning[SC2154]: squash_dir is referenced but not assigned.
#   20|       # itself into squash image
#   21|       for i in "$initdir"/*; do
#   22|->         [[ $squash_dir == "$i"/* ]] || mv "$i" "$squash_dir"/
#   23|       done
#   24|   

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def984]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99squash/module-setup.sh:58:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   56|       ln_r /usr/bin /bin
#   57|       ln_r /usr/sbin /sbin
#   58|->     inst_simple "$moddir"/init-squash.sh /init
#   59|   
#   60|       # make sure that library links are correct and up to date for squash loader

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def985]
/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99uefi-lib/module-setup.sh:16:18: warning[SC2154]: moddir is referenced but not assigned.
#   14|   # called by dracut
#   15|   install() {
#   16|->     inst_simple "$moddir/uefi-lib.sh" "/lib/uefi-lib.sh"
#   17|   }

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def986]
/usr/lib/kernel/install.d/50-dracut.install:22:5: warning[SC2034]: INITRD appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
#   20|   
#   21|   if [[ -d "$BOOT_DIR_ABS" ]]; then
#   22|->     INITRD="initrd"
#   23|   else
#   24|       # No layout information, use users --uefi/--no-uefi preference

Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def987]
/usr/lib/kernel/install.d/51-dracut-rescue.install:108:15: warning[SC2154]: dracut_rescue_image is referenced but not assigned.
#  106|           done
#  107|   
#  108|->         if [[ $dracut_rescue_image != "yes" ]]; then
#  109|               [[ $KERNEL_INSTALL_VERBOSE == 1 ]] \
#  110|                   && echo "Skipping, 'dracut_rescue_image' not set to 'yes' in any dracut configuration file"

Error: COMPILER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def988]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:148:12: warning[-Wmaybe-uninitialized]: ‘fts’ may be used uninitialized
#  148 |         if (*p)
#      |            ^
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c: scope_hint: In function ‘install_modules’
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1582:34: note: ‘fts’ was declared here
# 1582 |         _cleanup_fts_close_ FTS *fts;
#      |                                  ^~~
#  146|   static inline void fts_closep(FTS **p)
#  147|   {
#  148|->         if (*p)
#  149|                   fts_close(*p);
#  150|   }

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def989]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:202:18: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'from_dir_p'
#  200|           /* dir_len() skips double /'s e.g. //lib64, so we can't skip just one
#  201|            * character - need to skip all leading /'s */
#  202|->         for (i = dirlen + 1; from[i] == '/'; ++i)
#  203|                   ;
#  204|           _asprintf(&realfrom, "%s/%s", buf, from + i);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def990]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:215:18: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'target_dir_p'
#  213|           }
#  214|   
#  215|->         for (i = dirlen + 1; target[i] == '/'; ++i)
#  216|                   ;
#  217|           _asprintf(&realtarget, "%s/%s", buf, target + i);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def991]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:343:17: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'dest_desc' is never read
#  341|                   }
#  342|                   close(dest_desc);
#  343|->                 dest_desc = -1;
#  344|                   /* clone did not work, remove the file */
#  345|                   unlink(dst);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def992]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:411:24: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'p'
#  409|           pdir = dirname_malloc(p);
#  410|           if (!pdir)
#  411|->                 return ret;
#  412|   
#  413|           ppdir = dirname_malloc(pdir);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def993]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:531:33: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'buf'
#  529|                   fd = open(fullsrcpath, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
#  530|                   if (fd < 0)
#  531|->                         return -errno;
#  532|   
#  533|                   ret = read(fd, buf, linesize - 1);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def994]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:757:16: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'parent'
#  755|           }
#  756|   
#  757|->         return 0;
#  758|   }
#  759|   

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def995]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:757:16: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'path'
#  755|           }
#  756|   
#  757|->         return 0;
#  758|   }
#  759|   

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def996]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:795:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'fullsrcpath'
#  793|   
#  794|           if (check_hashmap(items_failed, src)) {
#  795|->                 log_debug("hash hit items_failed for '%s'", src);
#  796|                   return 1;
#  797|           }

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def997]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:860:29: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'dname'
#  858|                           if (!dname)
#  859|                                   return 1;
#  860|->                         ret = dracut_install(dname, dname, true, false, true);
#  861|   
#  862|                           if (ret != 0) {

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def998]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:868:21: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'fulldstdir'
#  866|                   }
#  867|   
#  868|->                 if (src_isdir) {
#  869|                           if (dst_exists) {
#  870|                                   if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def999]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1421:17: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ret' is never read
# 1419|                   value = kmod_module_info_get_value(l);
# 1420|                   log_debug("Firmware %s", value);
# 1421|->                 ret = -1;
# 1422|                   STRV_FOREACH(q, firmwaredirs) {
# 1423|                           _cleanup_free_ char *fwpath = NULL;

Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1000]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c: scope_hint: In function ‘find_suppliers_for_sys_node’
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1576:17: warning[-Wstringop-overflow=]: ‘strncat’ specified bound 3 equals source length
# 1574|                           closedir(d);
# 1575|                   }
# 1576|->                 strncat(node_path, "/..", 3); // Also find suppliers of parents
# 1577|           }
# 1578|   }

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def1001]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c: scope_hint: In function ‘modalias_list’
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1797:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-file-leak]: leak of FILE ‘fopen(*ftsent.fts_accpath, "r")’
# 1795|                   if (strncmp("modalias", ftsent->fts_name, 8) != 0)
# 1796|                           continue;
# 1797|->                 if (!(f = fopen(ftsent->fts_accpath, "r")))
# 1798|                           continue;
# 1799|   

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1002]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1797:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘fopen(*ftsent.fts_accpath, "r")’
# 1795|                   if (strncmp("modalias", ftsent->fts_name, 8) != 0)
# 1796|                           continue;
# 1797|->                 if (!(f = fopen(ftsent->fts_accpath, "r")))
# 1798|                           continue;
# 1799|   

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1003]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:1951:49: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'modname'
# 1949|                                           if (!arg_silent)
# 1950|                                                   log_error("3 Failed to lookup alias '%s': %d", modname, r);
# 1951|->                                         return -ENOENT;
# 1952|                                   }
# 1953|                                   log_info("3 Failed to lookup alias '%s': %d", modname, r);

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1004]
dracut-060/src/install/dracut-install.c:2217:9: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'r' is never read
# 2215|           }
# 2216|   
# 2217|->         r = EXIT_SUCCESS;
# 2218|   
# 2219|           if (((optind + 1) < argc) && (strcmp(argv[optind + 1], destrootdir) == 0)) {

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1005]
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c:416:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c:562:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘NULSTR_FOREACH’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c:562:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘NULSTR_FOREACH’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c:562:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘NULSTR_FOREACH’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
dracut-060/src/install/strv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘strv_push’
#  414|           n = strv_length(*l);
#  415|           c = realloc(*l, sizeof(char *) * (n + 2));
#  416|->         if (!c)
#  417|                   return -ENOMEM;
#  418|   

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-1341): [#def1006]
dracut-060/src/install/util.c: scope_hint: In function ‘close_nointr’
dracut-060/src/install/util.c:75:21: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-double-close]: double ‘close’ of file descriptor ‘fd’
dracut-060/src/install/util.h:40: included_from: Included from here.
dracut-060/src/install/util.c:30: included_from: Included from here.
dracut-060/src/install/macro.h:136:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert_se’
dracut-060/src/install/util.c:70:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
dracut-060/src/install/util.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
#   73|                   int r;
#   74|   
#   75|->                 r = close(fd);
#   76|                   if (r >= 0)
#   77|                           return r;

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def1007]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c: scope_hint: In function ‘next_arg’
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:70:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘args’
#   68|           char *next;
#   69|   
#   70|->         if (*args == '"') {
#   71|                   args++;
#   72|                   in_quote = 1;

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1008]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:211:29: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'cmdline'
#  209|                   cmdline = next_arg(cmdline, &key, &value);
#  210|                   if (strcmp(key, search_key) == 0) {
#  211|->                         if (value) {
#  212|                                   end_value = value;
#  213|                                   bool_value = -1;

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1009]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:211:29: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'key'
#  209|                   cmdline = next_arg(cmdline, &key, &value);
#  210|                   if (strcmp(key, search_key) == 0) {
#  211|->                         if (value) {
#  212|                                   end_value = value;
#  213|                                   bool_value = -1;

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1010]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c: scope_hint: In function ‘getarg’
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:234:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘cmdline’
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:54:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘kernel_isspace’
dracut-060/src/util/util.c: scope_hint: In function ‘getarg’
#  232|           }
#  233|   
#  234|->         if (bool_value) {
#  235|                   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
#  236|           }

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1011]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:276:37: warning[core.NonNullParamChecker]: Null pointer passed to 1st parameter expecting 'nonnull'
#  274|                   if (strcmp(key, search_key) == 0) {
#  275|                           if (search_value) {
#  276|->                                 if (strcmp(value, search_value) == 0) {
#  277|                                           printf("%s\n", value);
#  278|                                           found_value = true;

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1012]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:289:18: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'key'
#  287|                           }
#  288|                   }
#  289|->         } while (cmdline[0]);
#  290|           return found_value ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
#  291|   }

Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1013]
dracut-060/src/util/util.c:290:16: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'cmdline'
#  288|                   }
#  289|           } while (cmdline[0]);
#  290|->         return found_value ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
#  291|   }
#  292|   

Scan Properties

enabled-pluginsclang, cppcheck, gcc, shellcheck
time-created2024-04-22 10:48:00
time-finished2024-04-22 10:49:44
tool-args'/usr/bin/csmock' '-r' 'fedora-41-x86_64' '-t' 'cppcheck,gcc,clang,shellcheck' '-o' '/tmp/tmp1xbjx52o/dracut-060-1.fc41.tar.xz' '--gcc-analyze' '/tmp/tmp1xbjx52o/dracut-060-1.fc41.src.rpm'