
List of Findings

Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c:173: error[memleak]: Memory leak: base
#  171|       base->magic = CAP_IAB_MAGIC;
#  172|       base->size = sizeof(struct _cap_alloc_s);
#  173|->     return &base->u.iab;
#  174|   }
#  175|   

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def2]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c: scope_hint: In function ‘cap_iab_init’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c:173:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘base’
#  171|       base->magic = CAP_IAB_MAGIC;
#  172|       base->size = sizeof(struct _cap_alloc_s);
#  173|->     return &base->u.iab;
#  174|   }
#  175|   

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def3]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c: scope_hint: In function ‘cap_new_launcher’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c:226:16: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘data’
#  224|       attr->arg0 = arg0;
#  225|       attr->argv = argv;
#  226|->     attr->envp = envp;
#  227|       return attr;
#  228|   }

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def4]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c: scope_hint: In function ‘cap_func_launcher’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/cap_alloc.c:248:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘data’
#  246|   
#  247|       struct cap_launch_s *attr = &data->u.launcher;
#  248|->     attr->custom_setup_fn = callback_fn;
#  249|       return attr;
#  250|   }

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def5]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:5: included_from: Included from here.
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h: scope_hint: In function ‘__execable_parse_args’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h:38:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-file-leak]: leak of FILE ‘fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "rb")’
#   36|   	size_t size = 32, offset;
#   37|   	for (offset=0; ; size *= 2) {
#   38|-> 	    char *new_mem = realloc(mem, size+1);
#   39|   	    if (new_mem == NULL) {
#   40|   		perror("unable to parse arguments");

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def6]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h:38:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "rb")’
#   36|   	size_t size = 32, offset;
#   37|   	for (offset=0; ; size *= 2) {
#   38|-> 	    char *new_mem = realloc(mem, size+1);
#   39|   	    if (new_mem == NULL) {
#   40|   		perror("unable to parse arguments");

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-617): [#def7]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h:44:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-tainted-assertion]: use of attacked-controlled value in condition for assertion
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
#   42|   		    free(mem);
#   43|   		}
#   44|-> 		exit(1);
#   45|   	    }
#   46|   	    mem = new_mem;

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def8]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h:71:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘mem’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
#   69|       *argc_p = argc;
#   70|       *argv_p = argv;
#   71|-> }
#   72|   
#   73|   /*

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def9]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.h:71:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_mem’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/libcap/execable.c:40:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘SO_MAIN’
#   69|       *argc_p = argc;
#   70|       *argv_p = argv;
#   71|-> }
#   72|   
#   73|   /*

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def10]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘read_capabilities_for_user’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c:173:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument]: use of possibly-NULL ‘*<unknown>’ where non-null expected
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c:30: included_from: Included from here.
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
/usr/include/string.h:156:12: note: argument 1 of ‘strcmp’ must be non-null
#  171|   	    int i;
#  172|   	    for (i=0; i < groups_n; i++) {
#  173|-> 		if (!strcmp(groups[i], line+1)) {
#  174|   		    D(("user group matched [%s]", line));
#  175|   		    found_one = 1;

Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def11]
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘set_capabilities’
libcap-2.71-build/libcap-2.71/pam_cap/pam_cap.c:290:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument]: use of possibly-NULL ‘conf_caps’ where non-null expected
/usr/include/string.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
/usr/include/string.h:156:12: note: argument 1 of ‘strcmp’ must be non-null
#  288|   
#  289|       ssize_t conf_caps_length = strlen(conf_caps);
#  290|->     if (!strcmp(conf_caps, "all")) {
#  291|   	/*
#  292|   	 * all here is interpreted as no change/pass through, which is

Scan Properties

enabled-pluginsclippy, cppcheck, gcc, shellcheck, unicontrol
time-created2024-11-13 01:19:45
time-finished2024-11-13 01:22:19
tool-args'/usr/bin/csmock' '-r' 'fedora-rawhide-gcc-latest-x86_64' '-t' 'clippy,cppcheck,gcc,unicontrol,shellcheck' '-o' '/tmp/tmpma8qqxmx/libcap-2.71-1.fc42.tar.xz' '--gcc-analyze' '--unicontrol-notests' '--unicontrol-bidi-only' '--install=gcc-latest' '--gcc-analyzer-bin=/opt/gcc-latest/bin/gcc' '/tmp/tmpma8qqxmx/libcap-2.71-1.fc42.src.rpm'